Should I play Tales of Berseria with English audio or Jap audio?

Should I play Tales of Berseria with English audio or Jap audio?

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Either are fine really. Magilou's wordplay is a little more fun in a language you can understand though



>Should I watch Star Wars in the original language or a dubbed language?

I'm 20 hours in and switched between sub and dub for first hour, sub is better. Velvet sounds like an edgy retard in dub.

I got your dubs right here. Checkem.

The Tales series is one of the few out there that can actually do dubs right. Berseria is no exception, it's great.

you mean these?

You should play a good game.

This looks like a solid answer. Thanks man.

en voices are actually ridiculously good, jp voices are fine as well but they're not significantly better, also since a lot of the names of locations are very western fantasy it feels weirder honestly in JP than in EN

I just started it and have been wondering the same thing. Sub seems good so far, though, so I'll just stick with that.

English dub is surprisingly not shit except for one brown loli
Plus I think the localization suits towards the eng dub more so than the jap dub

No these

I play with Jap and I don't regret it.

Just try out which ones you like more, the game is so dialogue heavy that I eventually just played with the english dub so I could at least look at something else while listening to the skits from time to time

at least the other 5 members are voiced really well and considering other dubbed jrpg games, youll probably forget velvet will be on your shitlist

After a certain point the subtitles go to shit so unless you speak japaness you should go dub.

even velvet doesnt sound that bad

What if I am also an edgy retard?

Honestly dub Velvet is fine though. Cristina Valenzuela does a surprisingly good job considering her only other major role is Noel from Blazblue.

What do you mean?

then you'll love it, i know i did

Exactly what I said. The subtitles don't match what's being said and read like they where outsourced to someone who didn't read the script properly.

So how would someone who doesn't understand Nihongo even notice?

>only one week left of PSN sales
>still no Tales of Velvet

It's really fucking weird, the late-game side quests are dubbed fine. But it's almost as though they took the dub and had a machine transcribe the text from their voices It's shit like

>Eye went through a sue her great
When it should be
>I went through a sewer grate

game literally runs on a potato PC, could've gotten it on steam for 20 buckaroo's and plugged in your ps4 controller

The fuck? How does something like that get through to release? Have they patched it?


Should I play World of Final Fantasy with English audio or Jap audio?

What? Oh, there isn't any Jap audio unless you pre-ordered? Makes sense.


I have no fucking clue how they even managed to fuck it up that way.

Not sure if they patched it either, it's been a while since I played it back on PS4.


OP here. I got it for 20 digeridoos at Gamestop

What is a "skit" in the context of this game?

Where do I switch between languages?

Optional dialogue between characters. Basically the same as talking to a random NPC, but it involves the main cast and has an animated slideshow of character portraits to go with it. You have to willingly activate them at certain areas in the game world to see them.

I like Magilou in English

Well shit I guess I'm changing to English, it ain't bad at all and I'd like to avoid wonky subtitles.

How do you do that nigga? It isn't in the options screen.

Fun side conversations involving the main cast. While optional to initiate, you should most definitely see all of them as a lot of characterization is drawn from them.

It asks what language you want to play in every time you start the game, doesn't it?

I never found any problem with the subtitles.

Oh you can't do it mid-game then? Balls.

Just save and restart, my homie. A lot of big RPGs don't let you change audio mid-game.

I'm fine with the voice actors saying the lines different what's written for one or two words
But you're right about someone hearing the voices and typing what they think they hear then what is actually being said for the context to make sense
I guess this kinda rushed at the end of the localization, still unprofessional tho

English audio so you can masturbate to the girls more easily

biribiri desu
>tfw no sawashiro millia

satirical dialog segments that gives you a breather from the depressing main story.
I just kinda realized that the skits actually made a good contribution to make the characters good, it breaks away velvets brooding edgy side and it doesnt feel forced or cheesy.

tldr: writing is ebin good


I like everything about the game except its combat, I'm ten hours in and it just isn't clicking with me and is making the game difficult to play. Feels bad

Im pretty sure thats what everyone agrees on.
I just try to use laphicet for keks and dress them up as ridiculously as possible

Tales combat has grown stale so it's understandable to drop
Best you can do is play as different characters to try and spice up battles
If you do manage to keep going, the characters and their interactions will be some of the best any JRPG as seen, they made my first playthrough feel worth it, but to each their own I guess

Velvet is an edgy retard so I don't see the problem.

Looks like it's probably pretty easy to miss items walking around in this one, huh?

I like it though. The excessive weakness memorization was a bit of a chore but Rokurou and Eizen were super fun to play, and velvet was superezmode.

Dubbed is better, the French version is amazing

The dub was pretty good for everyone but Laphicet. Eizen and Magilou made the dub overall more enjoyable than the sub for me.

I like edgy shit anyway. It's why I come here.
So is the combat basically a ton of button mashing? I mean I'm sure you learn combos but it took a lot of button mashing to kill these two prickleboars.

I don't have a French option, which is a bummer because I could really stand to improve mine.

Kamoana's wierd scratchy voice is actually kinda appealing to me. I just wish she wasn't so damn loud.

It the beginning it is a real mash fest
Overtime the game requires you to hit with multiple moves in a combo to maximize your damage, continuing your combos with different artes that don't repeat will elongate the stagger on the enemy so combos are ideal, but you could still mash and spam moves that give invincible frames to win almost every fight in the game
I guess it depends on the player if they want to continue to mash or try to combo really

Does the PS3 version have all the DLC costume? I have a CFW ps3 now.

>except for one brown loli
>implying that isnt the best part

I'm currently playing Zestria as my first tales game and then moving on to Berseria. Started off loving it but I didn't know the story turned into a cliche hero fiesta and that the combat was super easy. Dammit.

What's up with the "grade" at the end of fights btw?

you can decide to button mash till the end or set it up to make things complicated and interesting, choice is yours and i find it a good thing

Grade is in every tales game to unlock stuff

Go with either, dub isn't that bad except for the monster girl who has the absolute worst VA in game.

I liked the game btw.

I almost lost the velvet solo duel with the spear redhead chick,i am so bad at this game

How far into the game is that part?

you're about 1/3 done

If you don't pick the original voice acting in every medium whenever it's possible you're cancer.

>Should I play [game] with [original audio] or [dub]?
There is only ever one correct answer to this.

Christina Vee has plenty of roles and she's hot garbage in every single one of them. She also did the voice directing for Skullgirls and that explains why almost every character in that is horrendous.

>almost lose to crybaby eleanor

>voicing best girl in blazblue


How does that work?

weeaboo detected

If you're playing Velvet then yes it's going to be mashy. Berseria is strange in how they make game mechanics into loot from hidden mini bosses as well.
Still, while devour mode is active Velvet is immune to death so there's not a lot of reason to get them aside from completion

a weeaboo will play disney games in japanese dub

In Berseria, once you start a new game +, they're "spent" at the start of it to unlock features like carrying over this and that, more xp, etc.

Retard detected.

I want to impregnate Noel

velvet is bad dubbed but literally everyone else is better subbed

You should play dubbed for Eizen alone imo

>listening to anything not in the original language
This includes music, eg. 99 Luftballons
Films, eg. Amelie/City of Lost Children, Seven Samurai, or whatever
And applies to non-Japanese games as well. Yes that means you're a philistine for not playing the Witcher in Polish too.

Its a cutscene that either builds the lore of the world or builds the relationship between characters, except its a lot cheaper to make than animating a full 3d cutscene so they can fill the game with a lot more of them

Wish more games would do something like this

When you have a piece of equipment, it takes a certain amount of points to level it to max to get the Master Skill from it permanently, the points refer to your Grade in a battle
Grade is how many points you get at the end of battle at how effective and efficient you were, doing things like long combos, having max hp at the end of a fight, never dying, not using recovery items, etc
This is what determines how slow or fast you can level up equipment

Also the Grade you accumulate over the course of the game go into a total Grade value which you can use in a New Game+ feature called the Grade Shop, which allows for carrying over things from your previous playthrough, adding health and other things, increasing how much experience and grade you can earn, etc

Isn't she also doing Shantae in HGH?
If so, that's a pretty good job there, although it's admitedly a very minimaly voiced game.

Why would you play anything thats not the original VO, FUCK YOU you stupid weeb

Holy shit, that voice is fucking cute.
Who is the VA?

fuck I meant better dubbed

magilou and eizen dubbed are 4 points out of my 7.5/10 rating of the game


Fuck you, the witcher dubs are all great.
Geral's voice is specialy amazing.
But yeah, the polish dub is also a wild ride.

I dabbled between two for about 5 hours
Then I just, turned off the voices
and holy shit its so much better.

Lets face it, voice acting is a mistake anyways. No annoying battle chatter, no bad english VA nor Japanese VA that sounds same-y and unintelligible. Feels just like the good ol' RPGs of old, where devs didn't waste time and money on pointless shitty voice acting.

Pop that voice volume to zero and enjoy. You'll thank me later.

More like perflatmost victory, amirite?

>really like velvet
>download the demo
>not feelin the combat
>never get it

maybe one day

You can listen to the dub after if you want. That's like listening to director's commentary in the way it puts a new spin on something familiar.
But your first foray into some new piece of media should be as the director envisioned, and himself supervised the recording of.

The combat is pretty bad, the characters are really the best part of the game. Maybe even the only good part, but it's worth it for Magilou alone