ITT: Vidya "Villains" you sympathize with

ITT: Vidya "Villains" you sympathize with

Other urls found in this thread:


Saren did nothing wrong.


The ultimate race traitor




This. He's like the Andrew Ryan. He wasn't perfect, but he wanted a better world with only the best.
Then (((Atlas))) tricks you into fighting him with a sob story and even goes so far to fake his family's death when the sub blows up.

But he was objectively wrong. At best, he was ensuring that the Turians would become the Collectors of our cycle

Don't get a big dick it was a fucking layup

Unironically this



Mr. House
Malak (He was just following Sith protocol. It is the apprentice's destiny to kill the master)




Funny meme
It's pretty old though, Rabbi.

At least there's not a drop of soy pumping through his veins

oy vey you sure showed the goyim. this image is going to stop everyone becoming Nazis! my grandmother is spinning like a dreidel in her ashtray. remember the lampshades and the suffering of the 6 gorillas
hey Shlomo another way to combat the rising nazi epidemic is put more fat black women in white boy's entertainment mediums. that'll fix everything

I really really hated Saren

is that rich evans


oy vey

>You want me to pity you?
>You want me to understand your sorrow?

Fuck, Papa's Nier dialogue was the best in the final fight. Shame I can't find that shit anywhere to hear it again. Hell if I'm doing part C & D again for those 30seconds.

Saren did literally nothing wrong.

David Duke.


It's hard to be wrong when your actions are wholly influenced by the technological will of a billion year old machine god


Yeah, I thought Jamieson Price did a great job with the dub.

>Shame I can't find that shit anywhere to hear it again.
You could youtube it?

Literally did nothing right and was mind controlled the whole time.
Also got cucked into oblivion post death when Shepard saved the galaxy.

It requires that boss phase to last a while and most videos I'm come across are just phoenix dash across bubbles to smack the Shadowlord for half health. I've come across the Japanese version on youtube where it's played out, but it's actually a completely different dialogue. Brother Nier is actually sympathetic.


Every Big Bad in this game really.
>grigori is the unwilling soul of a fallen arisen
>daimon is just some poor bastard whose world fell apart and wish twisted him into a cruel joke
>Death is an arisen who went insane trying to conquer the labyrinth
>senechel is just bored to death sorting all this shit out
The real villain is the world itself and the duke I guess.

>It requires that boss phase to last a while
Just the "You want me to understand your sadness?" bit?

every villain thread

I didn't deserve your kind spoonfeeding. Thank you.

No worries.

Nazis BTFO!!!


She deserved none of her pain.