Pc and whatever Nintendo makes is all you need. Prove me wrong.
Pc and whatever Nintendo makes is all you need. Prove me wrong
I have pc, switch, and ps4
I like my Bloodbornestation 4 for the occasional good exclusive it provides
Yeah? And my Persona games?
>Prove me wrong.
Current state of sonygros
When niggas want you to drop 300 dollars to play 3 games
sour grapes.
meanwhile PCbros are donating thousands to get a PS3 emulator so they can play our games lol
The patrician's lineup
pc is all you need , i play all my Nintendo stuff on pirated emulators (hate incoming)
>prove me wrong
>n-no that doesn't count
Based pcbro
Emulation>paying $300 for underpowered machine
Thanks. I like video games.
>drop 300 dollars to play 3 games
I mean, that's what you did for Switch, so...
This. PS4 and Switch has great exclusives and Pc runs some games better
Yeh but can you play those games on the toilet?
will you still love me if i tell you i mostly game with an xbox 360 controller?
That's how its done.
I can play on my phone
It's okay I play on a ps3 controller
Actually, I got a switch to play 4 games
But I can play all the good Nintendo games on PC... why would I ever have to buy one of their consoles?
For the of chance you leave your mom's basement
Having a PS4 doesn't actually prove you need it. That's like if I said "You don't need to own a diamond ring, prove me wrong," and your response was "I own one." Like okay? But that doesn't address the actual original inquiry.
So what you're saying is that Nintendo fags only go outside when they want to play their Switch in public? Normal people leave the house to do other things besides play games user
By that logic, I don't need a pc or nintendo either you dumbo.
Switch owners are those "tired gamers" who are ashamed of liking video games, so they only play their Switch while multitasking so they don't feel guilty about """"""wasting time"""""" playing video games, then they come on Sup Forums and say
>I'm not a loser who sits around playing video games all day like you guys lol
>a-am I cool yet
i would die without my pc , its pretty much a vital organ.
OP is asserting that PC and Nintendo are all you need and asked for us to prove him wrong. Simply stating that you own superfluous devices doesn't prove anything.
>implying you can't play the switch during a break, on the shitter, on the bus, etc
thanks for proving right
also playing games on the toilet is how you get hemorrhoids
Sounds about right, I play a lot of Nintendo games but avoid most threads about them on here. Nintendouches are easily the most annoying out of all console fan-bases
>trying to play the switch at any given opportunity is trying to avoid wasting time.
Sonybros are THIS retarded!
Did I hit a little too close to home, Mr. Tired Gamer?
>Someone doesn't like Nintendo, must be a SONYBRO!
What is it with console players that makes them feel the need to constantly fling shit at each other? Why can't you guys just unify under the idea that all consoles are equally shitty?
> they only play their Switch while multitasking
How is it multitasking if you're doing literally nothing else?
This desu
they say things like "I only play it during my lunch break" or "I only play while watching netflix"
It's also why they take forever to finish games.
Then there's people who binge games cuz there's no reason to stop playing.
t-that's not weeb shit it's h-honary ARYAN
this is a video games board, if it makes you angry that people here spend a lot of time playing games, maybe you should go somewhere else.
Uhhh >Implying i was angry in the first place?
Before this gen, you also needed a Sony system. However, the Switch is getting all the DQ games and PC is getting all the anime games so I don't really need a PS4.
As a nintendofag, just buy whatever looks fun to you. Not everyone enjoys nintendo games or finds them interesting. Some people love things like the last of us. It doesn't really matter, as long as you have fun.
this spaghetti is stale