So now that she's nerfed again, will you still complain about her?
So now that she's nerfed again, will you still complain about her?
>nerfing the white german lady
fucking Jews taking over OW
She never needed to be. she should be always first target, lucio has been and is still the best healer in the game, especially after grandma's nerf.
She was nerfed again?
I thought she's Swiss, though. She has a Swiss flag on her costumes and she speaks German because that's what they speak in Switzerland.
I will complain every day that she's not my wife and the mother of my children until Blizzard makes my dream a reality.
how is the negro the best healer in the game? I actually want to know if I should switch casu I currently play _Ana_
shes swiss then? I dont actually play OW, thought she was German. They speak French in Switzerland too
A speed buff, however small, is a massive advantage in a game about rushing to an objective, both in travel to it, and in the speed given to everybody during combat.
Lucio's healing aura is more than enough to patch allies up in a pinch, but he should really be using Speed Boost most of the time.
Yes, the character with 100% pick rate in tournaments was not the best healer in the game.
I don't play this garbage game anymore but it's fun seeing people bitching about it
She is swiss, he's a right wing soy boy looking for things to get upset about
She got a well deserved nerf into the ground
Nobody wants to play her
Nobody wants to play against her
>playing overwatch
Better off having more fun in zombie panic.
Is Junkrat OP? I hate hearing he's OP because people are stupid and run into my traps or a group of idiots run into my grenades then die to a mine. His whole make the enemy not want to come this way style and point coverage is what I like most. Yeah I lob nades down a corridor or a choke if people keep funneling in there like morons, but I don't see how people being stupid makes him OP. Granted that could be bias just because of how much I enjoy mine jumping around, getting the drop on people, setting traps, etc. I've seen people do crazy with him and I'm nowhere near that good, I just have fun with him.
He's OP because he has two mines that take no skill to hit with that kill every non tank in the game if they dare come within 100 feet of him.
Nerfing the mines with no fall off was a good choice.
He has an easy instagib with no repercussion if he misses it and is next to impossible to counterplay it.
Reduce mine damage and he's fine
>how is the negro the best healer in the game?
>speed + wall ride stalling
>ez healing (just be near the team)
>push off for stage kills/ keep flankers away
>well timed sound barrier can block most ults
he has a lots of mobility and utility for a support hero
What'd they do to her this time? A pal of mine really hates the raise time extension. He says he can't get any raises off now. Tried telling him it's not his fault if some moron dies and not to worry about it but he's still bummed. Did they do something else to her recently?
Your friend is shit.
The mine can't instantly kill though, they have to have damage already for that. As long as the trap+mine combo still kills the 200 hp characters I don't mind them lowering mine damage. I'd like them to keep the 2 mines still too because having them for movement and to set up a trap combo is really nice.
I'll complain until she gets her Nazi SS officer costume.
Yes, giving him 2 mines for movement was a good idea. Not nerfing their damage at the same time was idiotic.
They added falloff, so if you place the mine in the trap, it should still kill. But now you can no longer throw the mine in the general direction of someone to kill them. You have to time the trigger.
afaik the nerf is that the mines deal less damage the further away you are now, so you should be fine
People still don't understand how to build team comps around speedboost and take advantage of it during matches. Additionally, the summer buffs to junkrat and Orisa have created compositions that you can't just speedboost into the same way you could when junkrat was a limp biscuit and Orisa shield blocked 0 damage angles. In my opinion the Lucio comps still have a higher team performance cap (ie, will be better once everyone on the team is actually playing on the same page with fantastic mic communication) but the simple fact of the matter is that the mercy Zen combo destroys enough on its own to be way more impact for way less effort. On anything other than kings of the Hill, it's not really the fact that Lucio doesn't work, he's still a better combo for Moira or Ana, but Zen + Mercy is such a sharp edge with the dual damage boost and Zen damage output that any team comp initiating on them has to either always be hard-countering the enemy or you just get impaled.
Best healer in bronze? He picked as 2nd support only for speed boost.
No because after 500 hours of playing this game I realized what a waste of my life I spent on this game
It's not a waste when you play with your friends.
Trap is a faggot ability because if you have good crosshair placement your gun model will blocks 75 percent of the screen space where you would see a trap. The ability has no redeeming features.
Killing people with mines is by far the easiest non-ult way to kill people in the game. If you have two of them, and someone's in front of you, you can basically play with the mindset that you get to kill them for free, and it's on them to be able to stop you. Because it's the truth; for what amount 0 aim skill junkrat gets to just walk up to people and kill them, and you can either aim well enough to kill him faster than it takes to throw out two mines or you just leave and go fuck yourself.
In season 2 maybe, when his auras had unlimited range but shit healing. All his stats got pumped way the fuck up when his aura range got nerfed, nowadays mercy has to be ulting to compete with the healing numbers Lucio puts out when two people are in his auras. Boop already basically takes Winston out of the game if you know what you're doing, but amped heals let's your team survive so long vs characters like pharah that the enemy will literally feel like nothing they do has any impact
No, I quit playing Overwatch a year ago when I realized it had no content.
>Wasting time isn't wasting time if you do it with other people.
The fuck??? Are you still in high school, dependent on others for identity and validation or something?
You develop social skills and develop relationships by hanging out and having fun with other people. You wouldn't know, never having done this.
Oh yeah, what about developing skills and talents, not wasting your time on a fucking video game nobody gives 2 shits about?
You do that in high-school; in real life you should be BUILDING SOMETHING!
In real life you are allowed some time off to relax.
It doesn't matter how you excuse it with others, by yourself, or just relaxing, you're wasting time and it's nothing more glorious than that.
If you have such a huge stick in your ass about wasting time, why are you browsing Sup Forums?
as opposed to wasting your life spent on other games
nobody owes the world anything
I'll keep doing what I want