What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Nothing. It's the perfect 24 adaptation. The sequel was good too.
It wasn't bad, but it's incredibly shallow compared to Chaos Theory. As a sequel to Double Agent, it's a lot more better.
Says so right on the box in the bottom right hand corner
Shit SC game
Kino game otherwise
It's not that bad gameplay-wise, if you want a faster-paced predatory stealth game it's a good romp, but if you're looking for proper Splinter Cell stealth which is a lot slower and more tactical (and overall better), it's not where you should look.
wtf I’m reinstalling Conviction now
this. It's basically the RE6 of the SC series
It's also the Absolution. And yet somehow it's not the ThiAf.
>you're gonna have to pay for sex from now on
Vidya sin confession: I enjoyed Absolution, Convinction, and Blacklist. Even my casual ass couldn't enjoy Thiaf tho'.
It wasn't convincing enough.
Joke would work if you used the proper "convicting", user.
>What went wrong?
>a permanent internet connection is required to play the game
well that's a start
lol you can definitely hear that Ironside was drunk when doing his lines
Then get it on consoles like a good boy.
infinite ammo at all times i'd say went wrong. and not being able to move bodies. Other than that I had a ton of fun.
He was probably tired of the role then.
>no new Splinter Cell since 2013 (going on 4+ years)
>no indication they are even working on one
>no news lately
>Ironside officially gone regardless
Splinter Cell is dead, isn't it?
That they marketed it as a Splinter Cell game. If they had made the game and sold it as a Jason Bourne or 24 game, it would be held as one of the best licensed games ever made.
probably a couple of canned games after Siege and AC took off
then Wildlands and that other one flopped
Actually they mentioned SC in E3. Somewhere along the lines of “don’t worry, we’re handling it”.
which is best?
Chaos Theory, because of how hilarious he looked
your image is pretty funny (and accurate), but it's only going to get worse. imagine the next splinter cell as an open world game, like far cry or mgsv. that's obviously the road it's on. you think the stealth can't get more watered down? you think the level design can't get lazier? you think the hud can't get more cluttered? remember, it's owned by ubisoft. do you really want zombie splinter cell, or would you rather it rest in peace?
but why shouldn't we be worried?
It would be Conviction if he didn't have that gay ass fratboy haircut.
>Wildlands and that other one flopped
dude, like it or hate it Wildlands is fucking killing. It was top selling for a good while actually.
Blacklist Sam looks too much like Commander Shepard.
It has less players than Division, doesn’t it?
that's Derp Fisher. But at least the game itself was fantastic
>would you rather it rest in peace?
I think so. It's been off the rails for a decade (since DA) at this point, anyways
Honestly BL. But only when he has longer hair, not with that Shepard haircut.
all the faces in that game were funny as shit.
I was thinking Isaac Clarke.
Good game shit plot.
They even get you your own ship.
which is the best game? only played the first 2 a long time ago
Chaos Theory is -almost- universally considered the best of the series
another coincidence: the ship names are taken from french history, normandy and paladin
another coincidence: i want to fuck both miranda and grim
Nobody likes it because it was slightly more action oriented, but it's my personal favorite in the series for both gameplay and story. I just got done replaying it a couple days ago and have been going through the Deniable Ops
Plus the soundtrack was really good: youtu.be
Double agent
The main story, other than that the co-op portion was great and should've just been expanded into a whole spin off series
Lots of people dislike his design but those tired operator eyes are aesthetic.
thx senpai
>Deniable Ops
This is the one thing that redeems it (slightly). It has near infinite re-playability. Blacklist's version was not as good. too few levels
hope you enjoy it
But user, Russian Guy from coop is currently comatose on the Paladin. Probably gonna make him a pal in the next game, if the series ain't dead
siege is doing better
I’ll definitely take him over Briggs. Cannot remember a single thing about him apart from him being black.
It's the glasses isn't it
Siege is doing incredibly well. But Wildlands kinda...disappeared? At least Division has its pseudo RPG/looter shooter niche which attracts certain players. Wildlands is just really bland.
While Blacklist is a good game, Sam's new voice makes it extremely hard for me to enjoy. It just isn't the same without Michael Ironside's gravelly voice.
I'm enjoying Wildlands in co-op quite a bit.
I sure as shit wouldn't play it singleplayer though.
briggs is just a whiny insubordinate ass. he's basically the raiden of scb
This guy did that same section in a slightly more bad-ass way
I felt like Ironside was already kinda phoning it in during Conviction. At least they didn't part on bad terms (like some other stealth franchises) - Ironside actually helped nuFisher with the character.
Good taste.
another coincidence: both miranda and grim are equally bitchy
I just like it for the window bit.
well, that may be because they are both coincidentally women
Conviction Sam looks like he just got done with a week of hard boozing.
Feels like they changed Sam's personality too, to fit the voice or something. Sure doesn't feel like the same Sam.
they started making a completely different game, which was going to be an open world investigation game with martial arts combat and watch_dogs esque stealth. you were going off the grid to find out what happened to Sarah. it was going to be fun as fuck. then all of a sudden they decided to throw it all away and re-use the assets to create a more traditional splinter cell game because they're scared little pussies.
But Sam is a total dick to Briggs.
>saves him from torture by the main baddie
>hurr why did you stop to help me the mission comes first
Meanwhile Grim blows up half of Tehran and almost starts WW3 but he doesn't say shit.
that Conviction looked pretty interesting but they couldn't make it work. I think they said they spent months just trying to get the chair grabbing animations to work ;(
I heard they scrapped it cause the XBOWX could handle it, so that made a shitty shooter
>mfw read they spent 5 months on sam grabbing a chair
Tbh his best friend was just put in coma and Sam had to work with people whom he didn't trust nor particularly like, I guess that's why the banter was massively dialed down.
>at one point you stab a guy with the US flag
10/10 patriotic kino
Loved the gun takedowns in Conviction. Felt more natural than the knife-appears-in-hand takedowns of Blacklist.
Besides, knife takedowns are played out. It's call about getting in close to blow someones head off with your pistol.
The B/W shit made it unplayable for me, what an obnoxious design choice
I like it for the ultraviolence aspect, but it's retarded from a stealth perspective. If you do that when you don't happen to have a knife or a gun in hand than that's fine, but willingly alerting errbody around you and using more bullets than necessary is a little stupid.
I like to ghost everything anyway so whatever.
>Those unnecessarily brutal takedowns in Conviction
Those were pretty cool, shame they gimped them in Blacklist as you say
Some of the non-lethal takedowns in BL are really elaborate though, Sam does crazy shit.
He was phoning it in. He was drunk during some of his line reading sessions during Conviction
>"You gonna make me cut your throat and look for the words inside your NECK?"
Sam really does not like war criminals.
>still no game with best Splinter Cell ever
> we will never have this kind of dialogue again
I really enjoyed that game. Is the newer one better? I think it's called Blacklist.
Also, are there any older ones that are better? I only played through Conviction fully.
When will the "Double Agent is bad" meme end? It's the second-best game in the series and the only people who don't like it are pussy faggots who got BTFO when they couldn't rely on knockouts, sticky shockers, and the OCP to breeze their way through levels. Funny how supposed fans of a stealth series hate an actual stealth game.
Didn't the 6th and 7th gen versions play like completely different games?
Last one looks like Isaac Clarke.
Started the 360 version a year ago but stopped (the one from your image), apparently the og xbox version was made by the old Chaos Theory team and used movement more close to CT and had dynamic visibility/stealth instead of the binary orange/green visible not visible one. That really bothered me.
It also has co-op, one of the most legendary gaming memories i have with my brother so i was unexpectedly hype. Haven't tried it again yet though.
There were more differences, but i don't want to spoil myself.
Yes. The Xbox version was almost exactly like Chaos Theory. Seems pretty underrated, as hardly anyone even mentions it
>Meanwhile Grim blows up half of Tehran and almost starts WW3 but he doesn't say shit.
Because he wants to fuck Grim.
>related videos include Blood Stone and Bourne Conspiracy takedowns
who doesn't, did you see her breasts physics in Conviction?
>a singleplayer game with optional co-op has less online players than an always-online one
WOW... Fucking moron.
>reading that Clint Hocking specifically built the UI and HUD in CT to make sure players weren't just playing the game through the HUD and barely looking at the screen
I wonder how he feels about objective markers.
>Clint Hocking
I wonder what he's up to nowadays.
>movement more close to CT
What? It's identical to Chaos Theory except Sam eventually squats when you stop moving as opposed to standing completely and unrealistically still like a retard.
>and had dynamic visibility/stealth instead of the binary orange/green visible not visible one. That really bothered me.
WRONG. This is another fucking meme that just won't die. The stealth and AI detection is EXACTLY the same--the only difference is the visibility bar has been replaced with a light. Look in the .inis and see for yourself. It's a UI change only, not a gameplay change.
Look at all this misinformation, lads. People hate on DA for flaws that literally do not exist. Such a shame.
He's been at Ubi Toronto for like 2 years, no idea what he's doing there though
Well I mean that's the goal of a lot of games. Most Ubishit games like For Honor and Division focus on unintrusive HUDs.
Departed from main series gameplay in favor of a Jason Bourne style
Darkens the entire screen to show that you're hidden
Extremely easy even on highest difficulty
No spies vs. mercs but a weird variant of it instead
On the plus side you can beat the shit out of Grim
>WRONG. This is another fucking meme that just won't die
I think people who hate on post-Conviction games have never actually played them. Even in Blacklist the light just means you are 99% cloaked - if someone walks up they'll still detect you. You can even see a white meter slowly climb up based on your cover and shadow.
I'm replaying Blacklist and never realized how bad they butchered Sam's character. I just passed the point where he gets nerve gas poisoning and then gets super pissed because Briggs saved him. He's a complete asshole in this game, even in Conviction where he was supposed to be pissed off he still came off at least somewhat likable
They reconciled later. I didn't mind his character
It was kind of weird that he was an asshole for no reason, but I didn't care too much. I stilled liked him especially how he let Briggs take the Denver mission.
What bothers me more is how they rebooted him into a Bourne-lite.
Those are all good games
Just not in the grand scheme of their series though
you forgot your video
his character was complete shit, his entire personality is literally gone. i can't even imagine sam acting that way as a 20 year old let alone one of the most experienced combat veterans currently serving.