I just Platinum'd Kat's game
did I do good, Sup Forums?
I just Platinum'd Kat's game
did I do good, Sup Forums?
I want to marry and impregnate Kat. Also she doesn't smell.
this slut looks like she can take a mean dick
You did good user.
>tfw I gotta platinum Kats first game eventually before I do 2
I've fallen too in love with 2s gameplay to go back.
her vagina probably has dick eating bacteria
>You have to Platinum the Raven DLC to get the Platinum for the main game
whoops wrong image
You did.
There is no Platinum for the DLC though.
we third strike now
no you don't.
>got my dusty tokens
>play raven's dlc
>don't wanna play anymore
Is it bad? Was thinking of finally playing it
I didn't have much fun and it was short as fuck.
>really want to play it more
>out of stuff to do
How short are we talking here? Like 2-3 hours or so? I guess if it's not much fun, it's better to be short than to drag on for awhile
Did you beat Delvool yet?
go do the Delvool mines
You need to get all the trophies in the main game and the Raven DLC to get the trophy. That was just like how it was for GR:R
those pits are smooth
>go do the Delvool mines
you wasted your time
Why are you lying? That's not how Platinum trophies work for ANY game ever. I have the Plat from the main game without even touching the DLC yet. The only thing that happens with DLC is that it's included in the main percentage. Like, I currently have 84% of the total trophies.
It's extra content if you want more stuff to do
It's actually pretty tough at times
Some of the challenges are pretty unique and interesting
You also get to see "evil" versions of some of the boss stages
You can earn unique talismans
Well when you look at the games menu from the main PS4 menu my trophy completion rate is ~80%. But when you select that, it shows the completion of the base game and the DLC. I have the base game at 90% and the DLC at 60%, so the 80% I saw was an average of the two.
But I guess this game gives you Plat for just the base game if you didn't play the DLC yet. But Gravity Rush Remastered only gave me the Plat when I got the DLC trophies as well.
Cool, will do lad
>But Gravity Rush Remastered only gave me the Plat when I got the DLC trophies as well.
The only thing I can think of is maybe you left the 40,000 gem trophy for last and happened to unlock that after clearing some DLC or something. Because seriously, trophies have worked the same for like 10 years now (or whenever they got implemented). Plats are entirely separate from DLC. What you're saying is simply incorrect and not how it works at all.
Genuine question, what is the appeal of platinuming games? I've turned off trophy notifications entirely because of how inconsequential they seem.
Her first game or second?
If first, good job!
If second, congratulations for platting a shit game!
Raven's DLC is about 2-3 hours. GR2 is much longer, probably around 40.
I own both versions of Kat's first game and Kat's second game and haven't played any of them
I'm wondering why you would purchase a game without playing it.
they were on sale
you should go play them you nincompoop
the servers for the sequel close down this month
for people who like showing off, it’s a huge gallery of e-peen.
for people who just like looking back in accomplishments, it’s a landmark of the stuff you bothered to go the extra mile.
before I got hooked into trophies, I used to keep my gameplay session records on the Wii’s calendar activity log. I checked back the timestamps when I first booted a game, the longets playing session and even the completion pic some games posted like Mario Galaxy
What's the appeal of this game? The combat looks dumb and not a fan of the art style or even the color palette. I was hoping this would be some kind of free-form gravity-based racing game but videos don't quite connect that way.
>But Gravity Rush Remastered only gave me the Plat when I got the DLC trophies as well.
That's because it's the remastered version. Doesn't count as additional content there but if you're playing the original vita version then you don't have to play the DLC to get the plat.
I want to impregnate Kat
I have the game and can confirm these trophy lists for the dlcs are separate and not required for the base game’s plat.
they have their own percentage count for progress
So when is GR2 coming to Switch?
Because the remastered doesn't have dlc, it's the entire full game, of course you need those too now.
as soon as Bayonetta 2 gets ported to PC
Some of the side quests and missions have you do some races. But basically it's a small adventure game based around you shifting gravity to "fly".
Well it seems unlikely Nintendo will make a new game right away, they'll probably port GR2 or maybe 1 first
>What's the appeal of this game?
It's fun to fly around and use your gravity powers
> I was hoping this would be some kind of free-form gravity-based racing game but videos don't quite connect that way.
There are challenge missions that include time trials. With the challenge ghosts in the second game, you can technically race against other people.
So how do I get these tokens I keep hearing of? I'm thinking of just skipping remastered and going straight to 2 so I don't run out of time before the servers shutdown.
So I got 1 and 2 on sale and I want to beat 1 fully before getting into 2, should I have enough time to get alot of dusty tokens for 2 or am I fucked and should just rush 1 and not get everything
Finding treasure chests and doing challenges.
Challenges are basically racing player ghosts and you can either send or receive them
>finish game
>that was kinda flacid
>and now i have more questions
>oh, and there is the next game hook
>well time to do side quests i guess
>suddenly naked girls on rooftops
>everything from the "end of the world" forward
yeah, let's leave the part where they explain everything while adding more on top, shoving the truth about alias right in your face, and straight up "killing" the protagonist in the end also, darkness is satan, of course.
What if i stopped playing the game after the credits, why did they do it like that?
as soon as you beat the tutorial at the ship-town segment. you do some sidequests, go mine ore, beat some monsters, do more quests then the ship finally reaches the big town and you’re free to fly everywhere and do all sorts of sidequests and shit.
but to get the furniture, you’ll need to beat the whole arc in this town and go to the next town, which is a little over halfway in
why not start with 2? the game does a good job of treating your previous accomplishments as some distant memory.
by the time you play the first game, it will feel like GR1 is actually GR Zero: Kat’s Origins
I know I'll probably be feeling how rough the controls are if I go into 2 now compared to 1 and come back later.
>What if i stopped playing the game after the credits, why did they do it like that?
Toyama wants to be the next ruse master after Kojima. It's another fakeout, like Kat's intro in the beginning.
because Raven meeting Kat after they both knowing she’s Alua is a great sequel hook for even more outlandish stronger entities
they are not just your everyday Marvel superhero anymore, they are out to fight cosmic personifications of the forces of nature and literal deities
Too bad there's there's probably never going to be another game.
Kali stole my job but I will steal her virginity!!
Sony wasted trillions with Last Guardian yet they are still going to milk SotC again.
Sony’s IPs are never truly dead. They even resurrected Twisted Metal and Parappa the Rapper again. They resurrected Medievil on PSP back then and are doing it yet again on PS4.
Chill out, give it time and they’ll use it for conference fodder. Only call it quits if Japan Studio dies or the staff resigns
>want to finish Kat's game and get all the dusty tokens before they disappear
>Yakuza 0 and Shadowverse keep pulling me away from it
I don't deserve her senpai.
I want to impregnate her
I’m already past 6k and just got 2k more without even trying.
all I did was accept all the shit that showed up on the notifications menu as they came while I was progressing the story. I didn’t even bother to win the challenges, I just got the participation prize
>Too bad there's there's probably never going to be another game.
Delete your post.
>Implying this isn’t all just a ruse to make people buy the game and make it popular again to set up for an announcement soon
Publicity stunts, anyone?