Do people even like chrono trigger or is it just a meme to say it's the "best game ever"?
Do people even like chrono trigger or is it just a meme to say it's the "best game ever"?
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best game ever
It's one of my favourite RPGs of all time, and one of my favourite games of all time, sorry you have shit taste.
This might sound crazy, but why don't you, ya know, play it?
I was ten when I rented it. Thought the box art was cool. Man what a ride. I want to feel that way again.
Finding really great games on a whim as a kid is one of the purest joys in life.
I did. I thought it was a run of mill JRPG with good art, that's about it
I want to write a bait post calling the game shitty but I can't even bring myself to do that (and I'm a pretty avid shitposter). It was just such a memorable game. The spritework is a little hard on the eyes by 2018 standards but you won't regret giving it a go.
Fellow avid shitposter who makes threads shitting on games/series I love here. Just write what you love about the game then reverse all the positive words with negative ones. You'll see an archived thread before long
>it's a "I'm 25 and recently played a game from back in the day and hated it because the visuals and turn-base combat are dated" episode
it's gonna be a sad day when we reach a point when people start calling mario 64 and ocarina shit games.
it's great. interesting gameplay concept that tells a story in a way that only a game can. good pacing. fun combat with good use of the then new ATB system. no grinding. all party members are useful. no it's not a meme.
I always thought oot and mario 64 were just mediocre, but I'd never go out of my way to call them shit
I love it. great graphics, amazing soundtrack, just the right length, fun characters that all get to do something in your team, nice bit of replayability on top of that. game moves at a fairly brisk pace and with no random encounters.
maybe not the deepest RPG but it doesn't have to be. gives you enough plot to understand the story but also leaves a lot to your imagination.
It's a fun game for kids. It still holds up though, the gameplay is interesting and the music/story is great. It's just a very great and well made game.
It's just one of those games where if you don't have the nostalgia, it's not going to grip you in the same way it did people who played it in its prime.
This applies to every past-gen favorite.
It's not quite my favorite game of all time (though it sits comfortably in my top ten, at least). But it is one of the very few games that I can consider flawless. I can't think of a single sour point, tedious stretch, or annoying character when I look back on it. And I can't think of any way to improve it.
You didn't play it or you just have extreme shit taste
What Chrono Trigger has is character. And you can't measure that objectively.
That already happens. Or at least in the case of Mario 64 they say it's mediocre and just hasn't aged well which I think it's actually one of the few games from that era that did.
That isn't true at fucking all. I played FF6 for the first time this year and it shits all over chrono trigger, its one of my new favorite games of all time after la-mulana, majora's mask, lisa, etc.
This explains a lot.
This. Chrono Trigger and maaaybe Yoshi's Island are the only games I'd consider flawless. There's just nothing they could've done better imo.
Just point to luigis mansion and say "this is what I mean"
I can guarantee you 99% of shit posting threads are people who are bored and actually enjoyed the game but can't get actual discussion without a negative start off.
FF6 is epic in scale even by today's standards though. It's apples and oranges. Most games in the SNES era weren't particularly long stays. Chrono Trigger is a short and sweet little ride by comparison.
I enjoy FF6 more as well, but I feel that Chrono Trigger has a more interesting story. I imagine you probably value the intricacies of gameplay over that of story, which FF6 does do better.
Bullshit, I played it for the first time 2 years ago and was instantly charmed by the spritework/animations, music, story, world and characters. Even the combat, which is still fairly typical JRPG fare, was unique enough to feel fun and different.
Just an all around well made game to this day.
I played CT last year at 20 years old and still thought it was good. FF7 on the other hand is a piece of garbage but I can understand why it was revered in it's time.
Chrono triggers story is cliche'd and tropey as fuck, while FF6's feels fresh and revitalizing even after playing so many games before it.
Speaking of both ff6 and lisa, tfw there will never be a version of lisa as grand as ff6
Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy III(VI) are the two games I think of when I get nostalgic for the days of playan gaems after school.
Chrono Trigger especially was a really impressive game in its day.
If it had never existed, but was released today with modern graphics and sound design, it wouldn't be nearly as impressive. It would certainly be considered a good game.
You can't really point to a game and say "best ever". But I think Chrono Trigger is probably the best game you could have played when it released, and maybe only Half Life 2 comes close to the level of relative enjoyment for its own time.
I played both for the first time within 3 years and loved both. It turns out taste is subjective… probably helped that I used the ff7 retranslation tho
I think you're underselling it a bit. The first time I played Chrono Trigger was via Final Fantasy Chronicles, which came out at the end of the PS1 lifespan, and I fell in love with it right away. The PS1 was a goldmine of JRPGs, but I ended up liking it more than any of them (except maybe for FF7, which WAS more for nostalgia reasons).
>mfw solved the Zozo clock puzzle in FF6 the proper way without using a walkthrough.
Oh man that's a brutal way to experience Chrono Trigger for the first time. Even the shitty early snes emulators at the time did a better job of emulation than the butchery that was the PS1 port.
It's a meme just like Super Metroid. Both games are good, but nowhere near the real greatest games.
No JRPG can compete with top tier WRPGs and Super Metroid has been surpassed by a half-dozen Castlevania games.
I don't think many people would agree that Chrono trigger has bad art, but if it has that really barebones turn based combat where there's no strategy and you're limited to 2-3 overpowered attacks for the first five hours then that's legit criticism. I haven't played it but I've been considering it.
Yoshi's Island is hipster garbage it was always massively overrated. CT is actually good don't ever put them in the same sentence again.
I know that now (although the port wasn't really that bad outside of the menu loading, and the extra content was nice), but the game was still good enough despite that to make me love it. For comparison, Chronicles also came with Final Fantasy IV, which I ended up disliking.
>The first time I played Chrono Trigger was via Final Fantasy Chronicles
yikes! the cutscenes were my only reason to endure that port.
and yeah, PS1 had a lot of good RPGs. many of them took cues from the SNES era too, so I could understand people growing up with those games feeling very attached to them.
There is no objective "greatest game". Super Metroid was particularly important for video games as a whole for the fantastic design philosophies it introduced.
the PS1 port was fine, it just had horrendous load times.
CT is just a really solid game. Nothing really wrong with other being too easy.
>There is no objective "greatest game"
Maybe, but there are so many games that come close I can see why people try and make a definitive hierarchy
Yeah I'm lucky. I was alive for the SNES era. And my dad was into JRPGs so I didn't even have to use my birthday/christmas presents up on them. I did for Chrono Trigger because he wasn't interested in that one. But FF2/4 and 3/6 were both freebies.
4 was good if you played it when 4 was relevant. It was a real fucking grind fest though. I nearly shit myself when Rydia learned Meteo while I was grinding, I didn't even think that was possible.
>the PS1 port was fine
There were also some sound effects that didn't emulate properly. Like the wind sound effect on the floaty prison thing in 10,000BC
Fuck you I liked it.
Horse dukey. I played Chrono Trigger in 2008 when the game was 13 years old and came in with next to no expectations. I bought Final Fantasy Chronicles on PS1 to play FFIV and after I finished it I said fuck it it came with another game I'll try it out and found a game that's still to this day in my top 10. Fuck you
But even in a case this if someone told me CVI, CVIII, CVIV, RoB, SotN, or AoS is their favorite castlevania I would find every single one of those respectable answers.
It's the only JRPG that's good.
Let's just say if it were released as a new game today, it would completely BTFO XB2, the best JRPG released this year.
Now you're just baiting.
I don't know if I'm stuck in the past but there's a charm and simplicity in those early games that more modern takes on those genres lack and a ton of shitty indie games keep trying to emulate.
Then again I can never be sure how blinded by nostalgia I am since my childhood was basically defined by stuff like Super Metroid, Chrono Trigger, and Final Fantasy Tactics (sadly didn't discover 6 as a kid).
The combat system is refreshing and different. Go play it already for fucks sake, its not even that long
It's a pretty good game. I emulated the DS version, and I liked it. Maybe one day I'll get all the 13 or whatever endings. Who the fuck would have guessed that the characters with the simplest names, Frog and Robo, would end up being the best. Magus had a lot of potential too, but his backstory and motivations were squandered.
I don't even like Castlevania. What makes a game near perfect to you?
What's the best way to experience the game ? What plateforme, what emulator etc ? Please.
If I like it enough or not is really the only qualifies people use.
Go back in time, get a super nintendo, and play it the way it was meant to be played.
DS emulated
CT was good but not "best game ever" material
and fuck it's sequel.
anybody else hate black people?
Ah yes, Frog being the only person in his time period to have an accent, as it was intended.
The DS version is the best package overall, though it did add an optional dungeon that everyone agrees is terrible (which is why a lot of sites rate it lower than the SNES release).
I honestly liked Cross better, but I also didn't play Trigger until well after the SNES was dead
I have an N3DS, can I buy the game on the Nintendo shop, or do I just find a DS cartridge ?
>Chrono Trigger came out 23 years ago.
Jesus. Guess I'll just go kill myself then.
DS cartridge
Saying all old games are only good because nostalgia is as retarded as saying all new games are great because they're new
There's a ton of old ds carts on amazon
No, I want to marry a qt black girl.
What's the point? Sounds like your about to kick the bucket soon anyway gramps
Chrono Cross is such a different style of game that I can understand that viewpoint, even if most would disagree with it. It's like comparing apples to onions.
I played it for the first time about 5 years ago and I thought it was great. It was a bit short overall, but the battle system was fantastic, the characters were great, and the timey-wimey shit was done fairly well. Also, the ability to get multiple endings, even much earlier ones, is awesome. You can even finish with the main character still dead if you want. I don't hold it as the greatest game of all time, but it's definitely worthy of a lot of acclaim.
I honestly love it. My favorite RPG. I don't know why it'd be a meme to like something. Even if, say, you liked something ironically you still like it too a degree.
Carts are cheap, you can probably get a complete copy for $20.
My first JRPG was Dragon Warrior... free with Nintendo power subscription.
For years my top two snes rpgs were CT and Earthbound.
I finally realized that Chrono trigger has the best inventory system and that makes it the best of the two.
Any idea if it's still available from the Wii store?
I only find 3 used and they are not cheap :'(
Does anyone remember the scratch n sniff cards on the back of the player's guide book you could get with the game? I wish I had to way to smell those again, even if some of them were fucking weird.
CC kinda sucks but has objectively the best soundtrack of any game, ever.
Jade Cocoon would be a runner up if it wasn't so damn short.
That's why most people hate Cross, because all they do is compare it to Trigger.
That's a new one. I can't think of any way Chrono Trigger's inventory stands out from pretty much every other RPG in existence. Sure, if we're only comparing it to Earthbound, then it WOULD seem like a massive difference, but that's because Earthbound was weird.
Arc the Lad was better
Eh, for me I find Earthbound's charm, setting, and atmosphere more to my taste. Both are excellent games though.
I really never saw the inventory as much of a problem. Like maybe once in a playthrough will I actually think "shit, I have to throw away something I don't want to". The limited space and supposed "clunckiness" never bothered me.
This, actually. I, too, never played it until well after its release. I think I was 17 or 18; around 2009 or 2010. Emulator on my crappy computer. Loved it though and I associate great feeling with remembering the first time playing through.
To this day, my favorite video game sound effect that haunts me (positively, mind you) with just a feeling of happiness, yet longing, and peace, yet yearn for adventure is "Leene's Bell."
You should have a computer but you at least have a phone, literally just emulate it on retroarch or whatever
>hey kid wanna /ss/
Will the localization meme ever die? Because I'm replaying it on a hacked SNES mini and I don't find the script to be as bad as people make it out to be. The story comes across just as fine as the DS's script.
Yeah those things were disgusting. I was reading a pretty funny story where this guy was saying when he was a kid there was one night he stayed up late reading the guide and eventually smelled one of them. He had such an allergic reaction his family had to take him to an emergency room in the middle of the night.
He just meant in comparison to Earthbound's.
Hate for Woolsey varies. It's just some dumb shit like Frog's accent that brings it down.
I remember those. EB's actually a pretty good game, I regret not playing it for years because the game looks like absolute dogshit, even for its time.
>Can't see her ass reflected in the window
This just ruined my night
I like/d it
SNES is the way it's meant to be played.
Try this on for size:
Unrelated to the topic tho
Playing on your phone is truly horrible and fidgeting with controller input in emulators is a bitch unless you own some sort of microsoft controller.
it actually is the best game ever
Sorry user.
The only reason they do is because they marketed it as "HEY! REMEMBER CHRONO TRIGGER? HERE'S ITS SEQUEL!!" then the game proceeds to shit on the original cast from Trigger, killing them off, EVEN FUCKING JOHNNY! THE MAN!