Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
2017, you illiterate tard.
>trinity of shovelware with waifu to sell to manchildren
Replace that Xenoblade chick with Pauline
Reddit hates persona, so we need someone else on top. I'd say Zelda.
>not futaba
you messed up
reddit doesn't like underage girls
you wish my black skinned sony friend
No and your amateur MS Paint job only does the opposite
i am pretty sure as fuck they do but they are closeted science fiction pedophiles
sorry i'll delete my dumb post
>implying futaba isn't the reddit choice
She is literally a memespouter.
Don't know about reddit, but it's definitely MY holy trinity. Mmm, three angels
Reddit isn't one person
>game full of cute girls
>he goes for the old hag
So pointless using reddit is some sort of insult when this place is basically reddit 2.0
does reddit even play xenoblade 2? poppi still forever best grill
okay, so you agree that Sup Forums be equivalent to reddit?
Reddit p5 waifu is Makoto you cunt. I don't even know if reddit likes Nier for XC2, but 2B is no one's waifu, they just beat off to her.
>Sup Forums taste
Actually worse.
She can teach me whatever she wants
I've been here for 8 years. People here hate reddit so much and I care so little about Reddit that I've just tuned it out. I've begun taking Reddit insults as a possible sign that the person is a newfag desperate to fit in. I even forgot why we're supposed to hate Reddit. Something about them liking mainstream things? Something about stealing content from Sup Forums or something? But don't we steal art from artists without crediting them regularly? Upvoat system? You mean the thing that a billion other sites also use? Why single out Reddit?
Honestly? only been there once, so ill take your word for it
It's just "whatever was popular this year".
12 year olds trying hard to fit in. This place is Reddit reposting haven anyway.
Does it really matter when every female character looks like a teenager anyway?
Found my waifu
>Something about them liking mainstream things?
Yeah, we've always dislike contrarians, despite how hypocritical it is. I think this is more due to it coming off as completely vapid and self-absorbed.
>Something about stealing content from Sup Forums or something? But don't we steal art from artists without crediting them regularly?
Ehhh, plagiarism on the Internet nowadays is so widespread it doesn't matter that much. I don't fault them for that.
>Upvoat system? You mean the thing that a billion other sites also use? Why single out Reddit?
Since it's the most popular one, and one of the first "normie" sites that rivaled us. See point one as well: the whole shebang is just a echo chamber for whatever opinion the current (sub)reddit you're currently browsing. Popular opinions are given preference, while anything that the community dislikes is shunted downwards or just deleted.
We may be shit-sucking, hypocritical contrarian assfucks, but at the very minimum the only people who control what we post are the mods, like any other forum. No one can shut another up just because they don't like what they say.
>Your post
Sup Forums
Idiot, the sexy mature adults act like cute immature girls and the cute immature girls try to act like sexy mature adults. Age doesn't matter.
I'm gonna regret this, but please point out the part of that post that deals with Sup Forums cause I'm not seeing it