What are some games where you play as a Muslim...

What are some games where you play as a Muslim? I recently started going to Mosque and converted to Islam and would like some games where I can play as a Muslim. I haven't played many except Prince of Persia

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Arma 3 if you play as OPFOR

I can't even think of a game where you play as a christian OP

Who cares about Christians

mohammed was a false prophet.

I'm not sure the prince in Prince of Persia is muslim. I dont recall him ever doing his prayers.



Islam is cancer.

flight simulator

You could play Minecraft autistically like that one guy


I mean they outnumber muslims and they dont show up in games either, so the number of muslims in games is logically low as well

Do the world a favor and burn a quran today.

user for posting this image it is justifiable and morally righteous for you to be flayed and murdered and your children raped and burned alive.


Dota 2


don't forget to pick techies

Another mentally ill muslim here guys. Islam is the cancer of humanity created by a faggot false prophet.

>converted to Islam

Faggot Muslim #Triggered


for great justicer

Islam is Christian fan fiction which is Jewish fan fiction

Hey i hope you like your pedophile prophet you sandnigger loving faggot.

have fun, OP

Age of Empire

> doesn’t like loli
Back to le reddit.

Have fun being the weakest faction in the game

>likes cp
Fuck off to eightchan

>What are some games where you play as a Muslim?

You're going to hell, you mentally ill degenerate.

You’re going to reddit, you based magapede

Islam is better because it emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge

>judging a system by what it offers and not whether or not it's true
Social utility is a meme. If it isn't true then it's of no use.

"Logic bomb"

>convert to islam
but why?

Well that's not true.
Crusader Kings 2

It’s the best religion

>Islam is better because it emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge
>middle eastern muslim IQ's are dropping due to rampant inbreeding
maybe they should pursue some knowledge about not fucking their cousins

All games are haram. Now leave.

what makes it the best?

> cousins
> inbreeding
t. mutt

no u

Congratulation on your autism, user

>being religious

Why the fuck would you do this to yourself?

>he follows a religion
>his religion's name is literally "submission"
>a follower of this religion is called "one who submits"
lmao, bet you do gay boy
Anyways, nearly all modern warfare shooters let you play as the terrorists. CS:GO, CoD, Battlefield, ARMA 3, and so on.

he's not playing as the khergshits, Sarranids are actually decent. Only problem is their territory takes forever to travel across.


Assassin's Creed

Don't the Assassin's Creed games have you playing Muslims? I never played them myself, but if memory serves, you're some Arabic murderer (predictably good guy) fighting against Christian Templars (predictably bad guys) in the Middle Ages.

Altair is muslim.

>mfw i roll with the nords but half my army is swadian knights and the other half is sarranid knights
vaegars and rhodoks... watch out

>not using own faction

You ever field an army of Vaegir Marksmen? Nevermind that their Knights are pound for pound almost the equal to Swadian Knights, their Marksmen can stop cavalry charges, wipe out whole armies of Huscarls and mow down an equal army of Rhodok Sharpshooters 10 out of 10 times.

Literally the best unit in the game.

>Arma 3
Which game did you play user? Because Arma takes place in eastern Asia

>You ever field an army of Vaegir Marksmen?

No it takes place in a Greek island and there are iranian dudes.

Altair is an atheist.

>assassin's "creed"
>is an atheist

okay dude

Name one religious thing Altair does

>being a tfw to smart for religion atheist as a fucking arab in 12th century Syria
Goddamn, that's worse than being a Muslim.

leap of faith

No it isn’t
Russian Orthodox is the best

>converted to islam
at least if it is you, you won't breed like roaches.

Wow like %50 of turkey never does religious stuff, i guess they are all atheists.


Fuck you

thats mean

>Actual serious replies to this thread.

Why didn't the other Muslims stone him to death then? Rejecting Islam in the Caliphate was not something you walk away from. Did the game ever have you murdering mujahid trying to bring your infidel ass down?

> americuck education

OP here, I expected a more entertaining thread. Guess it was too subtle

Assassin's historically exist you know? It is hashashis, hashash means cannabis or something like that in arabic. It is a crazy Shia sect who smoked weed and murdered people.

>he doesn't harness the power of the Internet to cause religion unrest

The assassins in the game aren’t religious. Suprisingly it isn’t entirely grounded in historical fact.

You mean like everybody who plays that game?

Dantes inferno

Crusader Kings 2: sword of Islam dlc

Yeah but this one is even more autistic

>niggers who were too young to even play the first game
Altair becomes disillusioned when the leader of his order is found out to be a Templar himself, seeking the Apple of Eden. Also when he uses the Apple himself he is shown visions of great technology, and the true past of Mankind.

Legends of Istanbul: Tulip Warriors


Are you fucking stupid

Street Fighter

No, he'd be Zoroastrian or something.

are you?

What was I wrong about? Verse of the Sword (9.5) is explicit on what's to be done with non-believers, and every source in history agrees.

He couldn't have been a dhimmi because he was born in Islam land, and even if he weren't and was, I doubt the game ever showed Islamic tax collectors shaking him and the other Jews down for his "infidel tax".

But go ahead and drop another meme response, niggeuropian.

The prince of persia games take place around 300bc probably at the latest.


>Prince of Persia
There is only one Prince of Persia that I'm familiar with.

Altair wasn’t a muslim

You can play as a terrorist in cs:go

>prince of Persia
Persia wasn't shitslamic at that time, it was zoroastrian
I genuinely believe that letting religion into your life is a worse decision and more damaging than dedicating yourself to heroin

i didnt play prince of persia, sorry

this is some good bait

>Ancient Persia
>When Sassanian Persia lasted until 651 AD

Learn some history you fucking sandnigger/dumb Swedecuck

>Going by real-world timeline it takes place somewhere between 970-330 BC, since It's after Solomon, and before the Babylon's fall. But since Solomon here is already a myth, it probably is during the Achaemenid Empire, that ruled from 550BC to 330BC
2 seconds in google

Flight Simulator
Euro Truck Simulator
Goat simulator


I think you are thinking of Arma 3 Apex which is a DLC