Give me one good reason not to glitch Aeris back to life whenever I play FFVII now that I know how to do it

Give me one good reason not to glitch Aeris back to life whenever I play FFVII now that I know how to do it.

She's a harlot

Wrong, Aeris is pure.

No she isn't

The only reason why you should

games today would be too pussy to do this

>Aereola slightly visible

It's your game you should play it the way you think is fun.

This is the main reason why I rotate my saves

video games aren't fun thoguh

Wew, those are some really expensive flowers.
What kind of flowers are them.

you get her equipment and materia back except her equipped weapon

More games should do this. I personally have more fun when shit like this is included

You have to learn to let go. She's dead. The end is important in all things.

>party member betrays you and leave the party
>check inventory
>he took the equipment

So many jrpgs did this...

if he betrayed you why would he give it back?

she's not that useful. yes, Fury Brand is awesome but there's no boss hard enough till endgame that would need it

if you're able to glitch Aerith, then you have some knowledge of min maxing so its completely unnecessary

none of it is necessary technically you can just auto through every fight and its been done before. but it's fun

Great Gospel gives all party members invulnerability. It's basically an auto-win button.

or you can use the same amount of effort to get Aerith Great Gospel to get Cloud Omnislash

wait what

someone give me a quick rundown on how to do this glitch

Don't worry. The remake will have this feature. For the low low cost of $19.99 DLC.

Aerith isn't going to die till the middle of Chapter 2 user

>Party member betrays you.
>Takes the equipment and items given to him.
>Boss fight later on.
>He has a change of heart and rejoins you.
>No equipment, no items.

Because you could play New Threat instead and not have to glitch anything to get her back.

shes supposed to die. so let her fucking die. thats her purpose.

Plz tell me the glitch

it's called using a gameshark

>replay Sacred Stones
>know about Orson's bullshit
>before the map is over take all his shit

>You take his stuff before he betrays you
>He calls you out on this

I want to fuck those thighs.

>character with your equipment dies
>check his room sometime after his death
>find all those equipment there and you can get then back
T-thanks P3

>The character betrays you and leaves your party with your stuff
>Rejoins later with different equipment
>Only to do it all over again later
Fucking Kain, man.

Name one game that does this.

At least he comes back with upgraded gear each time

I so want this one to be real.

Not that guy, but if you try to unequip or rake his materias sephiroth in the flahback he says "....."

Delete, Aeris is pure.

Why is prostitute Aeris such an alluring fantasy

Using Yuffie to travel across spacetime

What was the last real JRPG to kill off or otherwise remove a party without giving you an exact replacement?

Grandia 2?

Grandia 3 had party members leave if not die. But even that was 13 years ago.

Miranda is best milf

Jesus shit I can't get a break today

>people honestly think it's bad that aerith is a whore or that yuffie pleases old men for materia
Idiots. They're clever girls doing what it takes to survive in this environment in a way that doesn't harm anyone. Meanwhile, Tifa basically emotionally blackmails Cloud into being her bitch.

Both Aerith and Yuffie would be infinitely better friends, traveling companions, and lovers. They have better personalities, are more entrepreneurial, and realize that they only do the things they do for material gain, meaning that if YOU have enough material, THEY don't need to do those things for anyone else. Meanwhile, Tifa would do literally anything, there are no limits, and justify it with her insane psycho bullshit.

>thicc aeris
>that hair
>that aesthetic

is there a more perfect 2d woman?


T. Virgin?

I don't think you thought that one all the way through.

There's a difference between challenge and bullshit. Learn to distinguish the two. Just to get you going down the right path, character dying or leaving with shit you equip them with is bullshit.


I guess this is only half true though.


>durr it doesn't harm anyone so it's okay
This is why people see lolbertarianism as a fucking joke.

Persona 5

Because otherwise the story won't make any fucking sense

Me on the left.

>later chapters progressively costing less

user, come on now.

Not even the best girl in her own game.

In the hellish FF7 society they live in, yeah, it's pretty fucking impressive to make a living in a way that doesn't harm anyone. Look at it in context.

Learn how to fucking read.

Best post coming thru

Learn how to convey information in a more direct, non-passive-aggressive way. I'm not going to make your argument for you. If you don't say what your problem is, what am I supposed to do? "Oh, you're so right about something you've declined to elaborate on for reasons you haven't given"


ah yes i also LOOOOoooove games that do this
i love re-loading a save on a playstation 1 just to kill some dumb nigger and watch a 30 minute cutscene again and re-roll all the RNG dice just because i wasn't aware some dude was gonna join the enemy right after the fight rly good

What the fuck are you talking about? Again, learn how to read.

He was a glorified guest not a real member

lmao what a faggot he can't even explain what he's trying to say in coherent and understandable sentences

shes used goods.

and theyre better of dead

Woah there, why don't you just relax, friend. I just like the aspect of death = loss of items, whether or not it is permanent. It's a fun mechanic that brings extra fun to the game

It would only surprise people on the first day of release.
From then on it would literally be mentioned any time the game is mentioned to “just make sure you unequip their inventory just in case XD”

I mean this makes no sense actually, the rest of the party can loot the body before burying it.

>3 million gil for nakadashi
fucking whore

A pure whore is still a whore

Makes it easier to hook them players

>$60 for disc 1

Pretty much how I already consider the game anyway, it goes to shit the minute Aeris dies and the disc changes.

Neverwinter Nights 2.

>Character betrays you
>You can steal his shit before hand leaving him completely defenseless

quite realistic

>Disc 2
Pick one.

>is literally the goddess of the life force, next to Zack and that extra fight in Crisis core at the point of the game where the fucking slot machine bar becomes completely unreliable for some reason
>Doesn't just pop up as an energy construct or something

>posting unmarked spoilers on Sup Forums

Cloud, Vincent and CaitSith best party.

Aren't weapons character locked anyway?

That's a nice party you have there... It would be a shame if you were suddenly down a member who subsequently ganks you with backup

she horribly breaks the game and makes it completely unfun

same reason you don't just use sketch, it can break things
fun fact: I crashed my EMULATOR with Relm. she has no limit.

The worst part about Aeris being a homer is that she never uses her talents to get you money. Think of how many monsters you needed to kill for your first 10000G - she could have just blown some guy.

It actually makes me respect her less than if she was just a “flower girl”, which alone makes me like Tifa more.

Aeris is for cuck boys only.


The last game that I know of that had a character disappear with all the stuff you gave em released 2014.


Dude Great Gospel lmao

this, NWN2 does it. If you take all the traitors stuff the Big Bad calls you out and gives him shit

put her in fury
Great Gospel every time she gets slapped
never at a risk of losing a single fight if you aren't retarded

also fury brand is batshit retarded

But in FF7 they actually give you your stuff back every time someone leaves the party. But I agree it's terrible when other games do it though.

There is not a single time you need it desu. Poisons are OP as fuck anyway. You can just bait Materia storm from Emerald and you can added cut your 4xcut with hades paired to added effect to basically render ruby to ashes.

Also great gospel doesnt last forever so technically you can still die if you only rely on it.

and I quote
"never at a risk of losing a single fight if you aren't retarded"

You need to define retard in this case. I mean you wont be level 99 when you get it so unlucky lvl4 or even 5 death can kill your entire party. Just pointing out the flaws

>party member betrays you and took all your magic stones

so you equally level up your party when going on to a fight that specifically has level 4 or 5 death? because I'll tell you that even on the most casual playthroughs only an extremely small % of people ever wipe due to the death spells

now that I think of it. the only monster that really has level 5 death is the parasite in the northern cave and will literally never use it unless manipulated

Shit happens at bosses sometimes and i end up killing the boss rather then reviving someone. Thats where the big xp is so at times yeah, my characters might be the same level. I mean there arent too many who use those spells but its a possibility. Same with aqualung at the earliest point, it can one shot your party, you wont be having any protection against it

Oh yea, it was l4 suicide and it only took 31/32 of your hp. My bad about the lvl death thingy