Is it officially stuck in development hell?

Is it officially stuck in development hell?

>No real news since announcement 6 years ago.
>Bad rumors about the state of the project and CDPR management.
>Leads and experienced people leaving the studio (why wouldn't they, they can earn 4 times more working for some western dev just by saying in their CV that they worked on Witcher 3)
>Shit payment for workers.
>Huge employee rotation.
>Hiring cheap workers from east, Asia, Europe and then firing them if they burn out.
It's dead.
CDPR is not like Japanese devs (or even some Western ones) like Atlus or Nintendo where the most talented people like Shoji Meguro are still at the studio and working there. They only care about making BIG AAA games, it doesn't matter who does them. The scale has to be big and that's it.
This is why Cyberpunk will be shallow, generic sci-fi garbage.

CDPR pls

They're gonna have to pull out some heavy shit for this game to be good

I'm an Angular/Java webdev working in enterprise and I earn more than lead programmers in CDPR.

Their pay is shit.

You can't be in development hell if you aren't in development.

how do you know that?

sounds like they need to take personal responsibility

Because people know people who know people.

We're all developers who studied at the same Universities, in the same country, in the same cities. 20-25k gross PLN is 4-5K euro gross a month, and that's how much they pay us - lead devs/tech leads in Poland. Average Polish salary is about 600-800 euro a month.

That's literally a salesperson salary.

Everyone in Poland who works at IT/gamedev knows this.
Ask anyone and they will tell you the same - until you are desperately passionate about working at CDPR/have amazing connections, work literally anywhere else.
Even other smaller devs in Poland are better, they pay even less, but they don't treat you like shit.

CDPR payment is around 4000-5000 PLN per month for a Junior position.
Remember that you will be working sometimes even overnight for this.

>said they weren't even starting development until witcher 3 and expansions were done

you people are fucking retarded and should legitimately kill yourselves

welcome to Sup Forums

I don't care about Junior positions.

People who make decisions and who shape a project are tech leads and managers, not junior devs who spend more of their time doing courses than actually committing something to the codebase.

Their pay can't compete with Western companies, so the most experienced people leave.

They just had to finish the witcher 3 first

What happened to that supposed leak and the guys that stole their assets?
Was this just a fake drama created by CDPR?



No one knows. Maybe it was just concept art or stuff like that.

Yea. They said it just after many confirmations that they are working all the time on Cyberpunk 2077. They are fucking hacks.
Wait a year and they will claim that actually only NOW the game is in real development and everything before were just preparations.
They lost all the important leads because people prefer to work in better conditions and for better payment making BETTER games than shitty Skyrim and AC clones.

In November they reached a big milestone and according to current developers since then everything goes as planned, though earlier there were some problems while transtioning from Witcher 3 development to Cyberpunk 2077 development. Also in November they had some kind of big meeting and game presentation in the studio, which most likely means the game is at least in working prealpha stage right now.

There is a difference between preproduction (which is what they were doing before) and full development (which is what started after Witcher 3 was done).

The real thing that happened, was that after announcing Cyberpunk, they started hiring people from the West so they could work on the game because they were passionate about stuff like that.
However Witcher 3 turned out to be too big, so they stopped all development of CP2077 and moved everyone to Witcher 3 and tired everyone nearly to death.
After Witcher 3 everyone that wanted to work on Cyberpunk 2077 left and the studio is in deep shit now.

>Sup Forums gossiping like high school girls without providing source

B-but muh slav sweatshops amirite??? Xdd

If it is, they better be working on something else to make up for it.

Every first world country has some type of exploitation in every company.

What the fuck are you even on about? The "lead developer" that left was the co-creator of Gwent. A big part of the game, sure, but there are tons of other devs working on it. Heck, Witcher 1 and 2 were great and Gwent wasn't even part of the game.

>Title of article
Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date, Trailer, News, and More

Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date

Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't have a release date at the moment. The game is coming to XBO, PS4, PC.

Video game 'journalism' was a mistake

Let me guess. Your source is Sup Forums? Fuck off.

>two most anticipated """""Western""""" games are CP2077 and Bannerlord

No, I ackshually work in an office of Fortune 500 company, here in Poland.

witcher 3 wasn't even good. it played like an mmo with a terrible story.

>Six years with nothing to show

What do you think, baka?

>le Sup Forums is so stupid guise
>let's smoke weed and jerk off to boku no pico and show those nasty alt-righters lulz!

Go play Paradise cracked if you want cyberpunk setting. Or cops 2170 power of the law

I don't doubt this statement, but if they weren't planning to start developing until all TW3 expansions were done, why they announced it so early on?
And even them, a little trailer, a dev diary, hell, even the rig animation of one character could have been shown to open the apetite. Can't help to find fishy the utter lack of news.

God I hate it here so fucking much

mad Sup Forumslack detected lmao

Holy mother of projection

I expect Witcher 3 with guns and robo cops and I won't be disappointed.

IIRC at the time of the announcement (May 2012) they were planning to release W3 by the end of 2013. Full production didn't end up starting until W3 was released in May 2015.