What is the vidya equivalent of this?

What is the vidya equivalent of this?

Not reporting Sup Forums threads on Sup Forums.

>game goes F2P

this is pretty accurate even tho thread is shit

They became fair game when they invaded our video games.

Go back to where you came from.

Should women be allowed to vote? If yes, would you state this opinion openly? As openly as the women in the OP?

>enjoying same rights as men
pick one

You mean when you tried to force a persecution narrative because there were black people in games you played? Kill yourself

Back to Resetera

Back to you-know-where


>being this desperate that reddit is now 2% right-wing compared to 100% left-wing before the_donald

>no denial about coming from reddit

>welcoming with open arms people who do nothing but ruin everything

>being this hysterical over normies supporting a president during elections which is a normie infested thing every 4 years

Someone start posting porn

Warcraft. Orcs are alien space refugees.

>STILL not denying it
>uses normie instead of normalfag
Say it with me now,

Been posting since we were telling newfags to go back to gaia, stormweenies pls go


Every trivial shit tier nigger cause has to be fought on Sup Forums for some reason instead of the proper board

You stop thinking of these people as human beings and just consider them subhuman distractions until moderation cleans them out.

Now that I think about it, bioshock 2 is a pretty pol game. You try and get your daughteru back from your cunt wife and slaughter hundreds of communist tweakers

The problem is that these people will never give up, you ban one, two more take his place


>until moderation cleans them out.
You mean gives them a three day ban so they can start doing it again?

Port beggars.