Should gacha games be made illegal or at least restricted?
Should gacha games be made illegal or at least restricted?
what the fuck is a gacha game
Loot boxes, but Korean
Gambling but you get paid out in .png files
Nah they're fine
Can we at least all agree thet fate/go isen't a video game and belongs on /trash/?
its genre literally states its a game though
Generic JRPGs on phones. They feature wide casts of generic anime characters that you can collect, but you can't unlock them directly--you have to trade in-game currency or real money for a reward of one random character. The odds that the character you get is good is infinitesimal. Apex brainlets bankrupt themselves trying to get the characters they want.
Is fate go the worst gacha in terms of nip jewery?
Nah, people just need to stop being silly with their cash.
No because then I'll never play Housamo
There should be a law forcing them to disclose the exact contents and percentages. Also, any game with gacha/loot boxes should be rated M and tagged as gambling.
Nothing else.
Aaah man, reminds me of when I had 300 quartz saved (jp) for Gil and couldn't roll him. Felt like utter shit, that dude must be feeling twice as bad. This shit is the reason I quit playing gacha games.
Yes and yes.
>1 fucking percent
Imagine a lootbox but inside is pictures of anime girls
how dumb do you have to be to gamble for little anime pictures?
Not that gambling itself isnt already retarded
Wait, I thought this game was just barabait. There are cute girls too?
>leveled fatthoggua but not Zabaniya
Nah Granblue and Exvius are way worse. FGO has awful rates but at least it hasn't ever caused entire new laws to be created in Japan because of how Jewish it is.
How much is 660 quartz in USD?
>weeaboos have spent thousands of dollars just for anime grill cards
Time to study coding
There is a law in Japan.
JP mobile games already disclose odds
Can't you just dowload the pictures and save yourself the trouble
The jap ones already have that law, and a law that under 20s have a spending limit
it just doesn't stop the turbo neets or teens putting fake ages on their accounts
during a legend fest, the SSR rate is 6%. FGO's got 1% rates on SSR units at all times. Ignoring that, they just had an event where you could get at least 1 free 10 pull and at most 10 free 10 pulls EVERY DAY for more than a week. GBF is generous as fuck.
You can't tell me these aren't fucking girls.
I-I'm working on it user~~~
>tfw people spend thousands of dollars on games that game play boils down to auto attack to get a chance of getting a poorly portrait that has really good stats to auto battle more shit
I don't get you
>he doesn't know
how much money is that
You get around 140 or so for 80 bucks.
>all those trash CE's
I'm just glad i don't have disposable income.
They're certainly not fucking girls.
Since they're gay.
>Bleach Brave Souls player
>699 days played
>622/852 characters unlocked
>0€ wasted
Fuck you Klab, will NEVER waste money on a gacha game :D
>casinos start replacing slots with gacha
Playing FGOy
he deserves worse
It's just the digital age version of trading card game booster packs.
The people who are fucking insane enough to bankrupt themselves over it would probably just do it in a casino instead if they were.
fucking yes. and decapitate the asshole developers who made this shit too.
>Casinos should be open to children
>players will have to make an investment either their time, or their money.
By a goddamn mile.
And it gets away with it since it's so popular in nippon land due to whatever reason.
>children should have access to their parents' credit card information
I love this story because I got Cloud the other day on a half price pull randomly. I haven't spent a cent on this game.
who's this semen demon
Okay coming from a free to play player myself, I understand spending a few dollars here and there for fun and trying to pull what you want, but shit like this is just fucking ridiculous and its common too. Whats makes that video worse is that they spent it on one of the worst gatcha games out there where the rewards are literally just a png image. At least other games like FGO and Idolm@ster give you characters that you can use and interact with in the game. I will never understand people who spend hundreds to thousands of dollars a month on f2p mobile games.
Also, I'm not defending these kind of games at all, I play them but at least I don't spend money on them.
Casinos really should be illegal too. It’s super fucking exploitive and Idk why they allow it.
Why is weed illegal when drinking, smoking, and gambling are all legal? Sure, weed is bad for you, but those things are definitely worse.
Faggots all of you. I just checked, they're 100% girls. Is the game worth playing for the girls units alone? I'm downloading now.
None, they saved all of that from playing the game
>mfw everyone who post on /alter/
It makes bank for (((((them))))
Drinking at least helps you socialize. If it weren't for drinking I never would have opened up to the people I now call my friends.
Gambling (inc. gachashit) and tobacco are strictly self-abuse.
>spend 500 quartz on trying to get a servant
>don't get her because 1% rates that are never boosted
>meanwhile in GBF
>"hey guys it's surprise ticket time! 25 bucks gets you a 10-pull and a GUARANTEED character of your choosing!"
>99% of the characters are available
>many of the most powerful characters in the game are available, including the single best starter unit that can give you a foothold in the game
>99% of player power comes from willingness to grind, paying doesn't directly buy power
WHY in the FUCK are you playing FGO and not GBF?
There's like 2 female units and the rest is 99% dudes with their dicks out.
>Spending more than $1000 on your wife at one time
Who in there right mind would do such a thing?
>The people who are fucking insane enough to bankrupt themselves
Everyone loses their senses about something. I don't mean to absolve them of their responsibility but the notion that this only happens to nutbags is crap. It happens to normal people. These things are traps that are designed to take advantage of the fallibility of the human mind. Things like the sunk cost fallacy. Things we all suffer from, not just crazy people. I'm sure we all have shit we've paid for that in hindsight we now realize was a complete waste of money.
Joke's on you. The only thing I've ever wasted was my time. All of it, up until this point in my life.
Are these actually traps or am I just being memed
Don't enterfere with the process of recruitment new acolytes of Elder God.
He is Tsathoggua! A Great Old One (now NEET) that came from Saturn who loves honey sweets and video games! Please be nice to him, he just wants friends to play with him.
When was the last time someone went into debt to buy a fucking booster pack?
Quartz in Fate GO is basically 1q:$1.
It's why the game is so niggardly with free quartz, and why the 1% rate on 5-star servants is particularly heinous; when a single roll costs $3 it works out to about $300 per SSR.
Meet Ibaraki, your one shot crew killer.
Why do you view players not having control of their finances as the developer's problem and not as the player's problem?
It's sad. There are people in Dokkan threads who spent thousands and if you tell them how retarded it is they go into full meltdown mode and call everyone poor for not doing the same.
Gacha games give me life and a husband that loves me.
>tfw just enjoy the Granblue lewds on twitter without having to play the game
>his reaction when he sees you
It's both. Do you not blame drug dealers?
No, you're not.
T. Duterte
Drug dealers dindu nuffin
>no kids to spend money on
>no wife to spend money on
>no luxury overpriced house to pay mortgage on
>low food and utility bills because live alone
>have friends to occasionally treat to an itunes gift card for gacha money
Ah, the joys of having no financial burdens.
Futas aren’t traps silly
This place really started going downhill when these fucking reaction compilations started becoming the norm.
They're being psychologically exploited. Granted, it's still somewhat their fault for falling prey to that kind of manipulation, but the companies behind the games are at fault as well.
>jaypegs of anime girls are comparable to crack or meth
There's a massive difference between making a one-time mistake on a single product, and spending thousands of dollars over months on absolutely nothing because it feeds some primitive "winning" impulse.
Gambling addicts are straight scum, and I have zero sympathy for them. They're all nutbags, because they don't have the brain power available to understand the consequences of their actions. You never bet money you can't lose, and these kids aren't even betting. The "winning" state of gacha is that it only consumes 100 dollars a pop instead of 1000.
>here let me just spend it on complete trash instead of saving up or getting something that has real value
>do 10 rolls
>Get shot almost every time
>Do meme singles
>get saber alter and mhx
This is a person who lost control to the extreme. I had a realization at one point too, just not for phone games. For me I had to take a step back from f2p MMO's. I found myself spending roughly $200 a month on a game I played and I one day told myself I needed to stop and have.
It's always annoying when people don't have a concept of analogies. To some people it is like crack though.
>what is addiction?
That sounds like a pretty pathetic life though. Don’t you ever feel soul crushing loneliness? It seems like the gacha must be an attempt to fill a hole in your heart.
>work at rock island auction house
>some weird Jesus looking motherfucker is always breaking in and touching the guns, constantly have to shoo him away
>playing fate go one day before an auction
>get an idea
>don’t allow customers to bid on specific items, they have to buy a ticket to a random locked crate and hope they get the gun they want
>some old dude drops $30 million on crates trying to get a luger signed by hitler
>unboxes 150 zip guns, five Mosins and a nambu
>shoots up the place the next day
Not even fucking close. Brave Exvius is a nightmare.
Absolutely not. Notice the "trading" in "trading card". It's a piece of paper, but it has value you can sell it for, even if you're highly unlikely to actually turn an overall profit.
Gacha though, you're gambling in a casino where you can't cash out your chips.
Becausd the devolopers of these games are knowingly, intentionally using design choices that exploit the human mind's reward centers and encourage the "just one more" mentality. Yeah a lot of responsibity does rest on the players, but for fuck's sake, these are supposed to just be fun games. Instead they are "games" marketed as "free to play" that use cold, calxulated psychological trickery to get certain types of people into a payment loop.
Not to mention shit like Scientific Revenue putting their crap into games so that individual players can be studied to find what price points they can be broken at for maximum profit. This isn't just a simple matter of poor willpower - this is big fucking business.
>>They're being psychologically exploited
Everybody is psychologically exploited every day, what's your point? The difference is, sane people know when to stop, and gambling addicts throw money away for a chance to win back the thousands they've already lost. They dig their own graves.
I feel sorry for anyone who thinks like this. You don't have to be a normie with a family, but there are much better things you could be doing with your money. At least an actual gambling degenerate would occasionally have a big win, you're just left with absolutely nothing at the end of the day.
Addictive tendencies towards gambling is a genetically average thing to have, if the amount of whales you hear about here are any indicator. Attaching slot machine visuals and a dice roll to a video game is a disgustingly easy thing to do nowadays on top of it.
Every time you open an overly flashy lootbox, earned or otherwise, your brain learns more and more to equate it with a rewarding experience on a chemical level, making you more and more susceptible to being okay with paying for another. Whales have a lower floor for this, but theoretically it affects everyone.
I'd say not to play gacha games at all, but that doesn't really solve the numerous people who've already been hooked, does it? Regulating gacha is the simplest answer to that.
Another cancer killing gaming
Because GBF REQUIRES the money to get a good character and a super massive amount of grinding.
FGO can be beat fully as a f2p player with whatever you get and some proper planning.
holy shit im dying
>regulating gacha
Why not just ban gambling, then? Lots of people get addicted to cigarettes and booze, lets ban all that shit, too.
Look at the bigger picture, cunt. You know what all these vices do? They make the economy turn, and the money governments earn from taxing this shit vastly outstrips some braindead "humanitarian" effort to punish the 99% because 1% of people can't handle having freedom of choice.
The sole people at fault are the invalids who can't help themselves.
not gonna lie, I have some sick fascination in people getting stuck in a spiral of self destruction over gachas.
>still not on google play
can i sideload this shit and play in english?
i'm not playing a mobile game through chrome, that's going to be laggy as shit