What went so, so, very, fucking, WRONG?
What went so, so, very, fucking, WRONG?
Forced meta
The focus on esports at the start of season 2, a lot of the fun stuff got nerfed or removed.
>hey guys let's make dota but worse in every way
>most popular game on the planet
>biggest esports scene
Seems like everything went right
So popular means a game is good? Esports isn't a cancer on the industry?
Literally this. The meta has been the same since season 2. The game really needs a shot in the arm.
except league 'esports' is boring and watching my bronze friends faff about, being retards and occasionally pulling off the rare stroke of genius is more fun than watching a bunch of autistic korean harry potter lookalikes farm for 30 minutes and get 5 kills total per game.
It's a moba.
>So popular means a game is good?
It sure as fuck means nothing went wrong for them.
no, countless things are wrong with the game and client. if people are paying, why fix it though
Garbage game design flaws which make the game impossible to balance. The meta is always forced, tank meta is so cancerous it makes u want to smash your fucking pc.
It always goes so wrong for them...
If this game actually allowed you to make your own lanes and team comps and win strategies, it'd be pretty playable
Popular = Good
Yeah guys.
Such a good game.
I always felt they blew their player numbers out of proportion, and it's easy since it's popular in China and Chinese players use new accounts all the god damn time like they do in WoW.
It feels dead in the west honestly, it used to be something EVERYONE played or knew about, but League is played by people who like to troll or are just generally masochists.
>no, countless things are wrong with the game and client.
He said FOR THEM you brainlet. Surely you don't give a fuck about actual moba players? How embarassing.
In EUNE it's still vivid as hell - if you wait more than 2 minutes you can be sure something glitched out in your client.
In 2014 they revealed they had around 27 million daily players so I can assume there was about 10 milion players playing simutaneously.
So many champions don't deserve to be in this game and should find someway out before they get hit with the Riot "re-balance remake" hammer. Who do you think is going to get hit next?
They broadcast who they're gutting months in advance. The current chopping block is swain, aatrox, and irelia.
Nothing. You are more than likely between bronze 3 and silver 2 where 75% of the shit tier meme community dwells. Get to diamond 2+ like me and every game is full of encouraging teammates and sportsmanship while testing your abilities at their maximum.
TLDR: Git Gud
Is that a bad thing?
You can, dude; just find some friends and go for that, im having fun with melee ADC experiments
>diamond 2+
>still has a forced meta
wow it's fucking nothing
Except i one trick my favorite champ and dont follow the meta and still have fun playing :)
>It feels dead in the west
>I pick non-fotm champs so I'm breaking the meta!!!
No you're not, fuck off.
Either that or a siornn botlane, tried it out after watching some videos of it (im a fucking nerd, i know) and its fucking disgusting
Good point
SJWs and Anthony Burch are now working at Riot.
Being a nunu main is suffering.
lux main before i stopped playing this carnival of a game
it gets tiring watching the game completely change every season, keeping riot's team favourite champs always strong and on the meta while all the others getting buttfucked or broken and perma banned
community can be kept under control, just type /mute all in every game
thank god im clear for this cocaine
Nu eve best eve
>Lux main
Why is Tristana so perfect bros?
>became diamond by playing adc mid and even ap bottom
>people swear me out
>friends hated me because I didn't play by the meta
>won 80% of my games that season.
Too bad the game is awful
>euw gold
>8/10 games has a troll or afk on my team
what drives these faggots to do this, and so fucking often at that? im not blaming them on me being gold, but what the fuck could make these players so angry and childish? they make it ten times harder to climb
because you have shit taste in yordles
get off this website
This, the most fun i've ever had in this game was s1 and s2
Nah man, im having fun. Eitherway, its more fair than going against MF or Morgana
I was there when 2-1-2 was still a viable meta
In other news, I'd say that League is relying too much on champions for any sort of counterplay. Pick Zed on mid and you kill all the squishy mages while the only thing they can do to counterplay you is buy zhonya and/or stick together to the team, even though any good Zed knows to ult in the middle of their team when they are busy teamfighting.
Pick Teemo on top and you have just countered almost every AD top-laner that relies even a bit on auto-attacks, but they know to buy spirit visage or maw, but by the time they do that then hopefully you didn't push to get ganked
Pick Thresh and you've just caused your lane to be a gg ez situation because Thresh is still so goddamn broken after all these years that the only way you'll lose is if your ADC is utterly retarded. Thresh has a fucking get-out-of-jail card that is often available at relatively low cost
These things go on and on and on, the only place you're safe from being counterpicked for a gg ez is in blind pick
Why's the company called riot games when they have only had one for a decade?
Riot game Tencent jews and progressive SJWs
We lost a great skin as a result
Season 3 and higher
Good is an opinion.
What it IS is successful
How is a knight mordekaiser triggering SJWs or Tencent
Name is Crusader
league forums very first reply was to start religious debate about it
Constantly increasing RNG, constantly increasing focus on teamplay over player impact.
It is constantly becoming harder for individual player skill to be meaningful. The skill floor remains but the ceiling becomes less and less relevant when all that matters is which team has less worthless apes.
That RNG is not really bad - crit-like RNG is shitty beyond believe.
Lol the toxsisity gets stronger for every rank you climb
You didn't win 80%
I was gold last season, saw plat as promised land. Got there, same shit so shifted to thinking Diamond must be better. Got there, it's even fucking worse.
Do yourself a favour and quit caring about rank.
Im doing a fuckton of wiki shit right now but here
As you can see, one side was more civilized than the other. Unfortunately I despise reddit but it's what I expected
if you want to read the work ive added to the wiki content you can look here tcrf.net
Everything. When a company doesn't try that is usually what happens.
Play Kayle and smash tanks.
Actually... play Kayle and smash anyone lmao.
you cant form an opinion on why the game is bad so you look to mooch off other people HOPING someone comes up with a decent reason to criticize the game.
this game is bad for a number of reasons and thats also not taking into account the jewish nature of the shop and business model where skins are an acceptable replacement for reworks
honestly, ~70% of champions are brainless
>when you're pushing hard and Kayne comes out of the wall and just rapes everyone
>flash wasn't removed back when everyone hated it
>they just nerfed it's range
>trubocancer champs like jarvan and ahri that required flash to pay against came later
>they fastforward a season or two and tencent buys riot
I have wanted crits removed since forever. I've played since dodge was a thing so I know bad RNG. But you cannot tell me ZoE RNG isn't bad or Dragon RNG isn't bad. I've won/lost games because 3 internals spawned or 3 clouds. Zoe's Laning is entirely based on getting free damage from ignite, sustain from heal, pressure from TP. It's terrible design.
Also I still think the plants, while not terrible, are pointless and add nothing to the game other than occasional frustration when one spawns at the right time to help someone escape
Graphics are very muddled and dull now. That's my biggest complaint really.
did u rune 1-2% dodge just for the RNG aswell? saved my ass soooo many times
yea whats wrong with my waifu ?
Yeah, same reason as a single crit rune. You lose a tiny bit of overall effectiveness but because it was spread out it didn't matter, and gained occasional win this trade really fucking hard.
Git gud or get back to Blyat 2 or Cucks of the Storm.
fired everyone who cared about making games and hired everyone who cared about making money.
some things were meant to go
Riot was owned by tencent during season 1
yeah? well shut the fuck up
jews are jews user
Tencent bought Riot late in S1, if I remember, and flash change was way before that.
The real travesty is that we are never going to get S1 ghost back ever again and melee AD will never be good.
well technically they have released a board game which is supposedly fairly good.
runes, masteries and summoners are fucking stupid.
Star guardian ezreal was just a magical boy instead of embracing the trap meme
I would still be playing if they didnt fuck this up so badly
Unless you have a script that reveals summoner spell cds live, you will always get RNG fights where the enemy happens to have flash and you dont know it. 50/50 RNG unluck
>You're playing Garen
>You just nuke him and ult him
I love playing champs like Morde/Illaoi where you just push lane 24/7 praying the enemy team ganks you so you can completely shit on them 2v1. It's my favourite thing when a champions counterplay is "don't ever fight them ever"
Do you expect any multi-milion dollar company without legit reason to pander your faggotry fetishes?
This is not Capcom where Poison became a trap just to fuck with US feminism.
isnt it just better to always assume enemy has sums?
Everything after yasuo
and before Yasuo. And during Yasuo.
Not much. If you've played League for while you'll know they proritise the e-sports scene above anything else because it's what keeps the game away from irrelevance. And it works, league is the most popular pc multiplayer game in the world.
They seem to have realised recently that if you want players to stick you gotta improve the new player experience so they removed runes and reworked the level system.
Not having all the heroes for free
summoner spells
forced meta
fucking ardent censer
I feel like they've fucked up the E-sports scene as well though. The way the game has developed makes games so risk-averse that it's just no fun to watch compared to before. I still do watch it, but I long for the more action packed games.
I miss seasons 1 and 2 when this game was playable and champs were fun.
Play the most brain dead champ in order to have fun, League in a nutshell.
This is now a yordle thread.
It becomes an issue when you get shat on in late-game because of horrible late-game viability
Either way, flash is only not complained about because everyone picks flash. Slapping a 5 minute cooldown on a "get out of jail for free" card is good enough apparently. It also used to displace projectiles like in Dota but this was removed because this was somehow more unfair than dying at the instant you flash and putting the summoner spell on full cooldown. Even worse is that there are already champions with the same mobility or even better than flash, such as Ezreal's E, Thresh's lantern (for his allies), Riven's third Q and shield-dash, Fiora's Q, Vayne's Q (cannot pass walls but can go invisible with ult), Ryze's ult, shit there are a fuck-ton of champions with mobility spells, whose only difference is that they are telegraphed for a split second.
Kayle is fun but a bit tedious to play, because the ranged auto-attack ability puts you uncomfortably close to the enemy
why are you asking this here, 99% of the Sup Forums posters are a bunch of casuals complaining about tryharders and 'meta sheep'.
I like you user
thats because nobody knew how to play and it was easy to be really good