literally never
Poorfag fuck off. Give me an XL version
Later this year since they have zero games to sell
If they made a Mini, there is no way it would be compatible with the dock.
Also it would probably overheat in 1080p mode.
>If they made a Mini, there is no way it would be compatible with the dock.
Oh also if it's smaller it has a shorter battery life or less performance.
fuck no.
$300 isn't even that much.
>A cheaper version of an overpriced hardware of small size.
Hopefully never. XL edition with tech tweaks here and there it's what I expect for.
there's no business incentive to change the size
they could go with the additional power route but that would be it
A year before they release NEW Switch
It'll be:
Switch mini
New! Switch
New! Switch mini
Mark my word
What they SHOULD do is make a dedicated home version thats more powerful
>$300 isn't even that much.
For a handheld it is you fucking shill
I don't see a Mini happening but I do see them making a cheaper model with a better battery along with selling the main Switch without the dock eventually.
I thought I wanted this until I got my switch.
It's already very small, people who haven't held one just assume it's big because of the buttons and sticks are actually tiny, so the tablet looks massive by comparison.
If a switch mini was released I'd probably consider trading in for it, but I feel like the display being that small would deminish the console-like games on the system.
I think it's more likely we'll get a Switch+ or lite or whatever where it's the same size (docks and joycons need to be compatible) but the screen is bigger because of smaller bezels and the battery life is improved.
But then how would you bing bing your wahoo on an airplane? How would you bing bing those wahoos on the park bench at the basketball court? Think before you speak.
The only revision the switch will get is a way to play their phone games and possibly a camera.
That's it and even that is a stretch. the switch isn't getting a revision. and to any idiot that thinks they will make a version of the switch that doesn't have joycons, I promise you that they'll make a version of the console that isn't portable before they do that.
fuck no, it is so uncomfortable to play with the joycons attached to the switch.
The 3DS is at EOL. If they don’t make a Switch Mini it will be the first time in history they didn’t have a portable.
it still amuses me that children who don't fly regularly think the switch being the perfect flight game system is a negligible benefit.
The switch isn't a handheld, Nintendo released the results of a survey months ago and over 80% of switch owners never take the switch out of the dock.
They could sell the base Switch model without the dock.
>compatible with the dock
>wouldn't even fit because the analog sticks would jam it going in
>can't remove the analog sticks because non-detachable
We are only getting different Joycon models.
>the switch isnt getting a revision
What the fuck makes you think it isnt? Every hand held has gotten a revision or 2 or 3. Even as a fusion handheld home console, thay doesnt stop it since even the wii got a revision at one point. Guess what they share in common? High install base + marketable success
the switch is a portable.
>b-but muh pockets!
look at its accessories, there are so many cases and bullshit for little kids, it's getting the gameboy treatment with all the bullshit game holders and grips and garbage for kids travelling with it.
The fact it doesn't fit in your skinny jeans pocket doesn't change that.
They're making pokemon for this thing, it's obvious that they've simply merged their console and handheld lines.
Which is a good thing, since they did much better with handhelds than consoles recently, but people still want Smash Bros, Zelda and Mario Kart.
Now they're not forced to release their exclusives on dead systems no one wants just for people to emulate.
The Switch isn’t a handheld. It’s a rebranded Wii U.
How much was the Vita and 3DS when they first released user. Didn't the 3DS sell for $249 and the 3G version of the Vita sell for $299? Keep crying poorfag
Mini never, next direct or the one after it they'll probably announce one with more internal storage. A major revision probably wont happen for a good two or three years, and even then it'll be more focused on more efficiency for more battery life/less heat output then a mini or pro deal.
it shares nothing in common with the wii u architecturally or design wise.
All it shares are a few ports because literally no one bought a Wii U to play them the first time.
>completely different technology and premise
>rebranded WiiU
You better be baiting.
Micro Switch sounds better
>mfw i just realized switch without removable side controllers is just a WiiU
poor people still complaining about the switch but masturbating to humble bundle.
You’re both retards. Most people use it in the exact same capacity. No one takes it on the fucking plane or to the park.
You connect your pro controller and never take it out of the dock.
>mfw I realize PS4 without the touchbar is just a PS2
Samefag with the same retarded comment fishing for yous.
>Just now
Hopefully soon.
>being this buttannihilated
hopefully never, it would ruin the momentum.
and nvidia and nintendo has a deal to 2022(?)
Hopefully the new Switch will have Tegra X2 and upgrade specs by then.
>bigger screen
Whoever made that is literally the biggest retard
Fake news. Literally.
I see people all the time where I live that have their switch with them could you provide a fucking source to those claims? I once saw a poll that said otherwise.
>No one
How would you know?
inb4 that Nintendo Survey
>You connect your pro controller and never take it out of the dock.
why are you telling people how they use their system?
I literally use it on flights and in hotel rooms and even at home I often use it undocked in a comfy chair or at my desktop computer.
I use it maybe 10-20% of the time docked and even then I only recently bought a pro controller after completing Odyssey without one.
And everyone agreed Vita was overpriced despite cutting edge handheld graphics for its time. Not to mention Switch games are more fucking expensive than PS4 games.
you didn't even include your face so I win by default.
But the Switch has F U N games.
Can't see them doing a size revision as that'd make everything incompatible. However, they'll probably do a *New* sort of thing and change the TX1 to a TX2/Volta Tegra, increasing battery life and framerate - could even up the resolution on games, but that's doubtful.
Time to sell a dockless Switch.
Why do they lie so much?
All the games I have bought have been the same price at launch user. Persona 5 and Nier were $60 just like BoTW and Xenoblade.
Why does Nintendo keep making weak ass consoles and not something technologically on par with Sony and Microsoft in terms of hardware? It's one of the biggest reasons I don't want to buy them. Gaming on sub-HD with today's high def monitors and TV is so shit, especially when 4k is starting to work its way towards the norm.
>$300 isn't even that much.
It's $470 where I live.
Really fucking hate when Americans assume the rest of the world lives in their third-world, corporate ran police state.
The Switch is overpriced garbage, no matter which way you slice it.
>everyone agreed Vita was overpriced despite cutting edge handheld graphics for its time
literally all people ever wanted was a Nintendo Vita though.
Vita had the best hardware but shit games and memory cards.
3DS had shit hardware but good games and SD cards.
Now the Switch has good hardware, good games and SD cards.
>Can't see them doing a size revision as that'd make everything incompatible.
Same resolution, smaller screen?
You really are thick.
Why do Sony and Microsoft keep making weak ass PCs?
>The switch isn't a handheld
It's a fucking tablet which has a proprietary charging dock with HDMI out functionality.
>Nintendo released the results of a survey months ago and over 80% of switch owners never take the switch out of the dock.
That doesn't change the fucking hardware configuration, you stupid fucking drone.
If the screens, and thus the overall size, were different then the joycons wouldn't be interchangeable.
But Vita was an actual portable and Switch isn't. It's too big and bulky. Also the d-pad is awful compared to Vita and there is no glorious OLED screen.
Switch is much better than 3DS but in order to be this gen's Vita it needs to slim down to portable size.
30% isn't that much. If anything it shows that the Switch very much sells on being able to do both.
>Why does Nintendo keep making weak ass consoles and not something technologically on par with Sony and Microsoft in terms of hardware?
because then there'd be 3 consoles that don't do anything better than PC and only sell exclusives until they're piratable instead of only 2.
>Gaming on sub-HD with today's high def monitors and TV is so shit
Lots of XBO/PS4 games were and are still sub-HD at launch and to this day, they needed revisions to address that with the XBO X and the PS4 pro
Actually having played both on my monitor, the Switch look better than my PS4 (slim) most of the time if only because they prioritize framerate over graphics (both look aliased to shit though).
Dunno, but their weak ass PCs are still 2 generations ahead of Nintendo.
I just want the virtual console. N64 games, game cube games, gba games etc.
The switch cost less in Japan moron. Does that make them third world?
>Give me an XL version
What would that look like?
The Switch is already portable.
So? They are still weak PCs, they offer nothing but a few exclusive movies and a great game.
What awful lies Nintendo shills spew.
In sheer quantity PS4 has far more 60 fps games than Switch. Switch also has XBX and BoTW that average 25 fps. There is almost not a single PS4 game running sub-HD. The majority of games are Full HD even. Fucking liar.
You autists make it really obvious when you're trying to pretend to be a functional adult. Protip: instead of vomiting out the marketing imagery you've watched over and over in your favourite Switch ads, be a little more specific and less generic. You come across like a kid wearing and oversized business suit and I can guarantee you live supported by your parents.
>third world
>all because you can't afford shit
you can't have literally everything sadly.
OLED would raise the cost, even Sony realized this and removed the OLED from the Vita.
The dpad is awful by design so it can be split across two controllers in multiplayer mode.
It's dumb and I think they should make a dpad joycon for sure.
In terms of bulkiness I disagree. You CAN pocket the tablet without having lardass cargo shorts or anything like that, I wouldn't but I probably wouldn't do that with a 3DS or Vita anyway.
My pockets already have my keys, wallet and phone, nothing short of a GBA micro would be nice to carry everywhere like that.
The switch in a full case is still small enough to keep in your carry on luggage, toss in any size bag and move more freely than an ultrabook which is a serious benefit.
>because then there'd be 3 consoles that don't do anything better than PC and only sell exclusives until they're piratable instead of only
Not really? What you're saying here can still apply to the console that is out right now, but even that is not true. Nintendo is doing their own thing. They're behind on the visuals.
Look how portable my mobile phone is anons!
Casuals that don't care games but graphics instead.
it's not generic when it's true.
I know it's not realistic to apply to everyone since not everyone has to fly for work but as someone who does it's the best thing.
>s-stop using your console in a way that you w-want! Y-you manchild!
>Portable means "fits in my pocket"
Come on user.
So, you just want the vita. But with mario.
>calls me a liar shill
>in the same post claims most PS4 games are even full HD at stable 30fps
protip, you're the shill.
I bet you don't even have a PS4 and Switch.
After the Wii U mess i'm not sure they want to risk potentially confusing consumers.
Nigger piss off weird weebos buy this not kids and they travel to cons all the time
most people wear faggy cargo shorts anyway.
>all of these Nintendo shills
It was 2017 and all they could come up with was a janky looking Chinese tablet from 2011. Shit, my iPad Pro is a better Switch than the Switch.
Maybe I’ll consider one if they make a non-shit looking version.
>thinking people were confused about the name
nah, it was because wiiu had no games. like switch.
Yes most PS4 games are Full HD you fucking sperg. Meanwhile Switch can't even hold 720p.
user, once you dock it most games go to 1080p with 60 fps. Come on user.
>making pokemon for switch
like as good as the game boy versions or is this some new age simplified crap?
>Actually having played both on my monitor, the Switch look better than my PS4 (slim) most of the time if only because they prioritize framerate over graphics (both look aliased to shit though).
The absolute state of Nintendo shilling
The lowest I've seen base PS4 go is 900p but majority of titles stay at 1080p or use dynamic resolution to keep it between 900p and 1080p. Base Xbox One on the other hand goes down to sub HD for a bunch but can go up to 900p and 1080p as well. They use up-scaling to make up for a lot of the aliasing as well.
Nintendo is still pretty much stuck in the PS3/Xbox360 era.
don't lie, either post your PS4 and Switch or stop shitposting.
I thought the switch was just alittle bit bigger then the vita.
But that's just a vita
how will you play 1 - 2 switch on that OP?
Literally what is the point in this?
Wii U was a mess all around.