Lock on

>lock on
>walk around in a circle
>wait for them to attack
>press R1 during their recovery animation

this works for 99% of enemies in the game. why is this game hard again??

>while circling your enemy, 3 more enemies flank you
It's not the hardest game ever, but with so many other titles overusing QTE and auto-aim, I have to say this was a breath of fresh air.

You're only 6 years late figuring this out.

only plebs target in souls games

When you over analyze a game combat it all sounds like boring shit.

When Demon Souls came out players very much accustomed to modern game design where you could hold down the sprint button and blindly charge forward.

A game to punishing that by setting up simple traps or ambushes was enough to shock the general population that suddenly had to stop looking at their phones while playing.

You can't so that again mutiple enemies that have poise grouped up together. Also the bosses the only hard thing about Souls.

there are less than 10 hard boss fights in all of souls

Probably. But many people will die from gotcha bosses like Capra Demon.

It isn't; don't believe the lies.

>No "Game Over" or "Defeat" condition
>Death has absolutely no consequence
>Can bring other players to your world to beat the game for you
>Healing item with infinite recharges
>Infinite amount of retries

>>Death has absolutely no consequence
losing Humanity is a pain in the ass

Online play is perfectly negligible, and if you want someone to beat the game for you you only need to farm humanities from the rats on the depths.

As I said, no consequences.

hey stop making fun of games i like you big smelly jerk

it''s a good game it just isn't that hard

tee bee aych

the hardest parts are the one-time gotcha gimmick kills and the just poorly designed shit like the anor londo archers or enemies being able to attack through walls

Humanity is for more then online play. And if you result to grinding and farming for hours every game in existence is easy

>imagine thinking souls games are hard
>imagine thinking they are nothing but funny

>And if you result to grinding and farming for hours every game in existence is easy

This statement brings up so many questions about you.

okay youre awesome at videogames is that all you want me to say like omg

That you got called out for grinding and farming

No it's not, if you not blocking or rolling around even hollows in undead asylum can fuck you up.

>Press L2 to raise your gun
>Walk around
>R2 to fire
>Congrats you won the firefight

this works for 99% of enemies in CoD, why am I a faggot again?

>press buttons to win
wow and people think this game's combat is complex

>play video game
>wait for the right time to press button
>win video game

this works for 99% of games

>play videogame
>do right thing

wow this game sucks what the fuck are people thinking etc

>"grind for X time to get back what you lost"
> not a consequence

Guess theres no consequence in mario if you loss all your lives since you can just restart huh?

in mario 64 you don't even have to fully press the button

the game is hard, until you figure out that circling left is the goddamn kryptonite of every boss in the game.

Because it took you three play through to get it down to an art.


Why are Soulsfriends so defensive about their easy videogame?