
Why don't sci-fi games have actual alien looking bastards? It's always the same garbage like Mass Effect, shit that should have been left behind in 1974 movie effects. A human lady painted a different color with extra shit glued on or given a weird haircut isn't an alien

doesn't this look like an alien to you?

because that requires effort

Well where did the effort go?

but [spoilers]them being human is an important plot point [/spoilers]

>bemoans lack of alien looking aliens
>posts humanoids

That weird shit you'd expect from a 5 year old kids cartoon isn't what I'm talking about for aliens. They should be something non-human but humanoid not something absolutely lazy and retarded like Klingons or Asari.

>Halo babbies have grown up to be bitter and deluded beardfats lamenting some kind of loss of quality in a series that was never good

>they should actually be like THIS
>this being only what I think

We need Space Pirates

I want to fuck a Sangheili woman

>I want anthropomorphic wank bait
I mean, I knew that from the moment you posted the OP but you can just admit it. We're all perverts here.

Yamato is probably the greatest space opera of all time so I can excuse the shit excuse for aliens really.

Shame that guy stopped making those.

If it has a dick and is high-sentient or fully sapient, probably at some point the thought would go through one's head
unless reproductive urges are held on incredibly tight chemical clockwork or something

How is it suppose to hold weapons?

Have you ever played a 2D Metroid game?

No because I'm not an autistic manchild.

You're an autistic manchild for falling in love with an ugly split faced alien.

I love their design but I'm not a gross xenofucker.

I love both designs but I love them because I like fighting and killing them, nothing else.

I love their designs and want to fuck them