Just some quick questions. Are any of the Devil May Cry games any good? Should i give them a try? What one is the best? Discuss.
Just some quick questions. Are any of the Devil May Cry games any good? Should i give them a try? What one is the best...
Play them in order and see how the series evolved you little shit.
i played them in release order
i grew up with the series
they're just like dark souls, a tryhard "memorize boss patterns until you win" franchise for reddit fags
Just started playing them myself, here's some newcomer perspective. Everyone is right, 2 is trash don't even bother with it unless you're playing it for legacy reasons. 3 is a hammy action heavy game that's fantastic and 1 is a more action focused resident evil clone that's also pretty good. 4 is in a weird middle ground, it's got the terrible aspects of 2 but at the same time has very fluid combat. Up to you if you want to try it. havn't played DmC, and according to everyone else I shouldn't anyway. Good luck OP
>Are any of the Devil May Cry games any good?
No, they're either straight up shit (DMC2), outdated garbage (DMC1) overrated experimentation that did more harm than good (DMC3) and just unfinished garbage (DMC4)
>Should i give them a try?
No, I do think that you should avoid them and play the Bayonetta series however, as they are what DMC attempted to be, but missed the mark time and time again.
>What one is the best?
Bayonetta 2 is genuinely regarded as the best stylish action game so go play that.
>this is what switch babbies genuinely believe
>hates DMC but likes Bayonetta
No they are the generic lock on and brainlessly mash buttons japshit
The level design is shit and you are forced to backtrack a lot for no reason, the music is some 5 seconds shit that loops forever
Sup Forums weeb soyboys only liked it because they are gay for this white hair dude
DMC is: clunky poorly controlled garbage
Bayonetta is: Perfectly controlled and extremely precise beautiful gameplay
>motion controls
>perfectly controlled and extremely precise
Gimmick not the main setting, kill yourself
>googoo dada gimik not main zetting!
keep telling yourself that kid
>Are any of the Devil May Cry games any good?
They aren't good, they are great.
>Should i give them a try?
Do it or I castrate you while you sleep.
>What one is the best?
Devil May Cry 3.
Don't listen to this man.
The only hame that's bad is 2, and it isn't unplayable,its just mediocre as fuck.
You should play the others tho, they are pretty fun gametos to waste time on.
DMC is different but if you aren't really a fan you should have a good enough time playing it, at least to see how much they butchered the series, play the special edition tho.
What i do recommend tlike that other user said is playing bayonetta and bayonetta 2, they are much more over the top than devil may cry but they are amazing games.
Okay Anons thanks a lot for helping me make a decision. So what i know now is 1 is good 2 is crap and 3 is god tier and 4 is average. I think i will pick up the first and 3rd game if i can find them for my old ps2. Thanks a lot guys.
That is actually exactly what you should do. In fact though there is an HD collection for PS3 and 360 containing DM1, 2 and 3. An HD HD Collection re-rerelease is coming to PC and PS4/XBone in March. Have fun user.
No problem, enjoy it,its gonna be a cuhrazy ride.
play DmC too after the first 4. It's not as good as the good games, but it's definitely worth a playthrough. and also better than the borefest that is DMC2
Do what said, get that collection if you can.
Yeah i am thinking about that now. But i sorta wanted to play it on the original ps2 but if i got the collection maybe that won't be so bad.
The games are actually only good on higher difficulty levels that you have to unlock by playing on lower ones. Nobody ever mentions this though.
Even on normal, your first playthrough final fight with vergil is still kino
>Bayonetta 2 is genuinely regarded as the best stylish action game
nigger what? It was a monstrous step down from even the first game.
let alone trying to compete with NGB and DMC3
>It was a monstrous step down from even the first game.
Kill yourself Yoshesque no one takes you seriously
Wish i could play the DMC series for the first ever again
At least these games are infinitely replayable
I guess you can be glad to know that somebody in the world is about to experience them for the first time. That person would be me.
Difficulty dumbed down so hard the game's Hard mode feels like the first game's Easy
Bosses are fucking horrible, somehow even worse than the first game's set despite that game already having an awful roster
weapons are now gimmicky as fuck and not nearly as versatile or powerful as in the first game.
Controls are much worse, cancelling moves is way less consistent and less of a possibility, and air combat has basically been removed from the game entirely.
enemies are pathetic, this again ties into the difficulty, the only enemies that are as aggressive and fast and intense as MOST of the enemies in the first game are the Sloths which appear rarely.
>Witch Time: The Game: The Movie
>nearly as good as Bayonetta 1
kek, enjoy your QTE tier bosses you can't even damage without Witch Time
Yeah, that's pretty cool
Have a BLAST
Wow, how wrong could you be? Bayonetta 2 has a better story, better environments, less gimmicky shit, no hamfisted QTEs, far more refined combat, a more enjoyable game tempo, more varied weapons and generally does more with the things that Kamiya laid the groundwork for. It's not as big of a jump in franchise quality as DMC3 was to DMC, but the first Bayonetta was already a fantastic game, better than the shit DMC series ever would be and Bayonetta 2 refines the little things to make it into a killer package.
The only thing it doesn't have is as memorable of a final boss, which was honestly always a tall order to live up to. You can't really make a boss at the same scale as that without trying to make it seem like you're trying to strike lightning twice, and TW101 had the logical "follow-up" to Jubileus in it's final boss.
Literally a bait post
>no arguments
kek, not surprised. Replaying 1 after 2 is rough. They're a lot of subtle changes to the combat and gameplay like a much better camera, it feels a lot more consistent, and hitting enemies feels more satisfying. It's also a lot less cheap, Bayo 2 only having like 1 "bad" enemy while Bayo 1 had a bunch and reused them a lot more than Bayo 2 did.
The final boss isn't as epic as the one in the first game, but i think it's more fun to fight.
Story wise, Bayo 2 isn't anything amazing, but it's super campy, enjoyable, and even makes the first game's story better.
You could say Bayonetta 2 is considerably easier on normal than Bayonetta 1, but i feel that's mostly since the combat is more consistent and Bayonetta is more powerful. Also, it gets rid of annoying insta death QTEs and other annoying segments from the first.
Bayonetta 2 is just a lot more accessible without removing the challenge and high level play and i can easily recommend it over the first where i don't think a lot of people not used to the genre will have a hard time getting into yhe original
Not here to argue, just call you a retard
the combat sucks dick by comparison
lol what if we made the enemies able to dodge and block any attack whenever they want and make sure it's guaranteed if you do more than like three fucking hits
also witch time lasts less than 2 seconds lol hope you weren't trying to actually do anything creative
Because you can't actually argue since you're such a weak willed pussy you actively are shirking away from any attempt at a challenge, much like other bayo 1 fanbabbies who didn't play 2 and are still crying glorious tears, like this fag. Bayo 2 is pretty much the clear winner here. The only thing 1 has over it is a more epic final boss fight.
>2 has cleaner, vibrant and more colourful graphics, which in turn makes it easier to see enemies and attacks etc.
>2 has more boss fights where it actually feels like a nice 1 on 1 fight rather than the giant bosses in the original.
>2 has less shitty minigame segments. And the ones it does have are nice and brief and fairly easy to get through.
>2 doesn't have the shitty insta-death QTEs that plagued 1.
Probably many more but I'll leave it at that because those are the ones that stick out to me thinking about it right now.
Op here. I think after i give the dmc games a go i will also try the bayo games. Seem like some heated bitch fits going on here on what is better. I think i will come out thinking that both series are great and not needing to hate one or the other.
>better story
completely agree
>better environments
disagree, the opening city is probably better than anything in the first game, but the rest just does not match up to Bayonetta 1, especially the mindbending and gorgeous environments of Paradiso
>less gimmicky shit
Not really, the weapons are more gimmicky this time around, there was the Panther segment, the After Burner/Starfox segment, the surfing, the part where you play as Loki, the multiplayer mode. There's slightly less of it, but there's still a lot of it overall.
>no hamfisted QTEs
every boss fight still ends with QTE, as well as many major setpieces. You just don't instantly die for failing one, they're still fucking everywhere.
>far more refined combat
Fuck. No. the combat is insanely dumbed down and also piss easy. The enemies are braindead and slow and barely fight back, air combat is nonexistent, and so much of the game is designed explicitly around Witch Time that they had to have it enabled in Nonstop Infinite Climax. It is a huge fucking step down from the first game when it comes to the quality of the combat design. I'd honestly say it's close to the different between DMC3 and DmC:DMC in terms of how dumbed down and simplistic the combat became.
>more enjoyable game tempo
agreed, less exploration or puzzle detours and while there are still gimmicky scenes they last much less long, no more 15 minutes of Space Harrier.
>more varied weapons
at the cost of them now being gimmicky as fuck and less useful. They now almost all come in SLOW AND STRONK and FAST AND WEAK varieties, there's not a single weapon as good as the shotguns or Durga from the first game. Even the katana replacements are weaker. Plus without air combat, the new weapons feel shitty to use anyways.
>does more
with how much less deep and challenging the combat is I'd say it is a huge insult to what the first game accomplished.
No you won't, because you got fucking tricked into playing a shit outdated series
Do you even have your Pure Platinums in 1 or are you talking out of your ass
Just because it's old doesn't mean it ain't gold.
Not sure how someone can find the environments in Bayonetta 2 worse than Bayonetta 1 (since you listed it there).
I also find it hard to believe that someone that liked Bayonetta 1's gameplay can dislike Bayonetta 2's.
I've played the first game multiple times and I'm seriously having trouble believing that people liked the first game considerably more...unless the Wii U port of the first game is bad or something.
(played it on 360 before playing Bayonetta 2 and then on Wii U after beating the second game)
The only thing I could think of is maybe the story and the difficulty? But I honestly feel that the original Bayonetta had a lot of instances of bad difficulty on normal difficulty.
I do agree that Bayonetta 1's final boss is more interesting, but I don't think the final boss in the 2nd one is that bad. He's still fun to fight, just isn't as impressively larger than life as Jubileus (which is kind of funny since you summon Jubileus to finish the final boss off in Bayonetta 2)
>Bayonetta 2 is just a lot more accessible without removing the challenge and high level play
Oh please fucker, show me a single enemy other than Sloth who's nearly as challenging as Grace and Glory or Joy.
And yes, they definitely didn't remove the high level play. I mean wow, look at those air combos you can do. And I love how the enemies have a random chance of deciding "No, you're not comboing me anymore" and breaking out of your attacks, staggering you in the process. So progressive and forward thinking past teh first game, really makes you want to do combos and use Dodge Offsets.
DmC is a hard thing to describe. It's a good game ONCE, but everything bad about that game becomes way too intolerable. The worst part is that it's almost a good game but the terrible story and characters, the incredibly glitchy presentations (I kid you not, every time I've played this game I've encountered at least one mayor, game breaking glitch, even on the PS4 and 360), and the poor game design choices make it really hard to like.
If you end up loving the first 4 games it also doesn't help it's cause.
only DMC3 is actually good. But seriously, these games are all PS2 era games, even DMC4, with fixed camera angles and shit. They really don't hold a candle to modern hack and slash games like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising. DMC 3 and 4 do have some of the deepest combat ever made but it requires you to sink hours practicing and for what?
You seem like a smart man
I hope you enjoy them.
okay please clarify before you say something else stupid
did you just play each game on normal with only stone awards
this is extremely important
>being a fan of only DMC or Bayo but not the other
i seriously hope you guys don't do this
Chalk me up on the side of 2 but not without thinking it chose to outright drop some of the first game's diamonds in the rough so to speak as opposed to refining them.
Personally I liked how every now and then the original would add some sort of twist to its verses be it a key hunt while Golem periodically tries to crush you or protecting Cereza while fighting off foes with time not on your side. Stuff like this allows the combat to go in a different direction with outside factors needing to be considered as well as simply beating the enemies to bits efficiently.
Ain't nothing wrong with pseudo platforming bits either, breaking up the fights with periods of environment traversal that isn't just a straight line path makes stages feel more complete and fully featured while 2 starts slipping into the abyss of featureless corridors linking basic combat arenas.
Also the first game feels like your attacks have far more punch to them, as single wicked weave has a weighty impact that feels more satisfying than an entire umbran climax could ever hope and that's just odd.
Still when it comes down to it 2 did tackle the most glaring faults of 1 for me, the deadly QTE moments and tedious mini game sections. It's also nicer to look at visually (farewell angelic urine filter) and I like the weapon variety more. 2 basically cut off the fat but took a bit of meat off with it, effectively I ended up with something I enjoyed more but doesn't quite fill me up, fortunately I find that it's a lot more moreish.
You're clearly not the buttmad other guy and your opinion is completely reasonable.
I put 500 hours into Bayonetta 1 on the 360 and put 120 more into it on Wii U. I also have 200 hours in Ninja Gaiden Black and over 2000 in Devil May Cry 3.
Put 50 hours into Bayonetta 2 before dropping it because of how much worse the combat is than the first game.
You seriously strike me as someone who is either a casual gamer or not an enthusiast of this genre. Most of the changes to Bayonetta 2's gameplay make the game less complex, less challenging, and less rewarding.
Bayo 2 has much more solid gameplay and art direction, but Bayo 1 has a better finale by far. The biggest problem with 2 is that it's too shackled to the first game's design. You can tell just by seeing the way the prologue plays out. But overall, Bayo 2 is better because it has tighter controls, more useful and fun weapons, fewer minigames (and the ones it has aren't shit), and no bullshit QTE's.
The story is still really dumb in both games though. Not that it matters all that much.
2 by a long shot.
Bayonetta 1 may be the reason why I fell in love with videogames again but there are a lot of things that I didn't realize weren't that good or just downright bad until playing through it again on Wii U like the giant boss fights, the long-ass retro game callback stages & getting attacked right after an Angel's introductory cutscene. Kamiya's games & Korra are the Only Platinum games that feature multiple sections that I dread replaying.
1 & 3 are the best overall games. 4 is ok, level designs are trash though.
You play the first for it's challenge and atmosphere. It shared most of the dev team with the OG Resident Evils. Think of it as more as something like a NES-hard castlevania game, crazy it is not; though you can still do some nifty shit. Still a highly enjoyable game in it's own right. Don't be afraid to take it to Dante Must Die, it's very satisfying to overcome, especially after you will most certainly get your shit pushed in. Pretty sure I don't need to shill off the 3rd game.
Bayonetta 1 is the big album release and Bayonetta 2 is the B side of that album. The production is leaner, the ideas feel less cooked but the highs it hits are still pretty good and there really aren't any lows.
The first game though, man- every big boss fight in that game wowed me. Especially the endgame stuff - I wondered how they'd top it and as it turns out they don't even try to.
I feel like the first game is the better game simply because it's bigger- bigger stages, bigger bosses and somewhat regretably - bigger warts. Some of the stages that fill the game out a bit really aren't the greatest and angel attack is kind of a lame mini game. But these lows just push the truly great moments really out into the forefront and make them stand out.
The only time Bayonetta 2 felt as "epic" as the first one was the first big fight with Baldur, giant summons pantomiming their much smaller controllers in a battle that seemed very large in scope.
Putting my thoughts in a simpler form - Bayonetta 1 is a longer game with ups and downs - the minute to minute gameplay is less exciting than it's sequel on average.
Bayonetta 2 is a shorter game where the highest points of amazement from 1 have been trimmed off and the lows filled in - a flat line if you will. This means the minute to minute gameplay is far more engaging and I liked the weapons in B2 a little more, especially putting chainsaws on your legs.
I had a ton of fun with both but the first one left a higher overall impression with me , even if only slightly.
The controls are literally worse in 2 though, and the weapons are way better in 1, what are you doing dude
In fact, the DMC series already got outclassed when Ninja Gaiden was released on the original Xbox.
>Metal Gear Rising
It's a fun game but holy shit you must be retarded if you think it's anywhere near the same level as Bayonetta or DMC3/4. DMC4 is a half-finished 11 hour game with ridiculous combat depth and Bloody Palace, but MGR is a half-finished 6 hour game with no combat depth and some boring VR missions and short DLCs.
Based on howlongtobeat figures, not my own personal times
Definitely Bayonetta 2 is the better game and the more fun to replay because there is no padding like the first game and the Lumen Sage fights are some of the best boss fights in gaming. Also, the weapons in Bayonetta 2 is more varied than the first, you have to unlock the hidden weapons first to make a fair judgment. One last thing, most of the weapons in Bayo 1 has the same combo animation and combinations (Durga and Onyx Roses) as Scarborough Fair but with different functions, Bayo 2 is an improvement in this area, most of the weapons feel unique.
>giant boss fights
This is just as big a problem in the second game. If anything it's worse, occasionally in Bayonetta 1 you get rewarded with a fight against Jeanne which is incredibly fun.
In Bayonetta 2 you get fucking Lumen Sage who is the worst boss in this series.
And while yes there is the bullshit Space Harrier stage and too many minigames (it is a Kamiya game), the sheer quality of the combat alone over the second game is more than enough reason for me to never even want to bother touching Bayonetta 2 again.
I mean it when I say this: Bayonetta 2's combat is so bad and dumbed down compared to the first game's that it feels like DmC compared to DMC3.
it's too edgy "cool guy" for me. It's like a dude with emo hair killing monsters to radio metal. tacky as fuck
There are aspects where I prefer the first game (story, atmosphere) but Bayo 2 is a much better game. I prefer the faster, more fluid combat, the bosses that are pure fights without shitty faux platforming and QTEs, the absence of Angel Attack and instant death QTEs, the bigger enemy variety etc. Even without those improvements Bayo 2 would be the better game for the simple reason that it doesn't have Route 666 and Bayonetta's "fantasy zone", two of the worst segments in any action game ever.
Call me biased for having 10x the hours in Bayo 1 as I do in 2, but there's way more fun to be had with 1's weapons than 2, I just don't think you've played them enough based on how you put it
Don't like the first either? There's 2 different styles to try from the series.
Bayonetta 2 improved Umbran Spear mechanics, magic is more useful overall and doesn't disappear when struck, weapon movesets aren't recycled, there's fewer non-combat sections and instant death QTEs, it's better coded (more stable framerate, less loading), and overall more difficult, though not for the best reasons.
On the downside, they nerfed the f*** out of her in 2 compared to the original while giving enemies more health, lots of combo stuff/inputs were botched, the weapons don't have quite as much personality and most are overly specialized, the majority of enemies are Beloved variants, centaurs or recycled from 1, the humanoid bosses are broken, Umbran Climax is pretty bad for a super state, and way too much of the campaign are Muspelheims (secret, gimmicky fights).
Would recommend playing 1 first, just as there's more extraneous stuff that might make it hard to come back to after 2, and it's a better overall game.
Trust me, the "cool guy" part is undercut by a lot of humor, it's not that prominent
>and the Lumen Sage fights are some of the best boss fights in gaming
Oh my god fuck no, literally the worst boss in the series by a landslide and WAY worse than Jeanne was in the first game. Having an entire boss force you to use Witch Time and who just teleports out of your combos was ridiculous.
The Bayo 2 weapons have more variety but also way less utility and versatility, they're insanely gimmicky and they come in the bland SLOW AND STRONG or FAST AND WEAK varieties. Bayonetta 1 didn't care about giving you a weapon that was both fast and strong because they were confident enough that the enemies would shit all over you no matter what you had (which is true, most of the enemies in the first don't fuck around)
Bayonetta 2's combat is not faster and more fluid you retard. Fight Grace and Glory in the first game then fight them in the second. Notice how much faster the first game's enemies are and how they constantly force you to be on your toes.
And there weren't that many boss fights that were pure fights. There was the sword and shield angel and the fights against Loptr and Aesir. I'm not counting Lumen Sage because he's fucking terrible.
Also bigger enemy variety my ass. Maybe there was but most of the enemies are piss easy compared to the first game's.
What do I need to get into this series?
I played about 2 hours of the first game until I realized I didn't get it at all. Combo's are fun and all, but is that all there is to it?
I'll take a game with 10/10 combat that has some 2/10 minigames over one with 6/10 combat anyday.
DMC3 with the style switcher mod is the most fun action game in existence
I don't care about any of the other half-points, but it literally runs at 40fps on the Wii U, which is abominable, Bayo 1 performed better on the 360 than 2 does on the Wii U, and nobody knows how it's gonna go on the Switch yet. Even still, Bayo 1 is on PC now and that means flawless performance. Also magic is useless in 2 because it goes into Umbran Climax instead of maximizing the use of Torture attacks on near death enemies for their Angel Arms and to get the highest combo out of them that you can. Speaking of which, all the Angel Arms in 2 suck.
Also the death QTE meme needs to be put to rest, there are about 4 of them in the entire game, like 2 in chapter 3 and 2 in route 666, you have almost no excuse if you've played it more than once.
Honestly yes, however 1 has the least combos of any of the games. Try 3 instead if it's lacks depth that bothers you. If you want a different appeal Im afraid I can't help ya
Op here. For the guys arguing about bayo 1 vs bayo 2. I made a thread just for you guys
I played Bayo 1 again this week and I honestly thought I would enjoy it more than I did. The battles lasting longer is definitely a welcoming change, but the irritating slowdown, environmental hazards, annoying muspelheims and boring platforming spam Y + Weapon change boss battles definitely put a huge damper in my mood.
I'm also just not a fan of the attack animations of 1's weapons compared to 2.
2 Has a much better feel, stays at a consistent speed and is thus more responsive than 1. I suppose the buffering system is better in 1, the enemies don't break out of combos which is nice and Jeanne is a better fight than the human bosses in 2, but that's really about all 1 does better.
Oh yeah, Route 666 and Isla del Sol are annoying stages too.
EDIT: And oh yeaaaaahhh, the combo scoring system in 1 is absolutely bollocks as well, leaving almost no room for any kind of combo experimentation. It heavily punishes combos that don't include Wicked weaves, Durga ycharge or Killgore charges. Weapon switching and jump cancelling to reset strings is thus actively discouraged unless it's right after a Wicked weave hit or if the other set includes Durga or Killgore. The overall balance of damage vs combo score is ridiculous as well. Shuruba full charge only gives 20 points? Why? So now I can't use it at all unless I want a crappy combo score.
DMC1 is more a halfway fusion of a beatemup with Resident Evil style horror atmosphere (it began life as a version of Resident Evil 4) than it is a combo crazy game.
DMC3 is the game where the series seriously lifted off, graphics were fantastic for a PS2 title, the story and characters are memorable and amazing, bosses are challenging and fun, and the gameplay is pure melee bliss. DMC3 is just an unforgettable game.
there's a lot of dumb shit that they never explicitly tell you but you basically need it to enjoy the game, like how you dodge through shit by jumping, parry things by clashing weapons/knocking back fireballs, jump cancelling on the whole, special tricks and instant kills on certain enemies, etc.
and if all that still doesn't appeal to you then yeah you can get dmc4 and just do combos because it's the deepest and most rewarding combo system in a video game
>a tryhard "memorize boss patterns until you win" franchise for reddit fags
and this is how you know someone hasn't played the game. even if you referred to DMC1's more basic hack&slash elements, by your logic, ANY game with a boss is "like dark souls"
>but the irritating slowdown
PC port exists
360 and Wii U ports didn't even have that much aside from when explosions are happening.
Also complaining about the scoring system in Bayonetta (or really any Platinum game) is fucking pointless, the entire thing is shit from the ground up, it would honestly be better if it just had the fucking style meter.
those figures are right
1 really isn't about the combos overall, more killing shit quickly and dodging around for openings. Apparently exploring a spooky castle just isn't appealing to you either. The first game in general has more aggressive enemies than the rest of the series and they will even attack off-screen, but it takes the higher difficulties to really feel the pressure. Then they will start Devil Triggering if you're not efficient enough and become real problems to deal with. Sounds like you must be breezing through normal if you have this problem.
>play DMCHD collection
>DMC3 didn't age at all outside the graphics
How does it hold up so fucking well holy shit. There are games being made NOW that don't have combat that feels nearly as good. Even MGR and Bayonetta feel kind of floaty compared to DMC
>pure melee bliss
and guns
The guns are alright but really require Royalguard or Gunslinger to really feel good, Swordmaster is the best way to play
When are we gonna talk about the best action game of all time. Castlevania Lament of innocence?
LoI is amazing, I really enjoy it as a Castlevaniafag, but if we're talking gameplay wise I prefer CoD
>It heavily punishes combos that don't include Wicked weaves, Durga ycharge or Killgore charges.
you use many normal attacks because the damage to point ratio is way higher on normals
then they start lowering the amount of points you get from a normal so you perform one wicked weave on a near death enemy, maximizing the score based on how much health the enemy has
stronger attacks are supposed to give you less combo points so that you have reason to, y'know, combo
but all that is theoretical because if you taunt + witch time + angel weapon your score shoots up to a million and after that you just need to not get hit for pure platinum
I find it funny that the game is such a shameful ripoff of Devil May Cry, and Devil May Cry paid it back in full by stealing Royalguard from it.
Loi wasn't very good at all imo. CoD seemed a lot better, never did get to finish it though due to OG Xbox disc read errors, got issues trying to play it on PS3. Neither hold a candle to even the first DMC though.
I disagree but from a different perspective, they're very well done attempts at a 3D CV game and that's where they're appreciated.
I feel you. Opening the post with best action game probably wasn't the best thing, but what's Sup Forums without extremism. I still plan to return to them myself, aching for some 3D gothic action.
I'm not gonna knock you're opinion, because any fan of vidya is entitled to their own about whatever game, but would you list me a few games you think are genuinely good?
I've been playing the first one, im having a lot of fun with it. cant say much about the others, the reboot looks cool, was watching someone play it a while back and i digged the way everything looked and the background music is metal which is a nice touch.
i will say this for the reboot: if you play it before investing time in the other dmc games you will probably have fun
if it interests you try it, it goes on sale all the time
then if you want something more refined, try dmc3
Best games ever
ever faggot on here was shitting themselves when it came out. Like it was comical. People actually took time out of their real lives to go on every review site and raid it.
Dear god the tears were so juicy. And to top it off, the game was pretty great. People will STILL give you shit about it on here. I keep coming back for years to piss people off about it kek.
Play 1 and 3 ignore the rest.
When you grow up with a series and see something warped into something it's not and advertising itself as a replacement instead of a filler, of course people are going to be upset. I'm over it myself now naturally. You still sound like a right cunt though, probably the target fanbase the game was going for.
Get a job, tameem