How do you feel about this street fighter?
How do you feel about this street fighter?
Delicious choco.
I want to fuck this 14 year old.
based meds
More like Soy Fighter V! We don't need anymore niggers this is retarded
Go back to Sup Forums pls
No, I'm not a liberal atheist Nazi
Clearly Mediterranian/Indian
Looks black to me
>Indian level
>Distant explosive shitting music starts playing
I like Chun Li and Rainbow Mika better.
I would have guessed egyptian with that Cleopatra hair style.
She's Egyptian according to the wiki, so yeah she's a nigger
I read that as street shitter
my brain just pre-emptively filled that in paired with the image
k i cant keep this pent up anymore
SFV is like an even shittier version of SFxT
feels good to finally say it.
That is the best street fighter.
So you are saying that Trayquarius was in fact a kang?
Did you just admit THEY WERE KINGS!?!?
There's different types of niggers retards, she's a sand nigger not a porch monkey type nigger. Learn your niggers, nigger
Even Hitler would fuck this sexy black girl
all it needs now is some peepee
>even when accurately depicting the shit- filled slums of India, they have to make the people cheerful, clean, brightly clothed and fair skinned
>not a single filthy brown man in a torn shirt and sequined pants shitting while cursing loudly at a deformed child, even though they've got the broken train and rusted buildings down pat
Superior Capcom fighting game mummy
Because he's a Teutonic ape it's not race mixing for him to fuck someone who's the same species
Street Fighter is all about positive stereotypes, user.
American """""education"""""
>oh wow all these mummies with fair hair and caucasian skulls, my how niggers have changed over 8,000 years
Difference being that the nonwhite ones are based in wishful thinking
I'm not American, you euro niggers need to stop being so obsessed with them and always bringing them up all the time
literally the only good character
Slightly lighter-skinned babies with Menat
So, white people were the kangz all along?
She's a sand nigger, not black nigger there's different types of niggers like Irish nigger, sand nigger, nigger nigger, rice nigger.
You faggots really know how to run a meme into the ground.
2 is closer than 1 to 1,000,000 but neither of them are actually close to it in practical terms. They are very close to each other, though.
Still need to buy this, when do they stop selling the Christmas stuff?
What happens if you say nigger three times in the same sentence?
are you saying that you want to see someone shitting in the background while you fight
Well nigger can be used in different ways it can be used to call someone stupid, like no 1 + 1 isn't 3 nigger, it can be used just as a general insult like you fucking nigger, or it can be used as a racial slur. So a sentence like you nigger nigger nigger is grammatically correct.
Wait they stop?
Usually just the holiday stuff, them they resell again next year as a package.
are you saying you want to see a fully modelled rusty Indian slum in the background when you fight?
no because I never pick this stage anyway lmao
We've come full circle. White power fags literally became the next WE WUZers
why is Ryu so dumpster tier and Ken so middle of the road if they're so similar?
if I have regular SFV, will I have to rebuy for AE?