How much is it?
how much is it gonna cost?
the last touhou game was $15, so probably around there
But it's already out
Any Tenshi gameplay yet?
if only there was some kind of video database where you could type in "Touhou Tenshi gameplay" and find out yourself...
Why are Tohou game titles so fucking weird?
Japs can't into English.
They're randomly generated.
Some of the names like Imperishable Night sound cool as fuck so sometimes it just werks
did they remove the retarded always flying mode shit and go back to their classic fighting?
it's what happens when japs try to use God's Language. also see anything typemoon has ever made
Literally google translator
>even anything above a 0/10
*breathes in*
Reminder the game has online lobbies that do not work because everyone playing is Japanese, and it's likely that playing through steam will work better.
It's the MLP of Japan.
floorlets literally frothing at the mouth
There's a tilefucker joke waiting in the wings, and I'm upset I can't seem to find it.
kill yourself pedshit
Cool, I'll try it out.
but where's alice
Is there gonna be a demo
>12.3 was a much more interesting fighter
Wish they kept adding onto that one instead. I enjoyed putting my decks togeather.
I like this
I'm already playing it though. Man the new girl sucks ass. She's cool but she sucks ass.
With all the Touhou games being made I am surprised there hasn't been a Dynasty Warriors one yet.
I doubt it would work well yet alone be fun
2hu warioware coming out on steam. store.steampowered.com
theres dynamarisa, I heard it's shit though.
The only thing that bothers me is the shit netplay. The fighting game can be as complicated as USF4 or as simple as Lethal League and still be a good game, however if the netplay is shit then I have serious dobuts about this, because the PvP experience is the main appeal of these games, instead of the main 2hu games which are just dodging many balls in a single player autism simulator.
Expect the netplay to be shit, this game is very cheap compared to even small time fighters. I'm surprised they even added a random match button for this game.
I thought Dynamarisa was an EDF parody.
Mountain of faith sounds cool
So it's a touhou fighter that actually nicely incorporates the shmup aspects from the main series? Or did one of those shitty doujin fighting games manage to get on steam?
The attack animations look nice at least.
They should have released it just a little bit sooner so that I could have played it with all my friends at new years.
That was amazing.
looks faster than that last fighter
im assuming its like Ys
looks neat
If that was true they wouldn't be able to produce such creative English titles.