She needs even more of a nerf.
what'd they do?
Literally no one gives a fuck about Overwatch balance, post mommy.
doesn't seem that bad, I guess.
good. i feel like they went too far with removing the instant rez, considering thats why you use valk, but other than that i like these changes. no more mercy meta. i was getting bored of seeing mercy every game.
girls btfo, now they'll be back to plat where they belong
I see nothing wrong with this
hahah nerf it so bad you literally can't play the character. where have i seen this before
Thank Christ. Take this no-skill heal slut and crucify her with penis shaped nails like she deserves.
Valkyrie is certainly OP, but reducing speed by 50% is not warranted. The issue was never how fast Mercy became and making her so slow will effectively make her not want to fly anywhere due to increased vulnerability, kind of defeating the purpose in the first place.
no it only reduced the extra speed by half, not her overall speed.
They don't want you to use Valk for rez, they want you to use it for the superior Orisa ul - I mean, for the team buffs.
F, and more to come!
>you know what the problem is with Mercy's ult? Her speed
>I can't believe they're nerfing her speed!
You are a special kind of retard.
yeah but rez is the only reason to run mercy, regardless of what blizbong wants us to believe. i mean, you cant just give a character a mechanic that is unique to them and tell people "no, you have to play this way instead, fuck the niche usefulness of their abilities". it just seems counter intuitive. if they want mercy to be a heal monster and only a heal monster, just remove rez entirely so theres no confusion.
Good on both of those.
Wait, so why would you even use Valkyrie for anything other than to run away?
god forbid you actually have to aim
It's almost like you have to stay alive to heal your team!
This kills the womyn """gamer"""
>Literally just a better Orisa ult
>but can also heal all teammates as well
Really tho? Feels like what they did isn't enough.
Who the fuck cares? Literally every single character is nerfed into uselessness because of the brainlet casuals. You should have quit this garbage fire a long time ago.
I feel like all Mercy needed removed was the extra Rez charge. The instant Rez gone in her Ult is a retarded decided tho.
Guess I'll play more D.VA until the heat dies down
So have they confirmed that she's Pharah's mistress yet or what?
Is D.va x Mercy the hottest shit conceived by modern media? I think so.
post some of that shit then nigga, i need to bust a nut
I think I need to go jack off to some videos of a cake doctor fondling an underage mecha idol.
It's alright