Wife filed for divorce back in November

>Wife filed for divorce back in November
>Still technically on hiatus from real work
>Alcoholism has been a problem for well over 20 years at this point
>Stuck playing GTAV and Minecraft for the rest of your life because kids eat that shit up.

How long until Geoff ends it all Sup Forums?

Would Ray coming back save him from the depression and sadness?

Will Griffon take the kid away, despite saying they're still friends, because she seems kinda crazy like that?

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He stopped drinking last year and he makes plenty of money from this lets play shit

He's fine

He's stopped drinking like 4 times in the past three years only to start it up again after a few months.

The hooch is going nowhere.

I just restarted the drunk tank. fucking hilarious still after all these years. I used to listen to them weekly until goober shit happened and they had dumb cunt Meg and Ashley on every chance they had to spout shit they had nothing about.

Saw his daughter in some video they did about kids and they did a bad job raising that kid desu. Freedom is good but they let her have too much and she legit looks like a groupie at how ever the fuck old she is

She was born in 2002, so she's literally 12 years old at this point, MAYBE 13. But yeah she looks just like her Mom, and considering the way Griffon dresses and presents herself, I don't think that's a good thing for a girl that young.

Even with the bias in the judicial system against fathers, I can't see Griffon getting custody of Millie. She is never in Austin and is very clearly mentally unstable. Geoff might be fucking terrible at video games, but all signs point to him being a pretty awesome dad.

>Wife filed for divorce back in November
Wait is this actually true.

I don't know anything about Griffon aside from what I saw on the Rooster Teeth Animated stuff. Why do you think she has some mental issues?

Y'know, beyond all the tattoos and shit that make her looks pretty strange.

nigga what it's 2018

I Miss drunk tank too user

>It's 2018

....Oh god help me what the fuck

user, your math sucks

Yup, it's all true.

She's divorcing Geoff

Any super oldfags here? I was one of the first 500 from drunkgamers.

That being said, Geoff was always a shit and it's no wonder they go back all the way to 2002 with the drunkgamers forum.

She if she was born in 2002, she is 16 now, in two years she will be legal
Who wants to bet you will find Millie on redtube in 2020?

She was born in 2005

was correct in her age, but wrong in the year she was born.

2018-2005 = 13 year old Millie at best

>She's still gonna be on redtube though

Hell, ya'll, I remember when Barbara was just a 14 year old cam-slut on the forums. She went by "blawndee" and we used to raid her profile with gay porn and troll her blog.


Who gives a fuck this is Sup Forums

I think its about time I go back and relisten to drunk tank from the start

RT had something magical for that first like ten years

I miss Ray, but not enough to actually go watch his solo streams.

Didn't they say he was gonna make regular guest appearances in Lets Plays after he left?

Did he EVER come back for anything?

You people are literally gossipping about ecelebs on Sup Forums you're not even remotely talking about games just their personal lives. Why?

because we have "known" these people for almost a decade now and we feel bad that it all went to shit for them either personally or creatively

Stop being a fag. It'll 404 soon anyway, I wasn't aware of the news so I'm glad the thread was made. Once upon a time I did like RVB.

So you've been here for a decade, you know it's against the rules to post off topic trash.

He pops up in Funhaus videos once or twice a year.

And if you have been here for a decade you would have known that nobody gives a shit, fuck off

It's not the same though, right? The way he and Ryan would bounce off of each other so easily was my favorite part about LetsPlay stuff.

I've legit probably watched less than fifty Achievement Hunter videos since Ray left. It's just not the same without him.


You're acting like no one hates e-celeb threads. People do. Ironically it's the old faggots who ate dragging this board down with e-celeb and anti-video game posting.

Ray was best with Micheal, Gavin, and Ryan. Geoff and Jack didn't really bounce off him as well as those three did, I really fucking miss him and fucking hate that unbearable faggot Jeremy. Ray leaving was the end of Achievement Hunter.

>we were born to experience halo
>none of us expected to see halo die

poor geoff, I'm expecting a suicide soon

If there was one LP I'd wanna put Ray in, it'd be the Skyblock stuff. I'd love to see what bullshit realm of science or magic he'd fall into

She wrote this to me 10 years ago.

Now I'd have to troll her on twitter. Fuck this gay website of theirs.

A man with that many tattoos can never be 100% right in the head.

Look up the RvB tatttoo PSA. It's just Bernie mocking him for that exact thought.

>the woman wrote this

He's been sober for like a year now and his divorce didn't reignite it. I think he's fine.

He came back to finish X-Ray and Vav, and do a few solo RTX panels and the Internet Box panel when that was still a thing.

but I imagine he's still a bit sour about how the higher ups handled his early streaming when He was using the name "RoosterTeethRay".

didn't they basically hijacked his channel?

That's exactly what they did. They stole his Twitch channel from him after he'd gotten insanely popular on it.

You can go back and look at the videos right after it happened. He was being a snarky asshole and obviously really upset. Not long after that he quit and went to stream full time.

Hasn't been seen in an LP since

Pretty Much, they made him hand over the log-in information and changed the name.

His decision to leave is most likely what prompted them to ease up on their streaming restrictions.

I dunno. Maybe the fact that she took off from her family for a few months for her Chainsaw Sculpture job, and probably banged a few dozen dudes behind Geoff's back?

...She just left her family for a few months? Like a break from being a wife and a mother?

I've literally never heard of something like that before, goddamn.

Why do you make threads on a video game message board putting down another human being and wishing for him to commit suicide?

Yeah. It was fucking weird.
She took off to be a Chainsaw artist. Weirdest combination of shit I've ever heard.

who is this?

Fuck you I love Geoff.

Griff was always my favorite RvB character back when I watched it

Show me examples of angry ray

I met this dude in a bar in Austin on 6th Street and bought him a shot of whiskey.

How the fuck does rooster teeth make money
Like they cannot possibly break even just from views from all the fucking infrastructure they have now

At what point should a man getting divorced say "fuck this I'm moving to another country"

they got bought out

RWBY merch sales.

I fucking shit you not, RWBY keeps that entire company afloat these days.

Don't watch whatever the show is but I did meet this guy in a bar a month ago when I was in Austin and he did mention this when I spoke to him.

He said his wife cheated on him while he was looking after his daughter or something.

When I headed out I asked if he wanted to come bar crawl and he said no and stayed.

By cheated on, you mean getting gangbanged nightly, right?

But no seriously I totally believe you and that shit is tragic. This is gonna be Geoff's second divorce.

Say what you will about the man so far as his gaming or business skills go, but Geoff genuinely loves his daughter more than life itself and I hope things work out for the two of them

Oh damn? Who bought their bullshit? They probably haven't been popular in 4 years...

he always reminded me of that mouse in the teapot from Alice in Wonderland

RWBY is insanely popular

Why do women do this Sup Forums?

I really wish we could see the financials for this
I guess that makes sense though, isn’t that what happened with rvb?

Why did Michael stop being loud and funny? Did that fat unfunny cow sap the life out of him or is it because Gavin is now his boss so you don't here too many shut the fuck up Gavin's.

Wait there’s a market for alcoholic let’s players?
Would anyone be interested in me? I’m an alcoholic living in Japan, I could stream and you could all listen to me cry about how shit life as a salaryman is as I get drunk off of whiskey and Nihonshu.

Griffon is nuts, ever heard dont put your dick in crazy?
Well, dont try to make a family with it either

RT has 5 billion views on youtube. They make very large amount of content and have a huge backlog of videos that also constantly accumulate views.