Nintendo+Sony fag here. Is there any reason to own an Xbox One if you already got a PS4 and/or a gaming PC? Is there any other exclusives for it besides Sunset Overdrive and Halo 5? How's the OG/360 backwards compatibility?
Nintendo+Sony fag here. Is there any reason to own an Xbox One if you already got a PS4 and/or a gaming PC...
If you like forza halo yes otherwise not worth
No faggot we're full.
Better community and better hardware.
why cant xbox consoles come with a windows 10 version.
i want to play ps2, psp and psx games and gamecube games and do my spreadsheets and pretty much make xbox a light pc.
As a Nintendo fan, why the flying fuck would you buy a Sony console?
Why wouldn't you?
Nothing but worthless movies and weebshit on it.
Microsoft really fucked themselves over by making nearly everything Xbox also playable on PC. I can't fathom why, and I don't see 'making it all one big family' as a viable excuse, or one I'm willing to accept.
That said, just bring on Halo 6 already.
Moviegames I get, but how is Nintendo any different in this regard?
>why cant xbox consoles come with a windows 10 version.
It has its own Windows 10 version. You mean why it isn't the desktop version? Because it would be a clusterfuck.
>Microsoft really fucked themselves over by making nearly everything Xbox also playable on PC
no they didn't. Both product belongs to them
>Is there any other exclusives for it besides Sunset Overdrive and Halo 5?
nope. and there probably will never be. sadly I'm not even memeing. here's a rare angie for your troubles.
They only have one.
In the sense of trying to sell the Xbox as one of the big three consoles.
>soybox one
I watch pro xbox youtubers for the lawlz and they are seriously playing the card that only multiplat matter and that "play anywahere" is actually a good thing for the xbox. that's desperation bros.
Which one?
That Xenoblade shit
What about Zelda and Fire Emblem? Those are pretty weeb too.
4K player for S and X is all it has going for it.
OG Xbone users got fucked.
things that never happened for $800
Zelda isn't weeb, Fire Emblem though you're right.
The new Zelda has Link as a belly-dancing trap. That's as weeb as you can get.
I mean, yeah, having an X means that all multiplats I buy might as well be Xbox exclusive.
My PS4 and Switch are literally just exclusive machines at this point.
>better community
You mean worse, since it's composed of idiots that buy console with ZERO exclusives
>better hardware
Only in 500$ version, xbone and xbone s are THE FUCKING WORST HARDWARE POSSIBLE FOR MULTIPLATS
The hardware hierarchy goes
Xbox One X > PS4 Pro > PS4 (slim) > Xbox One (S)
I don't know where the Switch fits in.
Because switch is a joke and nobody treats it seriously and xbone is only 1.3 teraflops
But it's just for one section in the game, the game is pretty much a Zelda game with mechanics from other games like Skyrim and is also open world like that game.
What exclusives does PS4 have? Uncharted (movieshit), Crash (rehash-shit), Bloodbourne (souls-trash), and the zillion panty schoolgirl JRPGs (weebshit)?
How will the Xbox ever survive.
It also has an anime aesthetic, just like every other Zelda game that aren't the non-canon CDi games.
But it has some kind of western feel to it that you see in many of Nintendo's other franchises while not looking too out there like Xenoblade 2 and the Fire Emblem series.
Any of these "upscaled" releases on the Xbone good, like Resident Evil 4, Fallout 3, New Vegas, etc?
could i play emulators, fl studio, android development kit, and third party software with the windows version on xbox.