Fuck this industry

>95% of AAA games are factory-line generic trash
>just barely a non-zero amount of indie games are actually interesting
>all online games are stuffed with predatory schemes
>nu-males still have the gall to say 2017 was the best year in games ever (just because it provided them escapism from a president)

Next bust fucking when?

post your games
I agree

Ah, I needed this thread. One of the few remaining fragments of old Sup Forums that has been long gone now. 2017 was probably the worst year in gaming to date. Old Sup Forums would have torn 99% of the shit that came out this year apart.

My top 10 from the last two generations:
>Halo 3
>Doom (2016)
>Fallout: New Vegas
>Resident Evil 4
>Destiny (fuck you the raids were good)
>Deus Ex: Human Revolution
>Mass Effect 2
>Wolfenstein: The New Order

>I agree
We all agree bro. It's just the reddit invaders who think otherwise. We need to push back quickly before the pozz gets too far.

Liking 2017 as a year in gaming is a sign of having bequeathed all independent thought. Thank you OP for providing a settlement for actual truth.

>the only good thread on the catalog
>Sup Forums ignores it
Chalk that up as a victory for actual people and a loss for the biological machines that enjoyed the schlock that came out last year.

I left 2017 having positive feelings towards only 3 games:
>Nier Automata
The combat and open world are both utter shit. The characters are cringe. However, the twist that A and B were just the intro for the real meat, C/D/E, actually caught me off guard and impressed me that a dev had the balls to say the first half of their game was just an appetizer.
It's good overall, but there's just so much that isn't great. And if this is supposedly the true SS2 successor, I don't ever want to play SS2.
>Wolfenstein II
Politics aside, the cutscenes in this game were the closest this medium has gotten to TV quality. Games are miles away from ever being movie quality, but Wolf II at least pushed the medium's handling of cutscenes and story a little closer to not complete shit.

I have not enjoyed a.single new game in 2017, or in the past 10 years. So glad there is unanimous agreement with actual taste ITT.
>tips hat to OP


Quality, not as in "high quality," but as in the quality of TV shows (ie, shit, but still better than games).

That's got to be the most pathetic top 10 I've seen. Even though you said it's from the last 2 gens, chances are that you don't even play anything aside from games about shooting stuff.

A game not being top 10 doesn't mean I didn't like it, autist. But you're right, I tend to like games with shooting. Most melee-combat games not ending in Souls or Borne have shit combat.

Copypasted from another thread because it bears repeating
2017 had only four varieties of games
1) Sex fanservice simulators (Nier Automata, Xenoblade 2)
2) Nostalgia pandering schlock (Cuphead, Yooka Laylee, A Hat in Time, Sonic Mania)
3) Digital casinos (Star Wars Battlefront 2, Middle Earth Shadow of War)
4) Oped world memeshit (Zelda BotW, Mario Odyssey, Horizon)
Only redditors and soycucks liked 2017.

Nice damage control. Go back to fapping to Shadman shit, retard.

Pussy scared Generation Z sheep can't debate us. Sad!

Is it bad that I want this thread posted every 5 minutes? We so fucking badly need old Sup Forums back at this point, so the whole internet can feel our rage towards how badly we have been treated by faceless corrupt developers as of late.

>Mario Odyssey
>Open world


This Sonic CD romhack was considered by nu-males to be one of the best games of last year.

Let that sink in.

>Doom 2016

This is some really boring choses

Kill yourself, you pretentious fag. No one cares about your whining

>Sex fanservice simulators
I wish, even your post is disappointing. fuck 2017

Pic related was the only game I genuinely enjoyed from last year. Beat it twice, then actually bought it and beat it again.


Name 5 better games from the past 10 years

>10 IPs
>16 replies

Wow, there sure are a lot of people who definitely aren't OP wholeheartedly agreeing with OP in this thread!

jesus christ this thread is fucking pathetic

>Nier is sex fanservice simulator because 2B is pretty
Getting real tired of this shit.

Reminder that the best AAA games developer is Home Land Security.

>fuck 2017
Word. Needs to be turned into a hashtag like with 2016 at this point.

People can post more than once in a thread, corporate shill.

2017 was fucking pathetic, and old Sup Forums would have agreed whole heartedly

shove it up your ass

What do you want? A 100 post thread with 100 IPs where everyone enters, says yeah/nah and then leaves? That's not how you cultivate discussion. That's not your first post either, by the way.

>Sex fanservice simulators
>Nier Automata
Fuck you and anyone else who bought it because of 2B ass memes.

cool bait thread

>old Sup Forums would have agreed whole heartedly

Not true. Old Sup Forums always agreed with all of my opinions and I don't think 2017 was a bad year for video games.

>That's not how you cultivate discussion.
The Generation Z shits that are screeching at us weren't looking for that. They want us to leave because we didn't confrorm to their groupthink so they can circlejerk over 2B's ass or how Hat Kid os le so cuTe CUTE XDDD LE >>>>man of shad XD EPIC FOR THE WIN.

Come to think about it, can we even agree on 1 (one) game to be good?

Yeah, and it was.

Let that sink in.

I'm also sick of hearing fags say 2017 was a good year for video games, it was all a load of garbage for RPG and FPS-playing shit eaters. At least Cuphead tried incorporating some run-n'-gun and STG elements, but it wasn't enough to redeem the rest.

Crash was coming but nintendo saved again :)

Ace Combat 0

Excluding contrarians and people too stupid to make an actual build so just idiots, I'd wager Underrail.
Even legitimate complaints, which didn't even make it a bad game by any means, have been fixed/added, like an in-game map.

New Vegas

>I'm also sick of hearing fags say 2017 was a good year for video games
We feel you man. Sadly actual taste is few and far between in the current Sup Forums climate. Glad to see people have actual taste ITT. Gaming died after 2007 and nothing has changed that fact.

>he wants a hugbox

Ryan would have liked it

Depends on what you like. I'd imagine a lot of people who champion 2017 probably like single player Japanese games because this year was stacked with those compared to the western domination of the last decade or so. Games like Nioh, Nier Automata, Resident Evil 7, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Persona 5, Xenoblade 2 and Breath of the Wild felt like a mini renaissance of the early/mid 00s, but bigger and better. Even then stuff like Cuphead, Prey, A Hat In Time, Crash N.Sane Trilogy and Sonic Mania made their waves. Yeah, there was definitely bad shit going down as far as industry practices and a few major AAA busts but in some respects 2017 was good. Doubt I'll convince anyone in this echochamber of a thread that it was but whatever, it's my 2 cents.


0.0000001 Zimbabwean dollars have been placed into your account. Thank you for your service.

There have been great games that did come out last year but, the way the INDUSTRY is going yeah... It was an awful year.

You’ve been playing too much similar type of Games. Most of those are first person shootters. How about trying completely something new for a change.

I’ve been having a blast with XCOM 2 and dark wood.

Level design, loot vomit, and the story threw me off. Combat was good, but not enough to carry it.
>Nier Automata
Bad combat, bad open world, but good story.
Bad pacing. Neat for the first few hours.
>Gravity Rush 2
Boring enemies, meh combat, shit characters, but fun traversal
>Persona 5
I had a good high school experience, so I don't need a vicarious experience
>Xenoblade 2
>Breath of the Wild
Just another 2D bullet hell wrapped in an art style that absolutely nobody gave a shit about prior to Cuphead (and yet fags call this game's art nostalgic)
Good, but should've been great
>A Hat in Time
A 3D platformer in 2017 doing the same exact shit from 1995. Goddamn, who is this for?
>Sonic Mania
See above for a similar sentiment

>being contrarian, mass amounts of buzzwords, and "look how cool and against the wind I am XD" the thread

The samefagging ITT is fucking intense, do something even slightly more productive OP.

Took the words right out of our mouths. If a new thread is made like this, can this post please be the OP? I can practically hear the shill screeching at you at this point.

Better than sacrificing independence of thought to like objectively shit games hated by many in this board.

No game is perfect. Every game has flaws. Sometimes you have to overlook the bad and enjoy the good.

This is not the thread I'd be in to champion independence of thought.

>hasn't enjoyed a single game in 10 years
you don't enjoy video anymore user


>sacrificing independence of thought
>games hated by many in this board
You contradicted yourself in the same sentence, good job.

>Next bust fucking when?
Never ever.

Give me your top 10 then, faggot, so I can learn. Sculpt me in your image.

>Sometimes you have to overlook the bad and enjoy the good
Tell me what was good about any of those "games"

Remember old Sup Forums would have torn all of them apart.

It was one of the best in the sense that I'd rather play an old school throw back Sonic game over any current AAA game.

ah, the common "I can't live without shooting something with a gun for longer than a second" game choices.
Might want to enrich yourself with a more diverse pool of games, friend.

>Sex fanservice
ACfag called, he wants his catchphrase back.
Unless you are ACfag and you're now trying to hide it by trashing Cuphead and using non-autistic insults.

Sup Forums from 10 years ago actually did enjoy games, despite all the exaggerations.

Where do Night in the Woods or Hollow Knight fall into this?

I didn't like the text and resolution so I made this

invalid list


Indie hipster trash.

Someone post the Sup Forums approved games list

awful, zoom in the bloodbourne guy too, also the dark souls 3 guy.

Ghost Trick
Deus Ex
Yume Nikki
...that's all I've got off the top of my head. Dragon's Dogma is a hard maybe.

>Japanese still have good to decent games
>Western only have absolute generic cash grabs trash left with a few of playable indie in between
I guess uber capitalism wasn't that good after all

But that makes a fifth variety, user.

Don't tip too hard there, might hurt yourself.

I'm confident there are at least six games on this list you didn't play at all.

Do it yourself

>feeling superior for not enjoying games
Sup Forums

japanese is also capitalist though

>and here's an idiot pretending to be EPIC OLDFAG CONTRARIAN
fuck off retard

>politics aside

But the politics were the best part. That game thinks killing Nazis is a moral obligation. That game's politics are *perfect*.

I was more referring to the hamfisted Black Panthers angle. The Nazi killing itself isn't focused on; it's just treated as a given.

Im leaving this board for good.
Whilist you faggots are being all jaded i am going to have fun playing videogames.
See you Sup Forums

You what mate?

>95% of AAA games are factory-line generic trash
This also applies to movies, comics, novels, food and clothing.

wait come back

>because it provided them escapism from a president
that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard. typical american thinking everything is about them


2017 is the year of overrated normalfag garbage.

I'm so glad I'm not only one here that fucking hates Mania. Christian Dickhead can choke on himself for fucking stuff up turning physics, mean bean, remixes (he had creative control over), and even small shit like DA Garden WHICH SHOULD BE RENAMED RB GARDEN NOW

Fallout 2. Listen to Dream Town and tell me it isn't complete fucking ether

You can thank paid digital distribution, specifically Valve, for that.

>he plays western games


t. faggots who bought and played nothing but Western AAA shit and didn't diverse himself with much better options.

Happy New Year you newfag pieces of garbage.

Crash remastered was garbage. They changed Crash's hitbox and didn't alter the geometry to match the new hitbox creating terrible collision that would kill you and causing several jumps to require near pixel perfect precision.

However 2 and 3 were well done.

>Worst year to date
Didn't know we had so many 12 year old on this board.

What's wrong with the Aussies who made Sonic Mania and the game itself?

Shut up about muh old Sup Forums.
Your perception of old Sup Forums is a bucket of crabs meme that went too far and made neo-Sup Forums.
You know what I remember fondly about old-Sup Forums? People enjoying video games. Even when the monkeys were throwing shit about some abomination that just got released, there were threads about enjoying fucking video games. Not even the old nostalgiafag shit, contemporary video games.
Only in recent memory have anons started heralding the "worst year in gaming" every fucking year. It's insanity. It's tedious.