I just wanted to take a second to say that the Drop Dash in Sonic Mania is one of the best mechanics I've ever seen in a game.
I just wanted to take a second to say that the Drop Dash in Sonic Mania is one of the best mechanics I've ever seen in...
>tfw I keep holding the button down in the original trilogy and get confused when Drop Dash doesn't work
Yeah it feels like it belongs in Sonic
>30 years
>only 1 minor improvement on the original trilogy
And that's why Sonic went from system and cereal seller, to a nobody played by nostalgiafags and outcasts.
The drop dash is the biggest evolution since the spindash. It's a fucking game changer.
Has there been an update to Sonic 3 Complete enabling its use yet?
>wahh sonic died pandering to nostalgiafags
>Mania is widely successful and popular
I don't like it
I want to actually earn my momentum instead of mashing buttons like a retard
At least spindash had the slight penalty of making you completely stop to charge it
This shit is just stupid
Super peel out is a much more balanced mechanic and insta-shield a more skill based one
Well it's a good thing you can choose them instead then.
The game was clearly designed around the drop dash
Which is why I don't like it as much as the originals
>The game was clearly designed around the drop dash
You are actually a fucking idiot.
>The game was clearly designed around the drop dash
It was also designed around playing as Knuckles and Tails
No, you are the fucking idiot
They have separate paths, or at least knuckles does and are just an inferior experience overall.
Tails has little to no alternate paths and he flows through the zones just fine
The drop dash is not as fast/powerful as a regular spin dash to make up for it, as it's weakness.
Drop Dash>W Spin attack>Spin Dash>Super Peelout
Note that they are all great and I wait patiently for an update to S3K Complete that adds drop dash in
Nobody plays Tails seriously anyway, he's always been a crutch for baddies and his flight usually breaks most level designs
Having an auto-spindash on demand is not a weakness at all, it just makes an already easier game even more brain dead
Where's my reward for knowing the levels when any shitter can mash buttons and also maintain his speed?
>The game was clearly designed around the drop dash
It's entirely optional. As good as it feels to use it every chance you get I got through the game just fine on my first run without using it whatsoever.
>The game was clearly designed around the drop dash
Back this up with evidence and do point out how it makes it inferior to the other games. Otherwise you are just a contrarian.
Read my posts
Funny, pretty much everyone i've seen around the internet said that they almost never used the Drop Dash in their first playthrough because it was too difficult to use correctly and claiming it was a speedrunner tool
But i guess i'll take your word as an Sonic authority and agree that it's a brain game mechanic that makes the game easier than it was supposed to be, even though the game was "clearly designed around the drop dash"
It's hard to go back to the old games.
People have been playing Sonic games since 1991 without it, of course they're gonna have a hard time adapting to anything new
The point is that once you learn it, which takes 5 minutes at most, it makes your speed management completely trivial
Wanna know why those people also dislike Sonic 1? I'll let you guess
Marble Zone
Labyrinth Zone
It's probably because Marble Zone is too slow or narrow at points and labyrinth is just flat out bad. still better than 2 though. 1 has its faults but 2 just fall off a goddamn cliff level design-wise after you finish mystic cave.
I disagree, but the drop dash really does help with flow and I do miss it when I replay 2/3&K. I think the most jarring thing to get used to when going back to the classics is that Mania's engine just feels smoother and nicer in little ways, ESPECIALLY being able to control spindash jumps like in CD.
No & I heard they don't plan to do it.
Fucking casual garbage
>wow I just kept drop dashing and I beat my old record wow! it was so easy!
typical of Gaijins to ruin a game by making it so easy and ruining the flow.
>b-b-but in old sonic games I couldn't just go fast all the time because I needed to get good at avoiding obstacles it's so much better now that I get a free fast button to mash until the course is over and I win just like boostshit.
haha funny story mark
>>wow I just kept drop dashing and I beat my old record wow! it was so easy!
How about beating the second record?
How about reading the rest of my post you boostshit cretin
People hate modern sonic because boostshit but then they like classic sonic with boostshit I don't get it.
I've read the rest of your post
So, how about beating the second record?
I actually agree with this
I don't like Sonic 1 for the same reasons that I like the other games but it's still a solid platformer and a worthy beginning to the series
Are you kidding? The only levels in 1 that don't move at a crawl are starlight and green hill.
>Waaahh I don't like going fast
Go back to labyrinth zone
>suddenly people don't like the Drop Dash anymore
Contrarians, everyone. This is what the fucking cat on the hype threads was warning us about
the what now
He's referring to his otherkin self
Tomposter aka "The Damn Cat"
He was a faggot
Faggots? On Sup Forums? Bullshit
What a shame.
I already forgot what was his deal
wew nice samefag.
I went through the whole game only accidentally triggering the drop dash
I dare them to release an update that lets you have all of Sonic's abilities active at once, think about it, Up B for Super Peel Out, press b while in mid jump for insta-shield, hold for drop dash and of course the spin dash, imagine it. Fucking imagine the power! I desire it, I yearn for it, I would kill for it!
I was skeptical when I first heard about it but it works extremely well. It's a pretty ingenious addition.
Pretty sure there's already a mod for that
In fact i believe it's a default option in the mod loader
Drop dash is a better addition over spin dash. You can keep more speed or speed up after jumping from one platform to another while moving around. This is coming from someone who enjoys Sonic the Hedgehog the most and always disables spin-dash if they ever add it into the port.
Damn, I only have the switch version of mania so I can't get that mod. Have you tasted that power,user? How was it?
Didn't test it myself, only saw a brief video with it. The only thing i messed around with mods was having the Lightning shield's double jump as a default ability and, most importantly, changing Press Garden's name to Sakura Synagogue
Definitely makes it with paying $20 for a game with less content, challenge, and fun than romhacks made by the same people.
Like what, Sonic Megamix? Please say Sonic Megamix
>The game was clearly designed around the drop dash
>If it ain't broken
Like, really. You make it sound like that was a bad thing when NSMB did the exact same shit. Say it with me now.
It's OK...
>typical of Gaijins to ruin a game by making it so easy and ruining the flow.
hahahahahahahaha go play your sonic forces kid
Sure, Megamix.
My god. Like, you do know that anything classic based is MOMENTUM be your source of speed, right? Which, thanks to the terrain, you CANNOT get maximum speed using anything but the TERRAIN to gain max speed. Boosting gives you max speed 100% OF THE TIME as long as you hold it. Which you can't even do for the Dropdash, because you need to time it right between intervals.
And that's not even the main reason people hate "boostshit", it's far too handholding, panders to low skillers and generally is crippled from its true potential. Just look at Unleashed then Forces, and how they fucked it up beyond repair. Hell even Force's Dropdash is shit compared to Mania's.
The Drop Dash is great but I'm still mad they nerfed the Insta-shield for no reason.
Forces looks like it could've actually been fun if it weren't for boostshit.
Why? It would've still been a bunch of half-assed playstyles
>Could have been fun