Should I get the original or the Scholarship Edition

Should I get the original or the Scholarship Edition

Scholarship Edition looks way better and has a few extra missions

I would say scholarship edition because it has more content but graphically it looks worse than the ps2 verison. Idk how to explain it but it looks too realistic if that makes any sense. I played the 360 version btw so maybe it's fixed on pc

Every haircut looks weird on Jimmy.

Why so you can practice kissing boys you fucking queer?

Good game but PC version is ass. It's not about if it's gonna crash, but when.

Don't take that shit, OP. Kick him in the johnson.

'I have a dream.' That one day every person in this school will control their own destiny. A school of the truly free, dammit. A school of action, not words! Ruled by strength, not committee! Where the rules change to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the students! Where every boy and girl are free to think - to act - for themselves! Fuck all these limp-dick bullies and chickenshit teachers. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! This school is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new school will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make school great again! In my new school, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for lunch money, not for girls! Not for what they're told is right. Every student will be free to fight his own wars!

So... What do you think?

I have never touched the game before. Can you actually do that? Why would a bully need to practice kissing?

This picture is low-res as fuck but it's the best I could find. I think it's a matter of opinion on which looks better, I like Scholarship the most. The others make Jimmy look like he has a really bad cold at all times

I always make him full bald, then put on a baseball cap.

Yes you can actually kiss boys in the game. I guess that's more incentive to buy it, huh queer?


Fatty has arrived!

It's used to gain extra health that acts kinda like armor from the GTA games. You're supposed to give a girl a gift in exchange for a kiss that'll give you the health boost. It's a pretty cool system that works extremely well for the game. And yes there are a couple gay kids that it will let you kiss. But go with Christy, she's the best

turn my name off

You turn MY name off

>tfw we didn't get beta fatty

finally my own clone! i was having dick withdrawal symptoms! cmere >:3!

Hey guys what's up

I heard the ports use a different engine than the original, is it any worse on those?

I've been replaying this, and forgot how to gain favor with factions. I'm stuck because I'm at the Boxing Gym mission, but the preps hate me and won't let me start the mission. I thought I could get favor by doing random missions for them, but they never ask, and attack me on sight.

You have to be dressed like them you filthy democrat!

It just changes as the story progresses.

Don't worry, Jimmy's tough.

Its too bad they didnt refine that system so that you can join a clique you like and attack rival cliques like youd normally do in highschool


have some respect you inbred homo.

His left eye looks swollen!

Supreme taste.

>can grope the Loli
>can't grope the shota

Float like a bee and sting like a bee

>he didnt get over the rainbow

Missed opportunity not having an over-the-top goth clique.

what did he mean by this?

"You filthy democrat!" is a prep quote from the game. And you have to be dressed in their sweater to get into their boxing gym.

I played the Scholarship edition on 360 first. I kept noticing a lot of weird audio bugs. I also think they added more NPCS to levels since they thought it could handle more, but I felt like I just ended up seeing the same models more often which kind of ruins the setting.

There are also some added levels and minigames in the 360 version that you honestly won't miss.

I played the PS2 version after and greatly preferred the audio and visuals.

Get my health back, then beat the shit out of them.

Beta Fatty looks 40

>grope the Loli
>Level 3 alarm goes off and everyone is coming after you like starving dogs


I played the Wii edition. The nerfed last gen graphics so it doesn't look weird, the extra content and the motion controls were cash.


Biology is almost impossible on a controller.

The comic they had in the manual was concept art or a genuine story? It didn't make sense but it kinda seemed awesome at the same time.

>Those times when you randomly get to walk Christy back to the girl's dorm all holding hands and shit

You can literally see their womb sticking out, goddamn R*.

>When you go from the boy's dorm to the garage to town and see the same NPC in different places four or five times along the way

literally me

Best rockstar game

If only you could hold hands and kiss the loli

The prep haircuts kinda work actually.

God this game was so fucking good.

Jimmy being a manlet never sat wellw ith me.

This. Jimmy was only 15, why would it have been so bad to date the 14 year olds?

Is there mods for this game? How good is the pc version?

pretty common for girls to be taller than guys at that age

>Not music class

what, were you playing with one hand?

There is kind of a stigma dating someone in a lower grade than you. Teens develop fast, plus you're young so there's relativity, so even a year seems like a huge difference.
I dated girls older than me all the time. The ones who found out my age lose interest.

t. Manlet

I literally have this game installed and I play it every day for at least a couple hours. Never crashed once.

When I was in hs, all the girls were going out with the guys in higher grades, especially if they were old enough to drive.

Post the beta prefects and beta Zoe.


>High school

No it isn't

>be 19 in highschool
>sit with friends at lunch table
>interested in this girl
>mfw finding out she's 14

It wasn't middle school?


Why not?

>be at a party a few months back
>as it wraps up hot girl starts getting all touchy feely
>figure this'll be my chance as a KHV
>she's 16

So? It just makes it more exciting

It's one thing if you're both under aged, it's another getting bitch slapped by the law and getting labeled a diddler

>being gay

>16 is legal where i live

You could give him a wedgie at his mom's grave and throw stink bombs at it at least