Why do PC games from 10 years ago run and look better than most console games today?

Why do PC games from 10 years ago run and look better than most console games today?

Far Cry 2 never looked good and was a console game. Crysis came out a year before.

Except they dont look better

>Far Cry 2
>PC game

>Far Cry 2 never looked good and was a console game
lol just like Crysis was a console game too, right?

the developers need to develop AAA's and stuff for consoles which are already years behind

games on PC then

Crysis didnt come out for consoles until years later unlike FC2.

Yes they do. Show me one recent open world game on console that looks and runs better than that. Keep in mind draw distances, framerate and graphical fidelity.

And? It's still a game on console. Use Crysis 2 or 3 if you want. Either way your logic is retarded.

Uncharted lost legacy on a PS4 pro and 4k hdr tv takes a fat dump on far cry 2s graphics.

This doesn't look anywhere close to how good console games look today but le epic peecee meme xD

Not open world, only has to render a few meters in front of you, has mediocre framerates and mediocre draw distances. Rise of the Tomb Raider on PC actually looks better even at 1080p.

Still a good game, though.

Retarted goalpost moving. What happened to
>Why do PC games from 10 years ago run and look better than most console games today?

Console games do look marginally better today but have terrible draw distances and are usually only playable in 25-30fps. Horizon is a good example, it looks fantatsic but the fog throughout the game world exists to hide those draw distances. Pic related can he played at 1440p at over 100fps.

That is still my main argument, the Tomb Raider was just extra information. Far Cry 2 looks better than most runs way better than any game released on console in the last 10 years. The only games that have greater graphical fidelity are corridor shooters.


Okay now what's the framerate?

Any open world game released this gen looks better than far cry 2 my man. Witcher, fallout, division, all look better.

He didn't move the goalpost. He said open world game and you mentioned a non-open world game.

Yes consoles have shitty ass framerates considering they have a literal mobile cpu in them. Nothing anyone can do about that besides Microsoft and Sony, and even with the pro and x they use the same shit cpu

60fps locked, at least on Pro

Is this running on a ps2?



Maybe pre-downgrade.


I quote myself , 60fps locked on PS4pro

this looks like shit, you have no artistic sensibilities

No, it maxes out at 60, with drops to around 40. And the game isn't even full 1080p Jesus Christ how embarassing.


FC2 looks like ass


diminishing returns, sure there are more detailed textures and models but that just becomes redundant past a point and older games still hold up on a macro level
not that any of that really matters when game design has gone down the toilet since 2007