Will you play her game once her buffs drop in AE?

Will you play her game once her buffs drop in AE?

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You mean Karins game?

nope. Abigail is gonna be top tier and still incredibly braindead because he's getting buffed, so probably picking him up. Cammy is still good, so I'll still play her, and Sakura might be good.

Juri, on the other hand, will be mid tier after buffs.

>pink nipples
delet this

If only her body was like that in SFV, she got shafted so hard

Cammy Chun Laura and Mika all destroy her body, she has fucking hank hill ass

big berry

Karin is the most beautiful SF girl

I like her body just fine in V, if anything she should be a little skinner to giver her more of a spidery look, everyone doesn't have to be thicc you know

>only have enough points to buy one character
Who should I go for? Ibuki looks kind of fun

Why wouldn't she have pink nipples?

She's Korean, Koreans don't have pink nipples

You only need Urien

The fact that you're posting a modded version of Juri only makes it look worse, user

Oh that's true, you have a point. Nipples should be brown then.

>Abigail is gonna be top tier and still incredibly braindead

he is not easy to play being that everybody wants to zone.

lmao i just started playing late december and i already bought like five characters with 300k to spare without a trainer

prove it by posting images of koreans without pink nipples.

at least her face is better in sfv

Everything about Chun-Li in this image is way too big.

>Was a titty monster in SF4
>Tits SHRINK going into SF5, while all the other girls got hyper thick

Not even Juri got shafted as hard as Ibuki did my dude

>everyone calls Ibuki's face ugly
>think shes actually much cuter now

You say that, but...

they did actually fix her face, maybe you're thinking post fix

So what's the verdict bros? She worth learning?

Ask the "here's your controller bro" guy to post his

i've yet to see proof
other than her nose her biggest gaffe was her teeth

Literally just Rose 2.0

Only thing she's worth is modding her moves into the other females

she has like one move that's rose's

She plays nothing like rose you fucking retard

Guys, stop it

Yes, I'm looking forward to Juri not being totally awful.

armor through everything, abuse the shit out of command run to get in

honestly just watch the shit Cool Kid does with the character, it isn't impressive whatsoever but it works so well because of how stupid the character is

What street Fighter should I get? I've never played any of them but II, that's the only one I own I wanna get another one.


>ywn lick that navel clean


and make him start bragshitposting about his average non pink korean nipples? No thanks.


There's a collection coming out on all platforms later this year that will have every game but SF4 and SFV. So for right now get SFV and learn with that one. Its the best one for beginners anyways.


You won't be winning any majors unless you're Tokido, but if you want to show off, then maybe. Don't do it unless you're doing it for the waifu.

I don't have any current gen platforms, it has to be on the PS2 or earlier


Im excited for S3 so much. Can't wait boys. soon

cute feet

>CK makes it look easy

yeah that is him not us. i bet you will also complain about birdie now that he finally a major. what i hate about this game are zoning shotos and kolins cheap ass perry. you want hard try playing chun-li and no ryu is still good.

Whats the easiest way to shrink a webm? I got some good street fighter ones but theyre all way too fucking big

Why? Besides the removal of throw loops most of the changes were boring as shit

There's an old SF collection on ps2 as well.

this is Uriens game you fucking soyboys.


>zoning shotos
There are so many anti-fireball options at your disposal, it isn’t even funny. Guile is the only effective fireball character rn, and that’s because he can get aggressive effectively and then go back to zoning effectively because you know he has those threatening offensive tools. Ryu on the other hand? I can just vskill fireballs or whatever, same with Ken and Akuma, thanks for the free meter nerds

Only if they actually fix her to play like how she's supposed to. They wont, as evidenced by the garbage new V-Trigger she got.
I agree. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Spiders can be thicc. Juri should be at least as thicc as Chun-Li.
Ibuki may have lost more in the aesthetics department but Juri lost more in the gameplay department.


lmao just smack them with your magnum HK and get to plat

>Alex and Juri get nerfed

>implying they're actually going to fix her
I envy your blind optimism.

Juris still a woman, even my 5'11 180 pound frame can surely rape her.

Reduce the bitrate to 1mbs

she's still going to play the same so they're obviously not going to fix her but she should be a little better off than she is now.


You mean Sakura's game. Eleven more days, bros.

What a manlet

*puts on shoes*
You were saying?

The initial Juri changes on the list are only very slight buffs. She's still fundamentally trash.

Her target combo buff means you can actually use it, but why would you want to? Without FSE there's no follow-up to a launcher unless you wanna drop them on a fireball. I don't know what the hitbox change on her crouching fierce is but hopefully it's a decent anti-air, seeing as Juri only has 1, standing fierce (universal JP nerf, and her DP is fucking trash).

Her main problem is that her damage conversion off of any hit is terrible, and although her moves got a damage buff I'd have to see it in action before I can make any claims. But I saw no changes to her neutral game and damage conversions off pokes. Standing medium has a bigger cancel window but that's nothing. Characters like Cammy and Karin can just spam crouching strong and get 2 links into a special, doing big damage for free. Juri needs to store her moves to do even that.

Juri is still trash, and I say this as a Juri main. Hopefully someone else sees an improvement where I'm missing it because I want to get back into Street Fighter with my girl but jesus christ looks like 2018 is gonna have Juri continue to be low-tier and throw in Blanka on top. Hurray.

Wait, they nerfed my main man Alex? What the fuck.

i play chun-li. guile is a easy match up me for believe it or not. unlike shotos who can command a fireball guile has to charge. break his charge or his charge delay lets me move in easy. chun-li has shit AA options. i'm trying to learn abigail and urein. i'm just too damn lazy to take time to learn another character. i just want to be good without even trying.

The fact that gave her the worst v trigger in the game as her second v trigger really shows they have no idea what they are doing with her. She's not a character that benefits from lots of meter and she can't constantly pressure characters to suck the meter out of them since she has to back off to restock.

Not him but I play Chun as well and Guile is a shitty matchup for me.

Weird, I've been trying to learn Abigail and Urien as well, as well as throwing out the possibility of learning other characters too. It really is kinda too much work to learn characters in fighting games. It's straight up a commitment.

Source of the picture

I actually play her but I'm not good so I'll probably drop her for a season 3 character or start fresh with ryu if they don't click.

Do it for style points.


Holy shit I completely forgot about her 2nd V-Trigger. What the fuck is that. What are they even thinking.

Like, when I played SF5 before I quit in disgust, all I could think of is "why do they want Juri to suck so bad? Why doesn't she have any tools? Were they worried she would be too strong?" And then you play against characters who can just spam moves without any sort of drawback and it's like a 3 year old fighting against Hulk Hogan.

I don't even know, Capcom. I don't even.

imagine the smell

artist name?

>It's straight up a commitment.

yep. i dont have much free time like before where i played 7 days a week. with a new job i'm just too tired. i feel like i could tho. i just need to print out a combo list and just practice it. i already have a idea on footies. what rank are you with chun? i bounce back and forth between SS and GOLD. she really needs some buffs. she is geting some for S3 but we'll just have to see. guile is easy. most of them just want to spam fireballs but a good guile player on the other hand....

She probably smells like a sweaty Asian

I want to inhale Sakura's boots brehs

>Spiders can be thicc
absolutely right,


>yep. i dont have much free time like before where i played 7 days a week.
I work 40 hours so I know how you feel. I feel like I have no fucking time to do anything aside from weekends. I try to squeeze in some practice and some ranked matches before work sometimes but it never feels like enough.

>i bounce back and forth between SS and GOLD.
I am a Silver shitter.

>she really needs some buffs.
Supposedly she's getting a lot in S3.

>most of them just want to spam fireballs but a good guile player on the other hand....
Advice on the matchup? I find that it tends to be one of my worst ones.

post laura

i use her C.MP(slide) to go under the fireball and try to bait out flash kicks. its just the charge delay that gives me a huge advantage. he has to charge for like 2 seconds compared to QCF which could be spammed like crazy. chun li still has throw loops as well

>tfw suck but play fighters regularly
>too shitty for silver but bronze and sbs are fodder
>half of my matches are rqs because I press back sometimes

I wish I was good at these games so I can pick someone else besides ryu. New players hate the basic ryu plan which is to bait jumps @ neutral with hadouken zoning with footsies.


>alex nerfs


I know this company. Those changes are final.

>take hormones, exercise the right areas and mold my body and image to become a real life futa juri

Is this a good plan

>the female cast of SFV will never take turns femdomming you

Unless you're already Korean (or at least Asian) and pretty you're gonna need plastic surgery AND luck so your dick isn't small which probably ruins the fantasy AND a really hairdresser or wig.

Alright. I've been doing that but I've been a little hesitant to do so because I'm afraid I might fuck up the timing with c. mp.

>>too shitty for silver but bronze and sbs are fodder
This is me right now but I'm going to improve.

>Play Ibuki to Super Gold
>Decide to play Vega
>Get downranked to fucking Silver
>Play Ibuki to get my rank back up
>Straight win streak all the way from silver back up to gold without losing once.
Never play low tier characters, bros. It's not worth it.

Fantastic taste user

you on PS4? add me and we could do some sets this weekend. my PSN is "TiTyRon" if you are on PC just add my CFN which is "MyLatinLover69"

You can add me. My CFN is Chozo_Gunner. I don't have my PS4 atm.

um, teacher-senpai?
*holds up paw*
why are your n-n-n-NIBBLES SHOWIN????

>wanting to be a tranny/soyboy

okay will do

Perhaps in the next life we will be more fortunate.