What is your honest opinion on Fallout: New Vegas?
What is your honest opinion on Fallout: New Vegas?
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Not as good as 3
Some good shit
havent played it yet but i downloaded today during the last few minutes of the sale. ill get around to playing it when i get home
its ok
PC i'm assuming? be sure to install that Open Freeside or whatever mod before starting a save file. Vastly improves Freeside.
hilariously overrated when compared to other Fallout games
Good, but a very boring world. Not as good as 3, but a shit ton better than 4
I think it gets the nuance of Fallout 1 and 2 without being as esoteric and brings in more modern elements from Fallout 3.
Of course, it being on Gamebryo also vastly limits it as the game engine is held together with duct tape
Good RPG, but it's a follow up to Fallout 3, with everything that entails.
- Shit engine.
- Shit gameplay.
- Shit graphics.
And it was rushed.
ya on steam. ill look into it for later tonight thanks.
I’ve spent years shitposting out of boredom about how FO3 was better and had a better world space because I sadly get enjoyment out of it.
But my honest opinion is that it was and still is a great game, superior to FO3 and every other Bethesda open world RPG (I know Bethesda didn’t develop it). Right from Goodsprings it got me hooked. The writing was good, the alterations to speech and the limited perks made a lot more sense. The only thing I did not like was that upon initial release, the PC version had horrible moments of low frame rate when many NPC were on screen. A hack fixed it in a couple days and a patch was out soon after that and all was well. But I really enjoy this game to this day. It was visually dated in most situations for the time. The more natural color scheme made it look more dated that FO3 but still more pleasing. Mods don’t help it much IMO but I prefer vanilla anyways. One of my favorite games of all time, I have over 400 hours logged on steam
With RPGs i tent to expect to get stuck in confrontations and problems but aside from the DLC the world seemed excessively friendly compared to the other Fallouts. I also really felt my connection to the people and places was tantamount to nothing aside from getting back the chip. I really like the cooking aspect though, it's very satisfying to make your own meals in any game.
>I’ve spent years shitposting out of boredom about how FO3 was better and had a better world space because I sadly get enjoyment out of it.
I knew it.
I’m sorry user. I know I have a problem. But honestly believing FO3 is better than NV is not one of them
I mean if I believed that, it would be a problem. Never mind.
Completely misses the nuance of Fallout 1 and 2 actually
A honestly great game hold back by:
>A shit poor engine
>An even shitier publisher still holding on to that engine
This pretty much. Do people even play 1 and 2 anymore? Because as great as FNV is it's not the same as 1/2, it is closer to them than 3 was but not in the same "class" if you wanna call it that.
I don't get the hype, plays just like Fallout 3 and 4, still follows that explore>kill>loot>craft\sell\item management shit you have to do before exploring again. The writing is decent and I appreciate more ways to finish a quest even if it usually is just passing a speech check but the core of these games are boring, grindy, and repetitive.
Here’s the thing about fallout
fo3 was good for its time, but combat sucked
new vegas was a "new game" but it looked exactly the same and there were no innovative new features, fighting things were a chore. plus there were like no open world respawns, making its replayability the worst.
When you first start out in NV there’s no story at all. I’ve never played an RPG like that. There’s nothign to draw you in, and the game is so retarded if you so much as walk in the wrong direction you get raped by a deathclaw, because ObsSHITian is too lazy to design a decently flowing world map so they lock down sections with high-level mobs.
New Vegas was one of the most bizarre aberrations ever released by a major studio. It felt like more like a buggy fan-mod than a genuine studio release. autistic, undisciiplined ideas litter the game like children's toys, massive amounts o ftrash. Multiple ammo types to help slow down and complicate combat even more? For no reason, a blue Super Mutant in a dress is now your friend? That’s gay shit
This is why Fallout 4 is the best.
fallout 4 is by far the most enjoyable. they added innovative new features like ADS, hit markers, respawning enemies (when u compare it to NV its a new feature) and made VATs a lot less cheap. It still is a noob feature, but instead of stopping time it slows time, not by enough in my opinino though .
Power armor is finally as it should be. Its not a gay looking martian suit that looks so flimsy a 9mm bullet could penetrate it. Now i can believe its actual powerful death suit, not the worst cosplay at faggotcon. Plus, in fo4 you can attach jetpack. A fucking jetpack. Enough said, fo4 is the FIRST 3D fallout to have a jetpack.
It’s 2017. fo4 is just a superior, well polished game. I can’t wait for skyrim remastered. Another great game.
1 is shit
>walk in cave
>try to punch rat to death
>it kills you
Wooooow PC gaming sucked until you got console ports
I played 1 and 2 and I thought New Vegas did the themes of Fallout justice, but they don't necessarily play alike at all, if that's what you mean.
>still follows that explore>kill>loot>craft\sell\item management shit you have to do before exploring again.
don't mean to sound condescending but you played the game incorrectly, you don't have to do that at all
I actually thought this was unironic for a second, very funny pasta though.
No I actually mean that FNV feels kinda off. I honestly don't know how to describe it, it hit very close to 1 and 2s themes and they way they build their world etc but something always felt off for me. Might just be though that I grew up with 1/2 and basically worship those games.
I'm currently doing my first playthrough after buying it during the sale and is my first Fallout game. I like S.T.A.L.K.E.R more though.
Hows the game with mods? Is there a site like Tesgeneral with guides and recommended mods to use?
Running my annuak playthrough right now and coming from playing Fallout 4 (clocking in more than 300 hours to that game), I can say for certain that FNV blows FO4 out of the water. The only thing that FO4 has is that it is somewhat updated but still shit
If this thread doesn't have porn then I'm not interested quite frankly.
There are multiple sites dedicated to lewd mods but the biggest all rounder is nexus. There are also a few other sites with mods that aren't on Nexus but Nexus got it's mod manager that makes it relatively easy to mod the game.
>Might just be though that I grew up with 1/2 and basically worship those games.
I played 1 and 2 after New Vegas, and I love all three of them. Can you explain what EXACTLY feels off to you? Is it something to do with the characters or gameplay?
Weak. You need to practice more. For example:
“FO:NV has a goody narrative that doesn’t draw in the player. You can’t take being shot in the head seriously. FO4 does better in this regard; instead of a chip you’re looking for your son and also the protagonist is voiced which adds to the immersion”
And also:
“Factions were an okay addition to NV but they are properly executed in FO4”
Try again, you got to be less obvious. Remember, the NV community is strong. The game is over 7 years old and going on 8 and has at least one thread in the catalog here at all times. Not many games can say the same.
I don't care about lewd or sex mods, I have nearly 2000 hours in Oblivion without ever using one. I heard the mod manager on nexus is shit for ES games and is why I use Wyre Bash, is the manager the only program to use for Fallout games?
to me it's like vampire masquerade bloodlines and other old dialog heavy games with terrible everything else, playing the game is too annoying for me to enjoy whatever is supposed to be good about it but i guess people wouldn't like it so much if it wasn't good, so my opinion is that it's good, but not as good as the older ones, because i find that is usually the case and not because i've played the older ones either.
There are a few more but I only know of FOMM and the nexus one as I only ever used NMM for FNV/3/4 as it was the most convenient to just install a couple mods and mess around.
Find a flaw
Worst DLC by far. Holy fuck I hated that shit, I don't play Fallout to play a fetch-quest confined corridor crawler where I can't even use my own gear.
Stupid. Characters were ass too
I honestly can't pinpoint it.
Some of the base game quests felt off to me, especially (and I know I'm not gonna make friends saying this) Beyond the beef always felt off to me although many regard it as one of the best quests in the game.
There aren't any
>Beyond the beef
No, this quest isn't that fun. There's a few ways to complete it which kinda made it the "talking point" in Fo3/NV debates but it's not really that amazing.
Does the thing that feels "off" to you the quest marker? Because that's always something that bugged me also.
Alright. This is beyond shitposting at this point.
It felt more natural in stuff like Deus Ex or STALKER to not be so attached to stuff and be willing to drop items just to continue playing, Fallout games have too many things to enable the opposite, a deceptively large carry weight that makes you feel like toting everything around, fast travel makes you feel like its just a small trip even though it almost always turns into a more time consuming one, not to mention that equipment is on a much higher curve in Fallout so abandoning something doesn't feel as natural, and again the grindy nature of the games make you want to collect everything to get the best equipment, and finally those other games don't have excessive amounts of crap to collect.
I actually kinda liked the quest marker as I used it to find out if a quest item or a quest person glitched out of the world again.
I guess it's just some characters involved in quests and some quest objectives felt off.
I know I'm probably not helping you understand me but I really can't describe exactly what it is that felt off, but still a great game.
I honestly never have much beyond the basic water/food stuff and one or two rifles on me at all times. And in FNV I never felt compelled to collect every random garbage as it almost never has any point to it. Fallout 4 on the other hand really forces you to take every shit you find to either upgrade your weapons, sell it or build a shack so people stfu about too few beds.
Are you the kind of idiot who didnt know how to kill the ghost people?
Unmodded, it's one of my favorite open-world RPGs. The graphics and engine are mediocre, but forgivable (on PC). The writing is phenomenal, I'm always impressed with the depth and breadth of the game's quests and side quests. I remember discovering new (minor & major) sidequests years after my first few playthroughs.
Modded, it's one of my favorite games ever - if not my favorite. The modding community for the game has worked to produce so much that either mitigates the flaws of the game, fleshes out unfinished systems or areas, or adds entirely new content. The game looks pretty good with the right combination of shaders and texture mods, too.
Also, it has some of the best DLC I've ever seen in a game. Not necessarily because it's packed with content, but because it's consistently great, each piece is unique, and there's an overarching thematic thread that ties everything together in an extremely satisfying way.
So I'd give it a 6/10
great game desu.
playing through all the dlc right now for the first time and having a blast.
answered the beginning doc mitchell setup as honestly as I could to reflect myself. Ended up with Unarmed, Speech, and Survival. Not a bad playthough desu.
First fallout was 3 but this is game is superior by far. Might get TTW down the road but I honestly want to go play fallout 2.
Project nevada with extras is great.
Overall I enjoy the writing. I feel like i'm playing a ROLEplaying game in a cool and interesting world worth exploring. I love that there isn't a clear good or bad and everything is relative to ideaology. Ill be playing again with different builds and mods strictly cause of this reason alone.
Massive improvement on the awful Fallout 3, but not as good as 1 or even 2. Held back by the shitty engine it uses and its commitment to the unfunny joke of making the primary antagonists LARPers.
>wasting MFC to take out speakers
>not using the police pistol
>So I'd give it a 6/10
>not using throwing spears
its probably the feel that its half western and half fallout. the western vibe is very forced. I don't think it is a bad thing but it could have been toned down for a more nuclear feeling instead of dusty western. Remove the futuristic atmosphere tech and robots etc and you could have the same exact game just set in the 1800s.
Deeply flawed, but still one of my favorite video games.
>Caesar’s Legion
>missing 6 times with shitty spears that take 3 seconds to throw, and another 2 seconds to reach their target
that’s not true!!! you blow it out YOUR ass!!!
That might really be contributing to it. I like the western feeling FNV adds but at times it really should have been tuned down a little.
Coming to think about it one of the things that really are off is the soundtrack, cause if I hear Johnny Guitar one more time I swear I'm gonna off myself. Granted some songs fit really well but I really miss the ambient music like Vats of goo.
but stalker is ass
To be fair some of the ambient music from fo1 and 2 are in new vegas
overall ost radio or not is great imo barring sin to tell a lie and johnny guitar.
i love the bombastic big band music like sinatra while im rompin the wasteland mowing down freaks of nature. scratches an itch i didnt know i had.
also LUCK. good golly fuck i wish luck systems worked in other rpgs like in new vegas. never enjoyed playing a lucky son of a bitch ever as much as i have in this game
>also LUCK. good golly fuck i wish luck systems worked in other rpgs like in new vegas. never enjoyed playing a lucky son of a bitch ever as much as i have in this game
I agree, I get at least 6 luck every play through and bump it up to at least 8 so I can swindle the casinos
Jesus christ that dlc was fucking dogshit
Fed up with this board
Go back to /mlp/ faggot
fuck off
Easily one of the best games ever, and a perfect example of how to make a good sequel to something. It has all the dumb, satisfying violence that casuals love and has all the good writing, characters, world-building and great game design that hardcore players can enjoy as well. Definitely superior to both 3 and 4 and even the first two as well. The gameplay is better (imo) but it does what every good sequel should do. It doesn't just bring back things you know (including things that shouldn't have been brought back in the first place, as 3 did with the Enclave and Super Mutants) in an attempt to win over old time fans. It takes the core elements of the old titles and doesn't just do them justice, but it evolves them and does them better than the originals ever did. (for example, moral amiguity, always something touched upon in the first two but something they never went all the way with. The bad guys were somewhat agreeable in some ways but they were still bad guys. In NV you can outright side with who would normally be the bad guys, and even then there are even more factions to side with beyond that. Not only can you choose who to work for, but the game gives you more ways to complete each quest than ever before. It's difficult to think of even a handful of quests than only give you one way to complete them.)
Well this thread got utterly shitposted to death
GOAT, nothing more, nothing less.
Sheeit, did the sale end 12PM EST
sales always start/end at 10am PST
That's lazy
>6 luck
you are like a little baby, watch this
>8 luck + implant + lucky shades = 10 luck
all crits, all day
Damn. I guess I have enough games to play until the next sale.
So I'm just gonna post this here.
Best order to play NV DLC in is; HH>OWB>LR>DM
It's ascending order of overall threat to the Mojave.
Why do people like 2? The story/feel of the game just don't compare to 1.
but why? date of release is always best (DM-HH-OWB-LR)
also ascending danger to mojave would be more like (OWB-DM-HH-LR)
My favorite game.
>Why do people like 2?
improved mechanics, better role-playing, more items and playstyles
>The story/feel of the game just don't compare to 1.
pretty subjective honestly, i liked them both
So much goddamn fun.
Why is HH above DM? What danger do the White Legs pose? Caesar's Legion is already there so an integrated White Legs wouldn't be noticed.
And DM is above LR because tunnelers are one thing, but a death cloud followed by invincible hard light contructs that shoot lasers controlled by a literal genius is way more dangerous.
>Why is HH above DM? What danger do the White Legs pose?
they fucked with my mormon boys
>but a death cloud followed by invincible hard light contructs that shoot lasers controlled by a literal genius is way more dangerous.
i dont think elijah is smart or resourceful enough to get into the sierra madre by himself, hence why he needs you
I honestly hated it the first time I played it. But I kept at it and ended up loving it. It's one of my favorite games now.
GOAT, that is all
decent rpg, bad shooter
overalls pretty good
They pretty well establish that you need a team to set off the gala event.
please use reddit spacing next time you post
yeah i agree
My favorite game of all time and strangely, my first Fallout game, there's something about it that keeps me coming back after finishing so many times DLC included
t. DSP
Pretty good. I think I enjoyed more of the locations in 3, but every other facet of the game is improved from the writing to the mechanics and to the way perks are balanced. Even a relatively minor detail of being able to take a trait that lowers some stuff but potentially boosts others just like FO1/2. The elaborate faction mechanics were pretty nice too, provided a lot of different ways of experiencing some of the content. 8.5/10 I keep it installed on my PC
who is dsp?
Boring af just like skyrim and the other fallout games since 3. It's literally just walk around to win. There is no challenge at all.
It's easy and boring, face it.
Awful graphics that make all people look like literal retards, doesn't help the fact that the whole game is coated in nauseating orange
Horrible gunplay and combat
A game engine held together by duct tape that frequently crashes and falls apart
a radio station with 12 songs on it for an open world game, one of those songs being Johnny guitar
Game has more game breaking bugs than it has radroaches
Overall great game, best in the series
your mom is easy and boring.