>starts episdoe 45
>they are still on taris
Starts episdoe 45
Other urls found in this thread:
>menu navigation filler episode
>think woolie is finally done in the menu
>walks down the hallway
>opens menus again
>woolie goes consular
>charges in like an idiot
>saving up level up in order to min max
>will probably make a character so shit, it would have been better to immediately level every time.
>Get off ship with Ordo and the wookie
>Don't bring Mission or T3
>Bitch about not having anyone with skills
>End of episode
The real question is if this playthrough is better then matt getting triggered by bully.
They'll get off Taris in the first 5 minutes of next episode.
Dantooine is going to be a bitch though. The wide open fields will kill Goldfish memory Woolie
Woolie running in an open field with force speed will cause him to have a panic attack
>I wonder which version of Kotor we should play, the one with various improvements, higher res textures, better camera control, better combat control, list goes on
>or maybe a shitty, low-res XBOX port
[super best friending intensifies]
I believe a diet high in sugar and bad fats has caused brain fog in the best friends. Woolie, however is just a dumbass who can only learn through intense repetition.
I stopped watching after the first 20 min of the first episode once I realized Woolie was just going to ignore Pat and make terrible decisions.
Xbox version doesn't have the yavin station either.
Do you even have to min max? Shit I'm playing just picking the coolest shit even though it goes against an optimal build barely having any problems.
You end up with more point for cool force shit, but otherwise no, its just for cheesing.
>Matt and Pat prove they're complete retards once again
>"aw I can't buy clothes here"
>can't do simple English or Geography
>buy a good bike and then never use it
>never does the humiliation finishers
>its obvious they switched the difficulty to easy a few eps ago.
Why doesn't Pat just tell him that the entire game is easy as fuck and Woolie doesn't need to minmax or use menu glitches? Could it be because Pat himself had trouble with the game back in the day?
There's that, but really though, which one of them had the bright idea that Matt should be on the controls for a game like Bully? Hell, even if he didn't have issues with the controls and map nearly every five seconds, he straight up doesn't listen to anything the game tells him and then gets mad at it for that.
Candian DSP needs to give the controller to the angry ginger baby.
I really want Paige's redhead friend to show up again and lez out.
>implying Woolie would listen instead of getting stubborn
Hell, Woolie ignored Pat at character creation and went soldier even after asking which class would give him more dialog shit to do because Woolie has an obsession with defense and having more health
i only like their patt x woolie videos, but 22 episodes on a tutorial level is really bloody pushing it
when will matt leave
Does he still have the long sword equipped
And why isn't Pat just on the controls all the time now
It's a wonder they even got through LA Noire with how retarded they are.
>wow Rockstar games are really difficult to lp but let's pick one of the easiest one but have trouble with it
>they'd probably have trouble with GTA VC and III
To be fair, pat actually did pretty ok with geography. And the english minigame really isn't about being good at english, though they probably should of done a little better on it.
>Pat has been spoonfeeding Woolie information the entire playthrough
>He still doesn't understand anything that's going on
Matt isn't the type that puts on a face for that shit, user. We know he was a huge fucking loser in High School and that's stained his perception of it.
Pat was cheating with his phone.
The english one was embarrassing though. And Matt thinks he has any right to provide political commentary with his intellect. He's like the teenager who mutters sarcastically about politics at Thanksgivng dinner.
How did they get mewl but not meow, owe, or owl?
i stopped watching as soon as it became apparent that they would just use boring menu exploits to cheat through every combat encounter
brain problems
I think what annoys me more is Matt's inability to read a map and the fact that he completely ignores bikes and scooters despite the game showing him he can ride them. It's really no wonder he gave up on games and only cares about movies.
>because Woolie has an obsession with defense and having more health
Which is ironic because Woolie bumps up defense and HP only to promptly never attack or debuff the enemy, preferring to run around in circles healing himself whenever he takes even a moderate amount of damage.
God dammit, that Cerberus fight in Parasite EVE is still getting me upset.
You picked a good time to drop the LP, Woolie doesn't give a shit about the game and Pat's desperately trying to keep the hype going.
>the one with various improvements, higher res textures, better camera control, better combat control, list goes on
Surely you don't mean the PC version. I own that version and it's a huge piece of shit.
>watching someone play KOTOR of all things
>not even giving interesting commentary
Would rather watch paint dry.
>its a woolie is in the video epsiode
They went to shit as soon as they made Woolie an actual member, and not just "that friend who is obsessed with fighting games and gets occasionally mentioned." Liam was also a mistake.
>STR build
>gets new piece of armor
>"That DEX bonus looks good."
Are they ever going to figure out that number's a restriction, not a bonus?
Matt's a raging liberal because his orc tranny wife and most of the fags harbor liberal views. Woolie went full race traitor and that's suprising since he says the most racist shit.
>Going Dark Side
I can't believe Pat is letting Woolie do this. It's like letting him be a full fucking retard that can't comprehend the plot wasn't enough.
Reminder they keep up the retard shtick on purpose because changing now would expose the fact they had the capacity to change this whole time and chose not to, while remaining retarded makes the community think they are just like this forever allowing them to coast and coast for years to come.
>Literally has problems telling his left from his right
>Ever putting him on the controls for something that's not a fighting game
no it's the easiest fucking game in the world
certain builds might struggle with the final boss a bit, that's it. no big deal tho
My favourite was when Matt talked shit about Capitalism in Bully, like as if a mongoloid like him has any right to bring any meaningful conversation about that.
I can't even get it to run normally without breaking the sound and mouse interface. And then after I used some unofficial patch to fix it my anti-virus decided to just delete the executable.
>art minigame
>hurr what the fuck is this game
>won't stop calling it snake
oh jesus are you fucking kidding me
why do you people watch literal retards play games. you feed them ad revenue even.
The geography class was incredible seeing how bad they were.
They are literally the best lp channel on yt which is the saddest thing I've ever said.
Is KOTOR II better than KOTOR I? I tried to play through the first twice and found the first level a bit tedious, plus I already know the twist ending.
Probably when Woolie is back from New Zealand and they record some more
The worst part about Matt isn't his political views or inability to play videogames. The worst part about Matt is he's just a complete and utter bore. Everything he says is a dry reference or wavering joke that goes nowhere beyond him giggling like a kid or shout-laughing like he's faking it (and he probably is.)
Pat's an OCD-riddled midget with insane habits and nervous tics, but I still like him because he's funny. Hell, Woolie is forgivable when he gets interested in something, like when he went Literal Race Traitor in XCOM 2. I'd even forgive Liam since he had some mad zingers back in the day.
But Matt? He just reeks of desperation and social anxiety, which sucks the energy out of anything he's involved wtih.
>"Have you played Snake?"
>Yeah of course
>"okay, this is just like Snake"
>Fails it
>I've never played Snake
This game is just exposing Matt as being even worse at games than people imagined and for more than likely lying about playing anything.
You're not wrong though.
I thought Woolie was getting into tabletop games?
>e-celeb thread
Why have they never said anything about the site going down and all that shit completely gone? I thought the whole point was to play shit they couldn't play on Youtube and shill their stupid shirts using Paige's tits?
i gave up as soon as i saw what the resolution slider did
The only good things Matt has done is partner with Pat, be afraid of saying nigger and awkwardly dancing around it during Starfox adventure giving Liam the perfect opportunity to call him on it, and his bug report videos
the channel is cursed and liam was their only hope of salvation
Board games, not DnD, but then he lost a bunch of footage and stopped playing
Matt's a chronic liar where perceived social standing is concerned. Have you ever seen him make a hard decision in an LP? Super Mario Odyssey suffered two superfluous episodes because he couldn't just tell Woolie "there isn't anything interesting after this, we can end it now."
No, he had to say "oh, we could do this" or "maybe we should try that." It's even present in the RE7 DLC series they're uploading where Matt never gives Pat a straight answer about anything. He always leaves an answer open, or just poses another question when one is asked him.
KOTOR 2 is better but the twist isn't the ending. It gets better after Taris. Just power through.
They have talked about it, before it even went down, they weren't able to cover hosting costs
Pay attention nigger
Was it cloud niggers or sky niggers? Liam was /ourtard/
I'm pretty sure they're allergic to KB&M.
Member when Matt played Punisher on PC, to get the uncensored patch, but used Joy2Key. How how Whoolie you use half of a PS4 controller for the movement in Overwatch?
The worst part about him is the sound of his voice.
Sky niggers iirc
That office was fucking retarded when they all record from home.
Uhm sorry sweety :), it's a kotor thread
>How how Whoolie you use half of a PS4 controller for the movement in Overwatch?
Woolie's been playing fighting games for over 30 years. Only fighting games and 2d scrolling action games. He moved into the 3d world only when fighting games did.
Oh, completely. He always sounds like he's either full of himself, being meek and mild like some passive woman, or having a weird warble in the voice that always makes him sound two angry statements away from bursting into tears.
I genuinely think Woolie might have some kind of learning disability. He's a grown-ass man in his thirties yet still struggles basic reading comprehension and can't remember his left from his right.
Like, was education in Grenada so absolute poor that he wasn't given the basics to function in life? I enjoy his commentary, I really do, but at this point I ONLY want Pat to be the one on the controls because he at least will be a big enough coward to play games off camera to learn them so he can look like a big strong boy.
Matt doesn't give a fuck about games and as we see with Bully, lacks the attention span to understand basic instructions. He's not funny, he's never been funny with how often he repeats joke.
Shit I'd rather have Liam of all people back at this point even with his devil's advocate shit just because from time to time he'd be edgy and not care.
Pat is still the best, all hail the OCD autism dwarf with the cervix knocking dick.
Bully is a million times better than this shit because stuff is actually happening in it
I want woolie to play san andreas
>Comission a mural to be painted on the wall with all 4 members
>Liam leaves the group 2 weeks later to steam game boy games and the censored steam versions of hentai games
go to bed patrick
Have you ever seen Matt stream something with his wife
It almost makes me feel bad for him with how loud and obnoxious she is and how she walks all over him
>rather have Liam
He wasn't all that bad during the actual LPs, he was cancer for the podcast
>It almost makes me feel bad for him with how loud and obnoxious she is and how she walks all over him
Were you expecting anything less from Matt?
>Sup Forums - E-celeb Cancer
I'd feel bad if he wasn't a soyboy and didn't take vacations like some sort of Notch-lite
good thing he didn't forget anyone
Honestly I expected him to end up with some barely legal girl from their fandom since she would be about as mature as he is
Woolie has spent his entire life playing fighting games, and only fighting games. He's trained himself to only view the world in two dimensions and four directions. The guy lacks basic reading comprehension because he's never had to read, and over time letting your mind only have one thing to do will rot it.
What's he talking about?
>Let's Players make an absurd amount of videos on sections of games because more videos means more ad revenue
Gee OP, it's not hard to figure out. There's no incentive to be good at video games if you're a let's player because that creates fewer videos for you to stick ads on.
What episode was the geography on again?
That's a man and we know how Matt likes trannies on the podcast
They better play something good for Fisticuffs this week such as
>Big Bang Beat Revolve
>Gundam Versus
>Puyo Puyo Tetris
>Touhou Antinomy
>E's Laf 2
>Under Night in Birth Exe Late st
How does Woolie function in the world if he freezes up and second guesses himself any time he needs to make a decision, he gives off the impression that he would starve to death at a buffet because he's overwhelmed with choice
This shit is getting too real.
>Pat's OCD shit is better then Liam acing it from the hip.
Just admit you relate to pat more then the other guys, don't lie.
Turns out Pat, and Liam did not get actually along. I really wanted to like Liam, but he is to fucking dull. He also was the only balance in the group for weeb stuff to get included, but also had shit tastes.
I hope Pat was behind this because it's not like Billy does anything and Matt still sucks Liam's cock
>tries the button mashing bell minigame at the carnival
>fails horribly
>Pat does it next and passes it easily
>does it again while not mashing as hard and still gets it
>Matt gets increasingly uncomfortable while Pat keeps saying how easy it is
Man just how bad is Matt?
Matt's too meek and sheepish to actually go through with banging a barely legal fan-girl, assuming the fan-girl's even interested in him after the first or second date. The only member of the group who was rumored to try hitting up a teen was Pat.
He's basically a living embodiment of the Henpecked Husband, which means it only makes sense he ends up with the Domineering Wife.
he isn't interesting or funny os he was garbage on LPs and his play style was rush rush rush and never appreciate any cool shit along the way
don't miss a thing about him
Any sauce/proof on that statement aside from that one tweet?
I do remember Pat getting actually legit annoyed with Liam in the Metal Gear LP tho
>too real.
How so?
>That argument about candy and chocolate in Bully
Jesus fucking Christ, did anyone else pick up on that and how shocked Pat was at Matt's idiocy? "Candy and chocolate are two different things."
Maybe if the boss man wasn't taking such a big cut so he can fuck off to burgerland and buy cereal they could handle it