Steam profile pic + post your most played game

Steam profile pic + post your most played game
r8 n h8

Mine is TF2.

Solid 8/10

TF2 as well

That's funny, I just had an ARMS profile pic before replacing it a minute ago. Is it true that the game isn't getting any more updates?

Nobody seems to know. The game seems pretty complete now, so it makes sense that they'd stop here, though I'd kill for even more content


also tf2

Havent swapped mine out from christmas but ill post anyway.


I would be more impressed to see someone whose #1 game isn't by Valve or Fromsoft.

dont forget bethesda

Warhammer Total War

My top played game is Path of Exile
I haven't played it on the steam client in over 2 years

CS:GO : -/

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth at 263 hours and yes I know that's not nearly as high as a lot of others on that game.



That's actually kind of interesting that TF2 and Odyssey focus on hats.

EDF 4.1

Dota 2

new vegas

CS:GO sadly

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl

TF2fag reporting in.

Dota 2 to my dismay

DoTA 2

Civ V


snake pass

Movie Battles II



Dark Souls 2, not sure how.

>901 hours
>still shit
A+ pics

Brettyyyyy Gud/12

Civ V 1741 hours

Street Fighter V. 1753 hours. If it's any consoluation, I make a lot of mods for the game and most of that time is idle.

The Witcher 3

Thanks for reminding to update the festive profile pic

TF2 is my most played like most people



Dark Souls