Why are there women-only gaming tournaments?

Females should stop being spoiled bitches and go play in a real tournament.

Even with males being proven to have faster reaction times of around ten milliseconds, it still doesn't explain why the supposed "top-level" female teams of any game regularly get dominated by mid-level male teams, including in ASSFAGGOTS games where reaction times aren't as important as fighting games or first person shooters.

Girls don't like video games they only play them for attention.

Same reason they don't compete directly with men in traditional sports.

They are inferior.

For the same reason there are gay pride parades. People are stupid and want to feel special and unique. Especially if it doesn't require them to do anything extra.

Who fucking cares really, let them do what they want.

That's the reason there are gay pride parades user? Nothing to do with history, or the fact that gays still can't get married or that there are still homophobes in our country?

No it's just so they can be special snowflakes.

They re inferior
and SAGE

They could do it without flashing a dildo in my face. Yes I think they want to dress up and fag out for attention when they could just have a normal function for awareness or something.

Any way

>Why are there female only tournaments?

So males don't make it to grand finals.

Female-only tournaments exist so that women would actually have a chance of winning.

Have you noticed how there are no female world champions in chess? Even though strength or reflexes has absolutely no impact on a game of chess? Think about it.

It's because males are like you. They would like to play together in a nice environment without being judged and groped by autists.

They could just go die that would be preferable.

>wanting to play ancient boardgame when you can fuck Chad all day instead

The highest-ranked female chess player was ranked 8th in the world at her peak. Don't know whether she de-ranked or just retired.

Still though, maybe it really would be the best for humanity if the world became a male homosexual paradise if men are that much better.

>play together in a nice environment without being judged

That's a LAN party, not a tournament.


Male players get told to kys/suck dick/bend over/stop playing comp. Females should just man up and get over the "tits or gtfo"s.

I meant judged for being women, and drooled upon. Plenty of LAN parties with tournaments, they are two different things.

This. Never met a "girl gamer" who didn't have a glaring ulterior motive for playing games. Video games, not Words with Friends or whatever the fuck.

I unironically believe that the world would function 10x better in every way if it was populated entirely by male homosexuals who could somehow magically procreate (through budding or whatever). Almost all problems in the world are either caused by women, or caused by men trying to impress women.

Why should they when they don't have to?

If you really give a fuck about what a bunch of autists like us think then you need to reevaluate your life.

It's to help get more women into competitive gaming since mamy females tend to get pushed out of gaming thanks to misogynistic incels like you and many others in the thread.

It started out that way. It is no longer about that anymore.
In my state its legal anyways and I have several managers and co workers that are gay and nobody cares. Maybe down south its different I guess.

>ITT: Manginas pat themselves in the back.

The possibility of two sperm cells creating a babbu in a pod or something-other may or may not become reality in the semi-distant future.

men wouldn't work well with no women around.

If nobody wanted to bang we'd get a lot more shit done. Sex for pleasure is a fucking distraction.

same reason there's women's chess, to encourage more women to participate in the activity. because men like to have girls around.

so to make it clear, if the events were run by you there'd be a division just for penises, because you'd want there to be as many dicks for you to suck at these events as possible. understand?

I'm not a woman, but I know that autists are exhausting to be around socially when they don't get angry at you for being a woman, or just showers you with attention in hopes of getting physical contact. So really glad I'm not a woman, and I have a lot of understanding for women who wants to get away from that shit.

Homos have no need for women

>I meant judged for being women, and drooled upon.

That's just a flimsy excuse to cover up the fact that they are inferior at the game and cannot win. Doesn't matter what game, they're inferior at it.

The only time you've had actually good female players in a videogame they turned out to be male-to-female transsexuals.

putting effort into something is just so scawwy for grrrrrrl gamers :(

and unlike regular bullshit, it is impossible to pull the white guilt, race, or gender card in the FGC without getting laughed out

>"women get treated exactly the same as men in online video games!"

how do you unironically believe this?

So if they really are inferior, even bigger reason the question is stupid as shit.

>Why is there women-only anything
Because radical feminists and SJWs want to assert female dominance and eradicate masculinity, and they can't do that competing directly with men.

Girls do play games for their own amusement, but not competitive multiplayer games. They play things like JRPGs or musou games, genres that are low-effort, low-skill.

Source: Observing my sister.

So they can compete with each other if they want. Nigga why do you care? Best case scenarios, some back to back champion gets a bit big for her britches and talks shit, then gets BTFO by some dudes. Or a transsexual causes a stir by trying to enter, leading to some potential keks.

le scientist knows it all with one research subject

good job, post your findings on reddit.

This. Chicks love JRPGs. And then there's stuff like The Sims and Zelda. It's like with anything really, men and women tend to have differing tastes in books, movies and TV shows too.


They exist because women are too intimidated by your typical autistic Sup Forumsirgin who infests the gaming scene - an obese manchild who literally hates women.

Newsflash: if e-sports weren't 99.999% male, they might have a better chance of not being spat on by the mainstream!

In general women accept transgenders. Wouldn't cause a stir.

I never said that. I said that they should man up and roll with the punches. Look at any well-known male celebrity, e-celebrity, streamer, politician, etc. and he will have thousands of people who will criticize him for everything from the way he runs his service to his fucking taste in music.

Females who create a bawwfest because of harmless but annoying sexual harassment over the internet don't deserve to play competitively.

I don't even know who's trolling who anymore.


Cannot be serious.

It's because women don't have what it takes to be the best at anything. They're not autistic enough, they lack the focus and the motivation. SO when they try and compete with men who are world class they just falls hort


women-only spaces exist because people like you exist op. maybe if you weren't such a piece of shit who makes women feel uncomfortable they wouldn't have to segregate themselves to take a break from your creepy selves.

There was some European CS:GO tournament that rejected a MtF team from a women-only tournament. I don't know the rest of the details.


It's to score social brownie points. Women love causing a stir.

>good for anything

The thing is that it's not really about the competition, the game etc

There are women only gaming events just for the social aspect. Places for women to hang out with eachother. Thats it

Yes they suck at games but they rather be around eachother than 30+ men staring at your ass at a time. Funny how feminist go apeshit at the concept of male only stuff tho.

Until you do, I'm just going to assume you're wrong.

hi im replying because chiaki a cute

that's all

No! Bad user! Hush, back to your

I mean in general. At the end of the day this shit is just impotent rage and for every neckbeard there's probably 3 other relatively better adjusted people to make them fuck off if they become a nuance. Point is we have no power outside of our bitchfits.

>women to hang out with eachother
but they hate each other

That's all fine but you aren't allowed to let people know that because it doesn't mesh with the 'girls are gamers too' narrative.

Some southeast Asian league of legends tournament banned trannies from a female only league too.

It has been done before and it caused a huge issue due to the fact that MTF trannies are superior to actual women in every sport and game (due to still being 95% male despite their best efforts).

>in general women accept transgenders
nah, it's split 50/50

radical feminists hate transgenders.


I'm just going off of sports rules and shit. Even if that second one doesn't happen, seeing someone get rousey'd is always good for a quick chuckle.

You underestimate the power of annoyance when it's spread over a long enough time. It can be exhausting.

People love to hold Scarlett as a female pro-gamer who's actually good, but she doesn't count because she is a male.
I like Scarlett but she can't be used to prove that biological women can be good at comp.

only when men are around

Yes. They like hanging out with each other though. For gossip and for showing off and for putting each other down.

yeah no except you can easily overpower a woman and they constantly have to be wary of your gross neckbeard ass raping them.

its just easier to not have men around.

Is this the daily sex/gender philosophy thread on Sup Forums?

It depends on the particular type of radical feminist. TERFs hate trannies as an extension of their hatred of men, but they're probably a minority. The rest of the radfems just hate men but don't consider trannies to be men so they're off the hook.

Yup, all men are rapists and learning some basic self defence is too much effort, segregation and demonisation is much easier.

women are rapist as well

Maybe like 2% of rapists

Jesus, why do you have to be so insecure?

It's impossible for a woman to rape anyone because oppression patriarchy misogyny.

Women are not competitive. That's why they play healers in mmos and shit games like Overwatch, where individual skill counts for nothing.

I've dealt with autists over long periods of time, it is hilariously easy to take clout from them because nobody takes our asses seriously in the first place. I'd be more worried about people that actually have some influence or are actually more bite than bark at the end of the day.

The whole issue is that

1) Female-only tournaments (in anything) ONLY exist so that women could actually win, through not having to compete against men. Everybody pretty much knows this, whether they admit it publicly is a different matter, but they know it.

2) Male-to-female transsexuals are, for most purposes, still men and retain almost all of the advantages of being male in a sport or a game.

3) If a MTF transsexuals are allowed into a female-only tournament, once again women have to compete against men, and the top spots are going to go to transsexuals while real women are stuck at the ass end of the results chart. This ruins the entire point of having a female-only tournament. All the people attending either know this, or will learn it fast when they see the same 1-2 people dominate every time.

Same reason why there's women-only swimsuit competitions.

my ex loved vidya
but to be fair she only played nintendo shit

Exactly, vidya and swimwear are both just fashion statements to women.

Try harder sluts

I'm kinda wondering what exactly it is about the MTF trannies that gives them the edge over real women. This isn't like with combat sports where you can point to superior bone density, skeletal structure and musculature. You could say men have the edge over women in general due to testosterone and being more competitive, but these trannies are going to be loaded to the gills with estrogen, you'd have to think it'd effect their mindsets too.

Girls don't do that bad when going against other girls, but when a guy is in the picture their performance falls

when 1 in 5 women are raped in their lifetime, they kind of have to constantly keep their guard up around men, yeah. women aren't magic mindreaders who know if a guy is going to rape them or not, and having that guard up 24/7 is extremely exhausting.

maybe when men stop raping women there won't be a need for women's only spaces. but no, your feelings are getting hurt. that's what's important here lol.

fuck off whiny faggot. let women have their fucking spaces in peace away from your dumbass.

>implying that most of these trannies have been taking estrogen or testosterone-blockers for more than a year
>implying that any of these trannies have been taking estrogen or testosterone-blockers at all
Most of them just wear women's clothing, grow their hair out, and hope that they have an effeminate facial structure.

That's exactly what it is, yes. You've been a protected class for at least 5 years now, stop pretending you're oppressed in the least.

Because walking around almost completely naked with a dozen rainbow dildos strapped to my chest isn't for attention but to ask for legal rights?

>when 1 in 5 women are raped in their lifetime
Are you talking about third-world Muslim shitholes where women literally are property or the developed world where feminism has become obsolete

That 1 in 5 is way over inflated if we're only talking about the modern world, and probably extremely conservative if we're talking globally. May I ask which tumblr blogpost you got that fictional statistic from?

and the vast majority of those are pedophiles, anyways.

women being violent rapists are virtually unheard of. there might be a handful of cases every year. meanwhile, men violently raping women is one of the most common forms of violent crime that happens in the west, with millions of cases anually.

totally split down the middle guys. dontcha know females are rapists too?!!

I find it kind of funny that if any woman even looks at me twice, it's because she thinks my manlet ass is going to jump her and rape her like some kind of fucking alien.

It's because they don't have the power too. Imagine being in front of those who are sick enough to send you panties the only thing left is to run

>Stupid females should just know I'm not going to rape you!
>Just let your guard down! Take my word for it! Stop having women only spaces!!!!
why are soyboys so intent on getting into women's spaces anyways?

If a daughter is raped by her father hundreds or thousands of times in her life, does your statistic count that as one victim or just average out the number of rapes across the female population? Same goes for serial rapists, does your statistic count the actual rapists or just the number of rapes? How does your research define rape? Who made the study? Who reviewed it? Have you read the study or just a report of the study, and if so, which report?

Female leagues only make female players stagnate.
Women who only play against other women will never improve. They will never be a Tier 1 team if they only play in female leagues.

They are being judged though. Nobody takes women's sports seriously, esports in general is still laughed at, so what do you think people think of women's only esports where the excuse of physical weakness isn't even a factor. Of course mental weakness still exists but the world isn't ready to admit that yet.

Why do you care? Are you bored with your life or what?

>men violently raping women is one of the most common forms of violent crime that happens in the west
What fucking world are you living in? Muggings, beatings, stabbings, shootings. They're all significantly more common than rape. Rape is an uncommon violent crime. It's a lot easier to get drunk a smash a bottle over a guy's head than it is to rape a woman, and it's a lot less frowned upon too. You gotta put down the koolaid. The western world being a rape culture is a lie, and not a very believable one.

Why did you reply to me with your feminist garbage when I'm talking about fags?