Vampire Legends: Power of Three

Vampire Legends is a poorly made rpg where three half siblings must fight black vampires and ghost pirates.


After an evil came back Aluna and Dariel found some amulets, robbed a museum, argued over Aluna getting laid, solved the Jefferson/Dave mystery, had secret training with Gerald, and Ruby did nothing because she is irrelevant.

This is night 4 in Ashbury, and most likely the last. How will it all end?

The game had its first big dungeon where the gang had to find some paper. But now it is time to kill the ghost pirate.

Who let this game happen

Someone said it is from Germany.

Ruby finally does something again.

In battle Ruby is the healer. She has few attacks that do damage and they all suck. He pet that can be summoned either makes a shield for her or stun 1 enemy.

There's more pets I think she can get but I haven't bothered.






Killed a ghost pirate


ruby is mai waifu

The cover looks like Charmed meets Buffy

I think the game is ending

Good luck!


Wouldn't it be easier to play this on an emulator?

I picked this up for cheap at a game store with no idea what it was.

Sometimes it's fun to try things you've never heard of.



That's it that's the end. Took 12 hours and 19 minutes mostly due to fucking around.

Sequel when?

The Buffy games seem to be far superior than to this series. Are these games any good and worth downloading to my r4 card? There not enough vampire or supernatural hunter themed games these days.

Never seen them but now I'm curious.

I believe in you OP.
You ready for another adventure?

I must rest, where is Di-Gata Defenders guy?

One last Dariel a shit for the road