Let's talk about video games!
You know what's a pretty good video game? I happen to like Final Fantasy XIV, myself. How about you?
Let's talk about video games!
You know what's a pretty good video game? I happen to like Final Fantasy XIV, myself. How about you?
>Minion thread got deleted in a minute
Fuck even I feel bad about this shit now. XIV is okay I hope you have fun in 4.2
Why is content so slow this expansion?
Are you a c@ slut?
>c@ slut
the slut is implied
Just started playing, lvl 32 dragoon. When does the combat stop sucking? The game is so fucking slow with the long ass GCD.
my niqqa
lvl 50
right now I just started playing a little rpg I got on steam for 49 cents called sins of the demon
its pretty gud so far, worth the pocket change at least to play a classic style rpg
leveling any class for the first time sucks, but lancers especially have it rough in the early game. don't worry, it REALLY picks up in a bit.
>Tfw world content and quests are so little important you can't really level from them.
they really need to fix the leveling system, it's awful
I don't get this meme. Personally, when I'm leveling a class, I much prefer slowly being eased into it like the game does. Compare that to when I try a new class in PotD starting off at lvl 60, which feels like a clusterfuck of skills I have no idea what to do with. Watching the class slowly shape up piece by piece as you progress makes much more sense to me.
I bought the game a couple of days ago and I'm having fun so far. Lvl. 25 Paladin right now. Any tanking tips for a newbie to the game and the role in general?
>Lvl. 25 Paladin right now
but that's impossibly my dude
PAL starts at 30 lol
Whoops Gladiator
Leveled all healers and feel like doing dps just for the hell of it. Should I do DRG or SAM? Also which is more fun and which is more endgame viable?
Make everyone know they aren't the main character at the start of a dungeon
Flash mofos like you’re a pedophile. Don’t drop dat aggro.
Bite down for the last few levels, dungeons get nasty until you get shield oath, which spikes your emnity generation. Paladins get it later than the other tanks, so spend the early 30s struggling to hold aggro in group content right as it starts to become important to do so.
Paladin gets shield oath at 30 instead of 40 now
If only highlander women actually looked halfway as decent as that
This is true but just weave Flash in your emnity rotation or distribute your eminity rotation among the mobs
Guy who unreasonably enjoys playing Dark Knight here, I got Paladin to 70 like suggested. I hate it comparatively.
Help me!
I got my retainer to look like her.
I'd show you a picture but it's too cold for me to get up from my comfy bed.
Might as well get WAR to 70 and try it out.
>mfw monk has a higher skill ceiling than I was expecting
Half the shit in that image is either wrong or just plain stupid.
>OT moving first then provoking
Enjoy that spicy cleave faggot.
How's about a source on that?
Monk is the third easiest DPS behind SAM and RDM though
DRG is more desirable than SAM because it helps raid dps.
Try out both to determine which you find more fun.
How many of you began playing when Stormblood was coming or launched, and how many of you have been here for ARR or Heavensward?
The magic for me feels gone. 4.x feels like a repeat of 3.x with a new skin slapped on. I wish the magic would come back.
I joined during heavensward, and I don't know what you're expecting dude. These are expansions, not entirely new games. You're expecting too much
I was subbed from ARR launch to around 3.3 without ever cancelling. Around then is when I started losing interest and have subbed for like a month at a time on the big patches.
I joined at 3.4 and quit the game during 4.1 after completing O3S and getting every job to level 70 ilvl 320+
Now I just come into these threads and shitpost
DPS: Red Mage
Tank: Paladin
Healer: Astrologian
Been playing since ARR launch with breaks in between. Your bar is way too fucking high, there is a lot of content to be had. The only way you'd feel there isn't a lot of things to do is if you're a 1job raider. Even then there's Ultimate.
DPS: Dragoon
Tank: Paladin
Healer: White Mage
Damn I sound boring
Just realized with this Heavensturn that there is only 4 more years before they have to cycle through again with Usagi.
I quit this game and deleted my character but sometimes miss playing would it be hard to start from fresh and play again?
depends on how far you got..if you already played through the whole main scenario, then you should get a skip potion if you're going to come back.
generally deleting your character is a dumb move.
Why delete the character?
I haven't played in months but I still have my character in case I ever feel like coming back.
Start from a server with Bonus XP, not hard at all.
You're right
Haven't done Ultimate, but I have no interest in it. I think I've touched almost everything the game has to offer. I hit over 10,000 achievement points just a few weeks ago if that's any indication.
Anyways, I think I just played too much and Yoshi's right and I just need to play other stuff, which I have been doing.
Good, there's absolutely nothing wrong with a break. Come back during say 4.4 or 4.5 with renewed vigor.
if you flash -> riot blade -> riot blade and repeat, you literally cannot fail a dungeon as glad/ pally
I deleted it because I didn’t want a reason to continue playing at the time. I was endgame raiding, mained all 3 tanks (war mostly ) and SAM / NIN / MNK, was aiming to be ast next
I had to force myself to quit at the time basically
What's the defensive cooldown rotation for Paladins?
Unsub and uninstall then.
I don’t think you understand how that wouldn’t stop me from just reinstalling it and repurchasing a subscription, but thanks for the input
Then never play any MMO again if you have that much of a self control issue. Play other genres.
Use a program that blocks the game or something. I was in the same position as you, with little self control, but even I knew it would be a waste of hundreds of hours to just delete everything.
Hell at least try to sell your account if it's got a lot of cool shit or something.
>when there's a Lala in my group
Do you usually dole out your unsolicited opinion instead of just answering a question?
>see this image
yeah I aint doing all that shit, fuck that, this is a game not a job
I didn’t feel it was a waste. I don’t care that much, that’s why I deleted the character. I just want to know about starting again now and if it would take long. Though someone mentioned the MSQ potions and I forgot about those, I already did the MSQ once so I don’t mind paying to skip again if I ever returned.
I like FFV.
Buy a boost if you have the money, or evaluate whether or not it's worth suffering through the early-game and MSQ again.
The image vastly overexaggerates how hard it is to play tank.
>face enemies away from party
>do enmity combo/AoE a few times
>click your 20% defense buffs
Boom, now you can tank everything that isn't Savage
Sub ran out and don't know if I should resub. No one to play it with and don't know what to do if I come back
why be tank when I can just DPS?
Pretty smartass remark from someone that lacks the maturity to just stop playing, having to resort to deleting shit to make yourself stop.
instant queues
tanking is mostly just using common sense you lazy fuck, that picture just over exaggerates things
Came in right before the heavensward announcement.
SAM is pretty much the only thing keeping me sane. It's the perfect job for a solofag like me. Just wish the numbers were a bit higher and AOE wasn't split between cone and circle.
Poster is correct, picture not Don't just spam flash the whole fight, once or twice at the start, so you're sure you've hit every enemy with it. You can flash again if the fight drags on.
Alternate your attacks between enemies. Try to "stay" on the one with the fastest decreasing health bar.
Before moving at the start, and to a boss room, see that everyone else is. Spamming ready check is irritating, so jump and shuffle till you're sure everyone is moving and not taking their pizza out of the oven.
Before moving to the next group of mobs after a fight, see that no one is at 10% mana or TP. Wait till they're at least at 40%.
Always have a damage resist cooldown on, they come back quick.
Keep an eye on the enemy list every now and then. If one guy is loose, shield lob should get him back on track. And turn your camera around every now and then for wandering mobs.
Dodge AoE's.
Leggerless is one gigantic faggot
Tank: DRK
Healer: WHM
I loved DRG throughout Heavensward, but once Stormblood hit I wasn't a fan of the changes that they underwent. I still love their aesthetics and animations, though. Same deal for DRK.
That image makes tank sound like more than it is but there’s definitely useful tidbits on it. I have seen plenty of lvl 50-60 pallys not even know what flash is. Or I have put down an asylum on someone and they freak the fuck out and bail.
tanking is actually not easy
yeah being a woman is hard too
The only hard part is knowing when to pop Defensive cooldowns. Everything else is just building meter
Putting drag on and cutting off your dick isn't "being a woman", you faggot, kill yourself
>That image makes tank sound like more than it is but there’s definitely useful tidbits on it.
You clearly don't realize how bad and out of touch players are in Yoshi's game. Looking at some of them you'd think they never played a videogame in their lives. They need that shit. Of course they're also least likely to go looking for information such as that.
Ranked pvp is really starting to make me lose my mind. Been stuck at 50% win rate for two weeks now, making basically no progress. I'm trying my best and I hate to put blame on others but matchmaking is fucking atrocious. Please just let me get two consecutive wins a day ffs instead of a constant stream of wins followed by losses.
Sure if you're a smelly NEET who is used to playing MMOs all day. For the average normie, the requirements of playing a tank are jarring and difficult to get the hang of for a while - Especially if you play Paladin with shitty flash instead of overpower or the DRK ability
I am enjoying samurai but I think I could be doing better damage, anyone got a good guide?
Are you still in 2.x-3.x?
Use Total Eclipse
i'm not talking about me, retard. I haven't played Paladin since I played through the ARR MSQ. I'm just going off my experience playing Gladiator/Paladin all through ARR as a newbie
>I haven't played
Yeah it shows. Stop talking.
Throw out Dot, Get the quick three circles, use boost cooldown, use Setsugekka, do another, Throw out cone cooldown at 50+, avoid shit. That's basically Samurai
Just because you're a smelly NEET doesn't mean you know anything about the experience first-timers have playing FFXIV as a gladiator/Paladin starting off
I have some questions.
What about shinten? Just spam it every 25 ki?
Do you only hagakure with 3 sen?
Is it worth trying to minmax Third Eye?
if you like about one months of content over the course of a year, yeah, cool game.
Oh also one other question, does Jinpu affect the higanbana dot?
use it to bring down the Gauge so you're not capping at 100. I also spam it when it's near the end of hp
use hagakure if you need kenki badly for Guren
I use Third Eye & Second Wind to heal damage I know I can handle to ease things for healers mostly. But yeah, big raidwide AOEs help too.
no it doesn't to my knowledge
Thanks for the info. I'll try it. I think my problem is I use hagakure on cooldown even if there's only 1 or 2 sen available for it. I'll try only using it for guren
Are they supposed to put in so much content that even the smelliest NEET who plays 12 hours a day takes a whole year to play it?
playing casually you'd be lucky to get a month of content out of the current game
lol..maybe a month of straight playtime hours
casually is a couple hours over the weekend user. fulltime jobbing it is only casual to a Sup Forumsirgin
What is it like to have soy course through your veins instead of blood?
So how many hours would you say is casual? 10 a week? You can easily blow through all the current patch in 40 hours, or one casual month. This current patch, you probably only need about 20 hours to see everything, story, ex primal, and raids.
>ex primal
You mean the 2.0 ones unsynched?
t. casul
susano and laskshmi are the most casual ex has ever been, you can pug those since 4.0. if you haven't by now you're just not doing it. Hell even Omega savage gets wiped clean in pugs now.
Anyone who isn't a retard should be able to clear anything with pugs
can anyone give me a quick rundown on crafting using specialist skills? heard its faster using them and tired of 90 steps because of makers mark
Really? I haven't even tried it since it seems so stressful. Haven't got to do any kind of relevant endgame stuff yet
>been playing off and on since 1.0