I just beat this game, can we have a thread about it? Also KOTOR discussion in general

I just beat this game, can we have a thread about it? Also KOTOR discussion in general.

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Why are people suddenly in a surge about the KOTOR games.

The new Star Wars movie perhaps? I've been meaning to beat it for a while, only just now got around to it. It was pretty good, a shame about all of the unfinished content though. It's probably the best Star Wars story that exists, but not like I've ever read the novels or anything or planned to

Multiple reasons
>TLJ came out and it was not good so people look to past good SW content.
>TBFP started an lp of it.
>when people post it, lots of people decide to replay it, and it's not exactly short so people make threads for weeks.
>endless discussion possibilities

Possible alternate reason
>Disney gauging interest for Rian Johnson's Revan trilogy.

Hopefully they're shills and we're getting kotor 3

Fuck off.

I think it's a combination of those things, they've been markedly more common since TFA released and TLJ has just increased it even more. There's more things to discuss about the games than there is about say TIE Fighter or the Jedi Knight games, and I think a lot of people played KotOR when they were kids so they're inclined to talk about it more.

>>Disney gauging interest for Rian Johnson's Revan trilogy.
I will firebomb him to death myself before I let this happen.

redditor cross posters that wont stop beating something into the ground until even other redditors dont want to talk about it


He's doing it nerd. Revan is a black female and Carth is played by Matthew Mcoughnnagegegugegy.


but you already got TOR :)

So if Sand people are muzzies, wooks are nigs and Selkath are Saudis, which species works as a stand-in for jews?

Some e-celebs are playing it now i think and Sup Forums eata that shit up



That flying dude in kotor 2 that owns the landing pad. Also, Huts.

The second game has an extremely slow start. You finally get off the mining facility and then you're forced to fuck around on Telos. It takes way too long to get to the planet exploration phase.

During OCT people looking for something spooky pick up VTMB, after that they want something else tons of dialog and go to one of the kotors usually 2. After that people posting about kotor cause some others to play one of the two games. This year it's exaggerated by a star wars movie coming out at the same time.

It's very linear but i think the atmosphere of peragus is great, telos is where the game lulls for me until the polar academy.

>TLJ came out and it was not good so people look to past good SW content.
This. What started out of hype for the new movie has transitioned to an attempt to scratch a Star Wars itch that it spectacularly failed to. Unironically 10x worse than AotC and TPM. I read Heir to the Empire, replayed Jedi Outcast, and am now playing KotOR again. KotOR's writing it worse than I remember, but it's still fun.

>Reven trilogy
yes pl-
>Rian Johnson's

This. I love Telos but it's just so frustrating that the first part of the entire game is a whole bunch of little side-quests.

It's interesting, depending on mood I'll prefer either 1 or 2. K1 is very comfy and feels more like you're making your own choices, whereas K2 is a bit boring/confusing from time to time, and feels a bit more pre-designed as a story, like your choices don't make much of a difference. That being said, the general aesthetic of K2 plus the slightly deeper-than-usual themes can make it a good play as well.

From last thread.
r8 my edge master

I want to start up another run of KOTOR II but I don't want the game to get fucked up by how broken the game is. What are some good fixes that I can use outside of the Restoration Mod.

Honestly, I'm biased towards Perages because I fucking hate Telos.

Needs an edgier name with more apostrophes.
Like S'ektrius D'o'omlord

Are there any pitfalls in kotor builds aside from non-jedi leveling? I'd like to go in mostly blind.

Some people make the mistake that the dex cap on armor means that char can't hit with ranged weapons when it only limits dex's defense bonus.

Not really, it's mostly pretty easy. Investing in persuade and if possible repair is a good idea.

I just spam treat injury + persuade with a few extras on the side depending on what I want to prioritize.

>Carth by Matthew
Holy shit I want it. I don't care how they ruin the plot, I just want cool lightsaber fights

Coincidentally enough, If thought from time to time about Kyle Katarn played by Matt. Probably too old for it now but it would be interesting.

Not all classes have repair as a class skill, something to keep in mind if you want to repair your droid companion, persuade is more for light side while dominate mind is more for dark side


What did Bioware mean by this?

>Strength build


Should I get this if I don't know anything about star wars

just buy the steam version. runs perfectly

It has some basic world-based lore in it but it's set a few thousand years before the movies so I think you'll probably be fine.

Kotor 2 got a patch not long ago to run on modern systems and works fine now, kotor 1 on the other hand is still a problem child.


Which one is better? 1 or 2?

>Trying to do a DS playthrough where I save all the masters
>Getting LS points in Peragus just for not giving Atton incentive to leave me behind
I feel like it's gonna be a bitch to stay dark side without also being an asshole.

Rename to Darth Icky and maybe I'll care.

finally got padawan title in kotor 1 and now i dont look like a fuckin retard in a jumpsuit.
does force lightning scale off a certain stat or is it just based off your level

Subjective, 2 has better writing and ambience while 1 has better gameplay and look

Darth E'Val


>We'll name the sith lord that keeps coming back to life Darth Andeddu

why is nihilus on the front fucking cover but has little to no backstory in game?


Canderous and Mandalore are the two best companions in their respective games, closely followed by Jolee and Bao-dur.

I played the first Kotor but something fucked up RIGHT at the end and my save got fucked. I tried replaying it, but it wasn't the same. I hadn'r played it for like 4 years.
Now Ima beat Mass Effect trilogy and get back to Kotor 1-2 and then the online one.

He's a reflection of the Exile.

I recently started playing TOR for the first time after avoiding it like the plague.
It's somewhat enjoyable in terms of story.
But my god does the writing go to shit whenever anyone mentions Revan. Like his "secret" base on Nar'shadda where he brought a fucking piece of the star forge and it's apparently able to replicate itself. But the story goes nowhere of course
Also every quest seems to be made to follow the pattern of "At the end we'll have one choice that awards DP and one that awards LP" to the point where almost every mission is predictable.

>tfw no threesome with Mission and Zaalbar

I've asked this same thing a couple weeks ago just worded a bit differently. The amount of KOTOR threads has been insane. I'm pretty sure its thanks to recent things as people told me.

Mixture of EA's fuck ups, Disney ruining the franchise and just general SW discussion being so heavy in the last month or two here.

Another thing is that Battlefront 2 (the real and original one) recently got a patch that these cucks fucked up. They could have brought it back but instead purposefully butchered it.

The KOTOR games are pretty damn unique. They are Star Wars set thousands of years in the past and are dice roll RPG games. Something that companies wouldn't dare release these days. Glad to see them being discussed since they are some of the best games out there.

Just me and Mission please, hair all over the place would be fucking hideous/messy. Cucking Z sounds pretty nice.

Just wait until you see the story content for the last two expansions.

it's not made clear enough though, he could use some scenes where it shows him before he got fucked up. also he's way too easy. it's apparent its a bit unfinished

I'm F2P atm so i probably won't get that far. I'm probably just going to stop once I've done the Sith Warrior and the Imperial Agent story.
How bad are the last two expansions?

I haven't actually played them, I've only done the 1-50 content. But from what I hear it is pants on head retarded.

thats the thing
i do have the steam version and i have played it with the patch but the game bugged out on me around when i had to board nilhus' ship and then it just crashes from there

>we want an mmo with a singleplayer feel
>now see use fail at both

>not naming KoTor 1 protags "Naver"

The whole point is that it doesn't matter what he was before, only what he is now; Malachor reshaped him as it did you. I agree that it could be clearer and that the fight with him isn't as detailed or elaborate as it could be, but I think even then it would be hard to find a balance between making it an enjoyable fight and showing the player that they're the only ones who can defeat him for a reason.

We need to make a roll chart or something for our builds cause I keep getting stuck on the same character page for 20 minutes trying to decide every time.

>that low DEX
>wasting points on wisdom when your a jedi gurdian and playing the first game.


>Any points in Dex above 10 when you're running a Strength build
>not having at least 14 Int/Wis/Cha every build

>not making zaalbar chock that bitch.

blame your Life-dept. not me savage.

>Name isn't Thrad Vaner



>Possible alternate reason
>>Disney gauging interest for Rian Johnson's Revan trilogy.
If that's the case, fuck off back to the prime age.

Decanonize SWTOR from legends, make a proper game following the Exile and Revan into the Unknown regions to battle the REAL True Sith, not some cheap knockoffs.

>Strength build
into the trash it goes.

and your character only has 10 in cha/int making her retarded.

Confessions of a talentless, hack Studio.

The bonus resistance against other force attacks is a welcome
also i absolutely destroyed Malek at the end and everyone around me so whatevs

what the hell is even required/optimal? i'm on my first playthrough and feel like i fucked up.

AotC is terrible. TLJ is at least as good as TPM.

Post stats and we shall answer

kotor is easy as piss no matter how you play it. im just saying your build looks very boring to play as.

force Powers are hardly a threat in the game. 10-12 wisdom is more than enough.

KOTOR is easy as fuck. You can beat the game with pretty much any build. Don't mind these faggots. They will nitpick down to the very last point.

>playing kotor 2 having a good time
>reach the HK factory

i know i can skip it but my love for HK-47 wont let me.

>at least as good as TPM

TPM was a different kind of shit. I liked TPM, but admittedly it was terrible. The Jar-jar parts in particular tickled me wrong.

TLJ is just god damn awful, shit movie, absolute shit star wars movie.

Stop comparing apples to oranges.

Revan is never called Darth in either game.

somebody is determined to tell everyone how smart he is for understanding kreia's dumb manipulative shit

There's literally no reason not to build Strength, especially considering how easy it is to boost with items, and all the Defence in the world won't help you against Malak.
It's not my character.

>Revan DLC campaign
>turns out the badass "became Sith for power to save the galaxy" Revan didn't do so and was mind controlled by a Sith Emperor and Revan was never in control
>Exile died like a bitch in an ambush

Fucking hell, Revan and Exile were supposed to be the most exciting part.

Yeah, it's pretty odd, why didn't he? Malak did.

More than 8 Int is pointless since skills are useless in Kotor 1. More than 8 Wis/Cha are only useful if you use offensive forces which a Jedi Guardian doesn't use anyway.

>see super best friends are playing kotar
>part 23
>still stuck in taris

how the fuck is that even possible!? i would not want them to play kotor 2.

Don't worry about it user, you don't have to minmax to beat these games so it's best to just build a character how you feel like. Some things are less efficient than others (it's best for new players to not put too many points in Constitution and Intelligence, for example, and it's rarely a good idea to put more than 14/15 points in any attribute during character creation) but it's not a big enough impact for a new player to worry about.

You're got Drew Karpyshyn to thank for that.


Yeah, that guy. God damnit, wasn't he Revan's original writer?

i'm only 9 hours in total. well shit ill probably try for something more optimal when i start 2. taris was not fun

I'll never understand how Karpyshyn landed a job at Bioware after writing the fucking awful Baldur's Gate novelisations.

again, kotor is a joke so any build works. im just saying that guy could have done a better build if he wanted.

Woolie cannot into RPGs and Pat isn't the most useful.

One entire episode is Woolie creating his sassy woman nigga Revan, one is levelling her a few levels and holding the rest, and one is trying to level Bastila.

I'm just amazed that these people still have the auto pause still going and they haven't looked into it more.

Kotor doesn't get piss easy until you're around 1/3 of the way through the game. Unless you have a perfect build there's a decent amount of challenge in the early game.

you look fine. maybe put one more point into wisdom for extra force points and the rest can basically go into STR and DEX

karpysyn pride would not allow him to use someone elses work and thought he could do it better.

the dumb motherfucker.