Is it a waste if you buy PS4 and only play multi-platform games?

Is it a waste if you buy PS4 and only play multi-platform games?

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yes because you can buy a pc that will play the same games but better for less than 10% of the price of a ps4

No not really. You need something to play games.

No, it's literally the rehash station 4, every good game on it came out in a previous gen.

name 10

>yes because you can buy a pc that will play the same games but better for less than 10% of the price of a ps4

bruh. literally every game has the PS4 as the basis for its developedment. a PS4 is factually the best investment power/money wise.

>every good game on it came out in a previous gen.
zelda counts as a switch game, the tlou doesnt count a ps4 game. sure

Resident Evil 0, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 4, shadow of the colossus, BioShock, Batman Arkham Assylum, Batman Arkham City, Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2, Crash Bandicoot 3, Darksiders, Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy XII, God of War III, Okami, Sleeping Dogs, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3,

if you've got garbage tastes, sure. The best thing about the PS4 is that it has a good balance of western AAA exclusives and AA Japanese exclusives. If you don't care about that shit and want to avoid good exclusive games for the sake of avoiding exclusive games, you could, it'd be dumb though.

>Is it a waste if you buy PS4 and only play multi-platform games?

no. the PS4 is winning because
>dead simple OS, no bloated shit
>but also basic multimedia
>best price to dollar ratio, everything after that is diminishing returns
>most first party games
>most third party games
>first party games don't even need to wait for install
>most aesthetic console & best controller

it's literally the perfect console.

Literally every good game on the Rehash station 4 I already own, why should I buy this? It's completely pointless unless you were in diapers when the Wii came out

No because contrary to what PC loyalist retards on Sup Forums will tell you, PC gaming is dead and nobody outside of Sup Forums plays all multiplats on PC and just buys a console for exclusives

>Literally every good game on the Rehash station 4 I already own

I don't get your argument, almost every game you mentioned has a new entry this gen (REVII for example), so I don't see the problem. I would feel bad though if the PS4's best game was a straight PS3 port, what happened with Zelda and the Switch.

What? That's the only reason 75% of PS4 owners buy a PS4.

Yeah but they all suck I don't have a switch either though but I agree with you, Zelda is a Wii U game ported to the switch

>>most first party games
That's not the WiiU

It depends, could be a decent budget option.

For $200 to play almost any game that comes out for the next few years, its a good deal. If you want the most graphics and performance, then yeah get a PC for mutliplats, old games, emulators, exclusives, ect. The best parts of a console is it's exclusives anyways..

Xbox one has a better controller, better menus and better everything related to aesthethics.
If you are only gonna play multiplats xbox is the way to go

By multiplatform, I assume you mean multiplayer games? If so, then no. Xbox is a dead console so no point in buying it. PC doesn't do multiplayer well. You are more likely to get only 10 other people playing the game with you, and 5 of those people will be hacking.

This ain't the 360 era where M$ had actual sales, or the older PC era where cancerous users were at a minimum.

>Less than 10% of the price of a Ps4
I got mine for $150 with Controller. Where do I buy a PC with mouse and keyboard so cheap that is better than a Ps4?

>for less than 10% of the price of a ps4
Not even a couple of years ago, when the PS4 was 400. Much less now, with these gpu and ram prices.

>Yeah but they all suck

your argument was that all its games are rehashes. you just admitted you lied.

>Xbox one has a better controller,
>better menus and better everything related to aesthethics.
>If you are only gonna play multiplats xbox is the way to go

Best Buy is selling the PS4 pro for $499 and the regular version for $379

It's not a waste if it's one of your main sources of gaming. But I've always believed you should go with your platform of choice, be it Switch, PS4, Xbox or PC.

So you happen to be black or gay?

Oh, you're talking about leafbucks, not real money.

Well you can find better prices. Much better.

People like to shit on it for multiplats, but it gets Xbone/PS4 multiplats, PS3/PS4 multiplats, Vita/PS4 multiplats and PC/PS4 multiplats. So if you're only going to get 1 thing to play games on, then a PS4 is a pretty decent choice. Especially if you like niche Japanese shit.

>CPU exploit forces all Intel hardware to take a 30% performance cut
>AMD releases drivers breaking all old games and tells people to just stop playing them
>Steam sales have been shit for years
>16 GB of RAM costs $200
>Nintendo is making a comeback and PS4 is cheaper than ever

PC gaming is dead bros. You guys can give up the meme now.

only if you don't have a powerful enough pc

Show me where

>So you happen to be black or gay?
>Yeah but they all suck

you accepted they exist. jesus you people are easy to fuck with.

>Best Buy is selling the PS4 pro for $499

You can get one for $270 at Walmart and used ones on Ebay cost like $200

Sorry user but I can't hear you over the sound of all my backward compatibility ranging from emulators to programs that run on XP.

Forgot to add that the $270 one includes Uncharted 4

AMD is working on fixing the DirectX 9 bug. There's an alpha driver.



I play all my multiplats on Xbox One X.

Are you actually fucking retarded? Neck yourself, dense fuck.

Believe it or not, games that are available on more than one platform are still videogames.

>fucking retards not realizing a troll is posting canadian prices after it was explicitly stated in the thread
Fuck the level of retardation going on...

the goats


>Save up 1000 USD to buy a good rig to play all the PC games, old one died and got sold so i don't even have a Monitor
>Check Sup Forums, GPU and RAM prices have skyrocketed because mining
>Can barely get a 1060 which is barely 60 FPS on SOME games
>Might as well buy a PS4 and use the rest of the money to buy games

"Master Race" my ass.

>>fucking retards not realizing a troll is posting
posting = bumping a pro PS4 thread. nothing wrong with that.

It doesn't even accept my postal code, it only lets me fill in 5 characters that's retarded

>It doesn't even accept my postal code, it only lets me fill in 5 characters that's retarded
see ? he keeps "trolling" and I keep getting an excuse to bring the thread on top.

Postal codes are 6 characters long

No, postal codes are 9 digits long.

No they fucking aren't

As a owner of one that plays on a regular basis, I have to say that all of what you said is bloated out of proportion. It's an alright console but it most certainly isnt the best considering that a PC can outdo everything it does in a heartbeat. The whole reason to get one is for the brand and maybe exclusives(maybe even the price tag idk), other than that you can just emulate alot of other games and stuff on the PC. Don't shill out completely user, recognize the mistakes made and roll with them.

I'm the same as this guy in that I do own all consoles and I still prefer owning multiplats on my pc due to convenience and the overall better experience on pc. The PS4 has been worth most of the exclusives though with Persona 5, Bloodborn and Yakuza 0.

PC being better than any console doesn't make it the best console, because it isn't a console to begin with. It would be like saying the best moped isn't the best because a motorcycle is so much faster.

>dead simple OS, no bloated shit
>but also basic multimedia
>best price to dollar ratio, everything after that is diminishing returns
>most first party games
>most third party games
>first party games don't even need to wait for install
>most aesthetic console & best controller
Worst controller by far unless you're counting the joycons and wii u gamepad.

I dont think these are why Sony's winning though. 80-90% of PS4 owners use it as a CoD/Destiny/Fifa machine. They're winning because Microsoft royally fucked up the Xbone launch, the Wii U was awful and Sony capitalized on Microsoft's fuck-up with smart marketing.

>"Here's how you share games"
>passes it to someone else
>crowd cheers like this is revolutionary.

PS4 is clearly the best console on the market right now but it really should be since its been out for 4 years. At its time of launch it was pretty dogshit with like 1 decent game.

I hate bitcoin

Alright I'm going to ignore your little moped to motorcycle shit show and tell you that a PC can become a book, television, typewriter, heater, motion detector, mirror, telephone, measuring device, lamp, lighter, radio, camera, relay, and more things to come. A tool that can do all of these things and more is the better product than any of the other basic devices combined. Stop thinking about one aspect and start looking at the bigger picture

Did the point fly right over your head? Yes, a PC can do what a console can, and at its core it does it better. But it isn't a console. So in other words, the best console can still be the best console, and there is some merit in that.

Can a PC be a lighter? Sure, but if you are taking a smoke break, is it better to pull out a lighter, or a PC? If you want to listen to the radio, is it easier to switch on a radio, or start up your PC and run a program? PCs are always superior in some way, but dedicated devices have their benefits.

>Worst controller
I like the feeling of the Ps4 controller.

Nigger a pro is equivalent to mid i5 and 660ti. A current year Desktop can be made so massively above it. Still Idort master race.

What game can a ps4 even a pro give 60fps 1080p that a 1060 can't?

I don't think he is saying the 1060 isn't better. I think he is saying that it isn't good enough to be worth the same cost of a PS4. I mean, even with a 1060, you still have to buy the other components, and in the end, you get subpar performance that defeats the purpose of building a PC to begin with.

You can't play games with that thing alone.

My whole point is that it is better therefore why argue with what you get? Why do you argue that this isn't a console when it can become a console and be the best one on the market? By definition a video game console is a device made to provide entertainment in a visual and audio stimulus, this is what some PC's are made for and are thus a gaming console. If the console is made as a PC and functions as a console then is it not a console?

In any case the point still stands that a PC is better for gaming as a whole than any other console on the market, if there is no further problems with that then this case is closed.

>this discussion again of "how can you have a console when pc is better"
>retards that think that having a console means you dont own a pc
>retards that think you cant enjoy any type of device

Every time

Do you want to play those games anyway and right now? Will you give it a lot of use? Then how can that be a waste? PS4 Slim is cheap anyways
And cant you just replay later on pc some of those games on UltraMega16KDX in 10 years?

ive owned one for a little over a year now and all i’ve ever bought or played for it is bloodborne and dark souls 2&3. i spend most of my time on my switch now but sometimes i go back to play bloodborne or dark 2 again.

Are you satisfied with your purchase? If so then it's not a waste because you're the only one in my life who matters OP.


>because it isn't a console to begin with
What are console commands? Checkmate.

If you really will only play multiplats exclusively, pick up an Xbox instead. I feel like games are cheaper, at least on my country.

t.PS4 owner