Suddenly jap games became popular

what happened

Other urls found in this thread: meme compilation

Ironic weebs happened.
More importantly where did they all come from within the last year or two?

The beauty of importing is these fags can't touch half the games cause they hate it not being in English or needing to make a new account in a language they don't understand.

Mario has literally never not been popular

Jojo doesnt belong in there

filthy frank

Of course an e-celeb youtuber fucks everything up for everyone else.

>Sup Forums
>le ahegao
lmao cockroach
>pink guy retard
not sure why this is here, anime weebs spreading links are cancer though
entry level
>rhythm games
lol so many losers play osu

Yes it does.


> meme compilation

Reminder to sage and report these threads.


>muh sekrit club!!!!!
You faggots are so pathetic

That dragon maid garbage is boring and uninteresting and the nail in the coffin was seeing reddit being all over it when someone made that "lol fbi if I watch this!" video

who are you quoting

Epic /jp/ meme bro. There's nothing wrong with anime being popular.

I have several questions.
One, why do ironic weeb exist? Two what exactly defines an ironic weeb these days? Three are they just posers, and if so, why are they so insecure about weeb shit that try must hide behind irony?

>images (15)
Fuck off and die stupid newfag

people saw how bad western games were getting

They're just weebs embracing their weebness for laughs
They're weebs but they aren't serious about it in the sense that if you call anime a cartoon they won't get mad

You just know this faggot got ass ravaged because he watches papu franku, has a ahegao face as an avatar and posts on r/anime. Die you pathetic worm


Stay mad. Anime is becoming mainstream and there's nothing you can do about it.

I hope you like that Live Action Naruto movie by Lionsgate


This thing is so on point, it kinda hurts
Kenshiro doesn't deserve this

It's the most normie anime of all time

I honestly have no clue
Faggots who watch the blatantly garbage seasonal harem or fanservice anime that only last 1-2 seasons. Watching such anime while claiming anything similar to "watching it for the plot", "for the lewds", or any variation regarding memes related to the anime. A good example is Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, where there are scenes having characters doing lewd actions or obvious "so lewd!!" scenes, especially claims of "do not lewd the dragon!".
Posers or not, insecurities or not, the ironic weeb posts anime memes that are straight from facebook pages. They tend to try and act "I'm such a weeb!" or "this really brings the weeb out of me." They'll watch an anime (such as harem or fan service as mentioned before) and only talk about "the waifus" or how lewd or sexy the girls are.
Ironic weebs are a scourge.


I feel like this would be me if I was currently 16.

they exist because memes

>lost pause
I will never understand how anyone enjoys this morons shit

People coming into the community because they are genuinely interested in it I don't have a problem with. The more the merrier. HOWEVER the fags who can't be genuine and can't just like something can go fuck themselves.

This. Kanna isn't even a good loli. There were better ones the following season but because she was memed she gets the spotlight.

why jojo

I liked dragon maid because it was funny not because they lewd little girls.

Wave 1 newfags were mostly just memeing about poses. Wave 2 newfags are literally not even anime-onlies, just KONO DIO DA spouting retards who have not consumed JJBA material past part 2.

Because after the anime released faggots noticed it existed and now if you talk about it only faggots are gonna reply with "le ebin jojokes", jojo should've stayed as a manga only.

>They start random assuming things are Jojo references unironically
>People get fed up with their shit
>That itself becomes a meme and they just roll with it
Sasuga Jojofags

>umaru-chan comes out and quickly becomes ironic weeb material
>gets spammed for a few weeks on Sup Forums
>immediately disappears


It feels terrible because I was an Ironic Weeb before it was cool.

Those faggots jump from trash to trash, they never stick with only one.

Nothing wrong with liking the series but it tends to attract so many of these sort of people. They see all these WACKY memes of Jojo and shout these dumb memes any chance they get like retards.
bonus points if they refuse to read the manga


It's like it happens in cycles, they latch on to seasonal fanservice. Dragon maid is starting to die down in popularity now, I wonder what's going to be the next forced meme anime.

Its amazingly telling. The one that creeps them out Tomoko, Loved on Sup Forums at least at the time yet she's hated by normalfags since they just get creeped out by her character.

I couldn't believe it when I discovered Hyperdimension Neptunia. This game is so deep, like, it's a satire, a parody if you will, of the JRPG genre, indeed of anime itself; it pulls no punches in deconstructing the genre brick by brick and it is utterly merciless in its demolition of the fourth wall. That said, it's still a fanastic game in its own right with believable, three-dimensional characters. Let me go even further and say that Neptunia captures perfectly the zeitgeist of the latter 2010s, it's the Rick and Morty generation, the meme generation, the generation, the winner winner chicken dinner generation, encapsulated, bottled up and served for your gaming pleasure.

Now please excuse me, I need to go and update my VLC drivers, gotta bingewatch The One Punch Man with the girlfriend later! xd

I have a feeling it'll be pop team epic where they don't understand what makes it funny and we get hundreds of horrible facebook tier "jokes" spammed everywhere. Otherwise if its easy to meme the ironic weebs might go with Mitsuboshi colours. If they do expect more watchlist "jokes" and getting arrested for pedophillia lines.

Made it through until I read VLC.

When will normalfags start playing anime OP's at fraternity mixers and punch bowl parties?

>ironic weebs

I didn't say ironic weebs, I said normalfags.

Actually adding to that Koizumi-san for the slurping sounds when she eats ramen. You already know what "jokes" to expect from that. I doubt it'll be the kyoani one since its a drama also looking at the character art doesn't seem super memeable for normalfags.

omae wa mou shindeiru :-DDDDD

>japanese games became popular recently
So all the stuff on the nes, snes, gb, ps1, ps2, and n64 (just for starters) are american?

So how do you enjoy anime with out being an ironic weeb.

No I don't care about loli since I'm a cow tits fag.

So, is this difference between an ironic weeb and a normal weeb either 1) the content they consume, or 2) the way they consume it and their general attitude towards it? What makes someone a "real" weeb?

>Lost Pause
Goddamn it I hate this faggot so fucking much.

He's gotten so many faggots into neps, but that's not even the worst part, oh no, he had the fucking GALL to put MY GODDAMN WAIFU into a shitty ironic waifu harem.

Makes my blood fucking boil every time I think about it. I wish nothing but horrible, unspeakable things upon him and all the faggots riding his coattails.

Were you not around when every single thread got derailed with "is that a jojoference xDDD" shitposting?

Simply like it genuinely. Don't need to copy how they talk to talk about your favourite girl. Just don't be a total sperg. For example, I love the genkai tokki series for its comedy and found the newest installment to be a solid game even without the fanservice. I'm not spamming facebook with pictures of all the monster girls during bumping scratch or screaming about how I want to fuck the only loli character. I'm playing the game and enjoying the game.

tl;dr Basically don't be a sperg and be genuine. Now you aren't an ironic weeb.

If you're asking the question, you're good.

what was it


It's simple. You only watch what I like.

Dont be a memelord.

Anime is mainstream now. Go to a highschool and interview kids and you'll see.

Don't act superficial about it. And what said

but they come here and they want change
Ive seen an increase in unironic sjw posting too
or bait posts that are just straight up cancer although to be fair weve always had that

it FEELS like its gotten worse over the past years

>What makes someone a "real" weeb?
They hide their power level.

Remove filthy frank and pepe and all you have left is just the Sup Forums starter pack.

>but they come here and they want change
Those arent genuine.

>unironic sjw posting
By that do you just mean people with liberal viewpoints?

so is ironic weeb someone who merely pretends to like weebshit to be quirky like """gamer""" girls or is it just a buzzword like soyboy you use when someone genuinely likes something you don't?

I'd say it's both. They won't go past surface level content and as for the content they do consume, they have a relaxed and shallow attitude towards it.

I put those people in the same boat as ironics. They don't genuinely like it since they want it to fundementally change. Bait posts and cancer are obviously ironics.
What I mean by people who genuinely like it is they like it faults and all, no demands for change(with games, better gameplay doesn't count) no bitching about the current culture (both board and the current otaku culture). Basically enjoying it without being a faggot about it.
There are easy ways to check if they are which are the same ways Sup Forums booted invaders in the past. Post loli pics of non meme characters in sexual positions, the ones that recoil can fuck off. Gore again is a great way to see who cares and who doesn't give a fuck. Of course the easy anime one is if they understand the difference between waifus and best girls. If they don't they can fuck off.

time to post this again

Have you seen those idiots that constantly drop the "notice me senpai" meme among others, use cropped hentai as avatars, watch nothing but FoTM shit, etc? Those are ironic weebs.

This. People like that are only here to see shit burn.

I think he means people who want loli banned, who don't get why Japan find germany and nazis cool and thus they should be banned. People that think a girl in highschool is pedo material. Politics has no place in anime unless its one literally about politics and even then only mention the politics relevent to that world. GATE for example had plenty of politics to talk about and a good amount of it was about how anons thought the leaders and JSDF should've acted. Meanwhile Dies Irae had fags wanting it banned because the nazis looked cool.

>tf2 not cool anymore

sounds like Sup Forums to me

Originally Sup Forums always vehemently pushed for the concept of hiding your power level and they talk about a lot of stuff, both FoTM and others, so no. I dont know about how it is now though I havent been there in years.

I think the real question is why be a poser for anime. I know this is an anime site and all and I love anime but anime isn't cool. So why? What is their purpose?

>but anime isn't cool
It now is but only on a shallow level. Like video games really, but arguably worse and more shallow.


The western market is doing shit right now and has many problems.


Fair point.

im writing a vn now to profit off ironic weebs

former bronies

I thought demo was always far from anything like an ironic weeb, or are they just attracted to him for whatever reason?

Ironic weebs are too normie to have been bronies.

What games are ironic weeb core

>liking shimakaze, neptunia, and posting reaction faces makes you an ironic weeb
Wow, literally everybody is an ironic weeb now. Nice. Next time liking anime will make you an ironic weeb too.

Persona 5
Doki Doki Literature Club

Ironic weebs are huge bandwagoners, the answer to that is "whatever anime game is FoTM at the time".

>jojo should've stayed as a manga only.

>Lost Pause
Yeah, I concur
and nothing of value was lost

That may as well be a starter pack for the entire site