

don't lump morte in with these numales you cunt

>thinks Felicia Day is the best geek ever

But are traps gay?

White genes do this, not soy. Also the meme balding people should have beards


>this faggy numale kicked a guy out of his con for liking traps
he's a subhuman

Is that Jesse Cox? You leave him alone. Jesse Cox is too good for us.

unfortunately for morte that's the only way he can "smile", no muscles and all

im white and im not a balding fat numale with glasses

>this faggy numale
No, Totalasscancer kicked him out.

How so

And not all black people are violent criminals yet that is still genetic. Find me a black man that looks like a soyboy. Or an Asian or Mexican.

they aren't even self aware, are they?

everyone in this video should be burnt alive.




I came to post this.

Also he said no years earlier.

Don't trust the soy.

>Podcast this week is them playing indieshit because the bitch who never says anything isn't available

well he was alright back in the day now he's just sjw trash.
i think felicia day and dodger cucked him so hard he broke

what's the context?

He grew out of the edgy alt right phase

this is the closest I can think of

Is that better or worse than them talking about Blizzard games for 3 hours?

Some idiots are at a party appears to be the context.


>tells people to get cancer
>calls out feminists and trannies
years later
>gets cancer
>defends trannies

TB kicked the dude out. Jesse just sat there thinking about the question.

He didn't seem especially offended. Just "how do I answer this without pissing off nerds"

>male doesn't exist

Worse because at least I might learn the dramatic vidya game news of the week from them


Some Xenoblade black weeb working at my local GS


Note how the numale one is exactly like the female


And you tell me killing is wrong

Is that Simon from the Yogscast?

Where the fuck is the video games

too bad Jessie was forever friendzoned by Dodger who promptly went for that Yogscast Chad cock instead

That is one ugly camel

what the fuck

Nah I thimk they'd be smart enough to wear sunscreen

>Note how the numale one is exactly like the female

>literally sponsored by soy

This video has #metoo written all over it

I got them right here!

>tfw balding at 22

Where’s the vid

Why would you name a company after a movie whose titular product was literally cannibalism?


post nudes you sexy fuckhead


Good, gas all trapfags.

Where's the one that shows how males actually photograph shit?

>Surround item with unrelated items you also like and consider manly like cigarettes, guns, knives, weed, etc


alternatively, a normal looking photograph but on a small reflective surface somewhere you see their hairy naked body


what about thats no reflection

That's how soyboys photograph things, not males.


>I-it's not numale soy shit because I LIKE IT

Nice damage control you got there


what does soylent taste like

All males confirmed soy addicts

It varies from person to person

Your masculinity slipping aeay


soy soy soy nu-male soy soy soy soy


I tried it when it came out and it didnt have much taste, like drinking milk

I like tofu and you can't stop me


like your wife's bull leshaun's semen

Hope you enjoy playing that Jakers while I'm trying to catch up on sleep #marriagefallingapart #ihatemyhusband #whatafuckingmanchild

Why are people actually afraid of soy? There's a point when it stops being mocking and becomes and tangible fear


How do you know that?

Why isn't GoW on the Switch anyways? It'd be the perfect Switch game.

i can't believe Sup Forums has immolated itself because of a fucking bean

based tubby nude switch owner

It's a meme, you dip.

>posted from iphone X
bugman detected


There's a whole sad, worthless lifetime culminating in this webm.

Look, we are already feminised enough by xenoestrogens in our plastics, bottled and tap water. We don't need anymore.

No, it isn't. Soy is dangerous

It's literally the new water fluoridation.

The fact is the Japs have alays eaten tons of soy and they were some of the most brutal savages in history.

>be Asian
>add soya sauce to everything I cook

am I fucked?


The opposite of onions.

>fear of weak pseudomen

But I am on a zmax using Android? Also the fuck is a bugman? Sounds like an HIV chaser

traps are gay
it is a fact that you niggers cannot refute


He really is unbearable.

What? Japs are the soyest beans alive.

Ever read the Shadow over Innsmouth?

Reminder meat contains far more estrogen than soy