Now that Xenoblade 2 has redeemed and popularized the Xeno-series...

Now that Xenoblade 2 has redeemed and popularized the Xeno-series, prepare for hipsters to crop up with their "AKSHUALLY XENOGEARS/SAGA ISH BETTUR"

Let's face it grandpa, Nintendo saved the franchise

Xenogears is still better.

case and point

>add waifus
>save franchise
Why can't other companies follow their lead?

We've been dealing with that ever since the first Xenoblade already new-friend.


It still isn't that much more popular before. I like the character designs, but they haven't "saved" anything. The series didn't need redeeming or saving to begin with.

They are to beta to go against the wishes of the SJW menance

>Xenoblade 2

Gears was always the shitty hipster game though. Like i fell for that meme hard back before XCX came out.

just got my first rare blade, Ursula. she comes with her bear, 2 in 1 blade

is she gud?


her affinity chart unlock system is the worst and will mean she has to be out of your party for dozens of hours

Ursula is a good Blade but you'll never use her.

She's locked behind literally hundreds of merc missions. She was my first and I'm in the post game and I'm still not done grinding them out. It's retarded.

She's good but it takes a million years to level her affinity to max.

The first Xenoblade already did that.

Nice bait my dude.

What an amazing post this was!!!! Do you have any other things to say as meaningful, smart, and constructive as this one!?!?!?!



>grabbag of a dozen of legit points
>dismissed out of hand
Why enter the thread at all if you don't want to talk about the game?

well fuk me then, i'm still hunting down the Bion Connectors. is she at least helpful in the early game?

>h-haha it's not bait guys just d-discussing the game fellow nintenbros h-haha

Very. Especially if she's on Nia. She's still alright to use, but getting her 5th ring of perks is awful. Up to the 4th is pretty doable.

Is this how you react to criticism IRL?

She was mine too. I think I'm at the very end of her side quest in chapter 5 like 50 hours into the game (I play slow). You need a animal blade with earth affinity to complete it and I'm still trying to draw one. When I use her in combat she's pretty legit, knuckle launcher and solidass heals. I highly recommend you start using all the compassion boosters you get in an attempt to draw a Earth/Animal blade so you'll be prepared for when you need it.

Try to hurry through the game until you unlock mercenaries if you haven't already. Ursula requires like 45 10 minute merc quests in addition to like 5 15 minute merc quests to finish.

I believe you'll also need an Ice blade so try to get one of those too. There's no real harm in having a bunch of common blades, I never hit the blade cap but I was pretty conservative with them until I got my blade cap upped.

ahhhh she's already on my Rex

How can it be better when it's not as fun to play?

Don't listen to
Just get her to affinity level 4 and stop. She's perfectly fine at that level, and it doesn't take long at all. It's grinding from 4 to 5 that takes the vast, vast majority of the time.


Still mad it will never be finished properly and everything after has been a meme

>obvious cherrypicking
>valid criticism
Whatever helps you sleep at night so(n)ygger

I'm tired of this meme, first FE suffered from this, now it's xenoblade. Fuck off and kys xenoblade 2 is good quit trying to start wars with your "grandpa" boogeyman you fucking shitter

rebirth amulet says "boosts the effect of hp potions by 40%"

..does that mean the person wearing it gets 40% more heal? or does everyone get 40% if that person picks it up? Nia is usually running around picking up healing potions

When I'm sending blades on Merc Missions is it better to send the least amount possible if I don't care about shortening the time? I was thinking maybe theres an exp pool they all draw from and if theres less blades they grow more.

Cherrypicking what, posts?
What about the gripes WITHIN the posts, retard?

Was XCX supposed to be bad, by the way? I'm just starting it after beating XC1 and I'm really enjoying it.


Just call them what they really are:

Authoritarians that belong in coffins.

Oldness/Unpopularity > Fun/Quality

These are the facts, newfag. I you had been on /v for more than 1 day you would have known this already.


No, it didn't.
Everybody is taking a piss at it for the shit story, the shit localisation and the overall shitness of the combat.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is my only Xeno game outside of Xenogears, is there anything related to Xenogears in any of the Xeno series? Seems like ether is still around and the blades remind me of gears with the way the interact with ether. Guy only in chapter 5 of XBC2 here so that is pretty much all I've noticed other than Mythra getting power from what looked like Vierge. I'm also getting strong Ely vibes from Mythra/Pyra but I don't know if that's intentional or not.

It's literally the best combat in the series, though.

All 3 games are great, but XCX has a different strenghts than the other 2 games.

>And we're jeuuuuur

how does break resist work? I gave Nia the break booster scope or whatever but enemies still aren't being broken. I need to topple combo

Protip: Don't respond to posts that have no content other than "Everyone totally hates it, am I right my bros?"

>people who criticize media are authoritarians
>but I'm not an authoritarian for advocating to murder them

>being this rustled

Is this some kind ACfag thing?

Go back to /hg/ Adachi.

Do yourself a favor and don't awaken any more rare blades on Rex other than the ones you absolutely must. You'll get why later.

>Decide to start over the game
>Pull Dahlia, Boreas, Nim on Rex
>Dagas, Perceval, Finch, Agate on Nia

It's like the game wants me to suffer.

Yes they deserve to die, and I hope they burn in hell.

>mfw twerps think they can tell me what to do

It's hard to control RNG

We miss you. Come home and host a game.


My friend told me there's a character that looks like my waifu here but with smaller boobs

show me the proof and I will buy Xenoblade 2

What happened to an authoritarian dictatorship in WW2? They were killed of course.

SJWs are no different, and I dream of the day were they turn into rivers of blood.

This has to be the hardest eng vs jap dub decision I've had to make in vidya, simply because they didn't subtitle mid and post battle banter.

>There are people posting on this board right now that didn't enjoy all the Xeno games

Remember that all Xeno games isn't the same series.

Xenogears is property of Square-Enix.
Xenosaga is property of Namco.
Xenoblade is property of Nintendo.

They share the same makers and themes, but are different franchises.

Thank you.

wait are you saying sjws are as bad as the holocaust

I take it you never beat XC2. It has direct connections to Gears and Saga.

Neither of them exist, and both are Jewish conspiracies to keep the sheeple in check.

This is correct

t. Jew


This time there will be a real holocaust this time, and SJW blood will flood in them. Pools of their blood that will be used to give to Satan, our lord.

Are auto attack boosting accessories any good? Perun seems to boost auto attack damage so if I use some accessories to boost it more is this any better than strength bonuses or buffs to canceling auto attacks?

>ursula's character designer worked on AKB0048
>ursula's entire side quest is about becoming a pop star

this game is hitting weeb levels i never thought possible. So many blades have guest artists involved with respectable bodies of work to any weeb and some have jokes about it. Perun immediately appealed to me then I looked at her character designer and it all became clear. Those fucking CG eyes

More blatantly, she also designed Dahlia, and the two of them, especially Dahlia, resemble the heroines of Macross Frontier, whose characters she also designed and is also a show about idols.