Why are Sony-ggers always nothing but insufferable cunts?

Why are Sony-ggers always nothing but insufferable cunts?

enjoy your ban

Come to friends, we are having a board civil war right now and it's prime time for some funposting

>can't handle the banter


>anyone that speaks out against MY console should be banned!

Is this what it's like to be a corporate drone?

Inferiority complex?
They don't win on hardware, exclusives, or even being the best console on the market.

Because they hate Nintendo and Microsoft more than they like Sony.


Sounds like Sup Forums with vidya in general.
It all makes sense, now.

>fanboyism will not be tolerated!
>which is why any thread that speaks out against MY console should be banned!

Do you not hear yourself?

so you're saying OP's thread is totally fine and not breaking any rules?

If that rule was enforced there'd be nothing here.
Such an ideal scenario could never be made reality.

>>anyone that breaks the rules should be banned!
There, fixed it for you.

I'm saying that rules as poorly defined as these shouldn't exist or be respected.

For fucks sake, is OP not allowed to have his (shit) opinion? What is even the point of this place if anything can be chalked up to "fanboyism" or "flamewars"?

Why do people like Sony?

What's going on?
Can you give me a quick rundown?

>cherry picks 2 and ignores 3 for the sake of retorting against an argument that was never made


Reddit not welcome.

Sony Balonies need to get out

i like sony and the good people it has on its platform

other than the niggers of course

OP is right. How could anyone defend anal vore or soytendo edits?

Thanks Little Tom.

Go back to your containment board nobody wants you here

You guys supposedly hate Sony but constantly beg for their games to come to other platforms

This is such a meaningless term, and the fact that you're willing to defend this rule shows nothing but lack of understanding on your part.

Fuck, by definition this thread isn't even instigating a flamewar. OP wants to know why group X behaves in fashion Y. Which is a completely valid question.

Sonybro are the coolest and the chad of the video game community.

>by definition this thread isn't even instigating a flamewar
are you fucking kidding me?
I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded


Stop trying to instigate a flamewar by insulting other anons. This is a nice thread.

Pretty much this. They just can't enjoy their own system, they feel constantly threatened and have this deluded need to shit on everything.

Whom else false flags whilst owning both?

The concept of "flaming" is to participate in personal attacks, which OP is not technically doing. He's asking why a certain GROUP of people behave in a certain way based on his experiences.

Yep. Sony exclusive. I'm glad that pisses you off

if sonybros are the chads, nintendoddlers the soyboys, what are xbox users?

just out of touch?

>Whom else

Get roasted in yet another "comfy" thread, Xnigger? Why y'all so mad in your comeback year anyway?

I don't own any, but I vehemently defend them for funsies.

>Toddlers make memes about Sonybros
>hahahaha so funny
>Sonybros make memes about Toddlers


You're the one with a inferiority complex you delusional pleb

>you're willing to defend this rule shows nothing but lack of understanding on your part
What was I defending again? I'm not even first post. I was merely pointing out a criticism of obvious weak bait. Again, what's the fucking argument you're trying to propose here?


You can't be the chad of the video game community when you live off one game

You're more cancerous than the actual consolewar fags.

>This butthurt

We got da best games

>They don't win on hardware, exclusives, or even being the best console on the market.
And what would that be? Both Xbox and Switch fail in all of those, and please for the love of god don't say PC, I might laugh myself to death.

>P5 is Sony's game
No seriously, why do you like Sony. This question has nothing to do with Atlus

>>P5 is Sony's game
this but unironically


idk but they're pretty insufferable, they snap at you over any criticism towards Sony or their exclusives or start insult the other platforms to see if anything sticks, and if you own a ps4 they want you to show them your ps4 birth certificate and your game collection to validate anything.
it's borderline insanity

I’ve survived more console wars than anyone I’ve earned the right

>and please for the love of god don't say PC
Because it would ruin your point?

Using the concept of a "flamewar" or "fanboyism" to define rules for a place notorious for having practically no rules is insane.

Enjoy a free (You) for taking the high-ground approach, not confronting my argument and calling my post bait. Solid stuff.

>if you own a ps4 they want you to show them your ps4 birth certificate and your game collection to validate anything.
That was my experience with Wii U owners.

Are you intentionally being obtuse or do you really not understand why you like Sony?

Because they’ve had such a large support base for decades and are king of jrpgs

Wojaks are the most cancerous shit on every board.

I may not be the brightest sandwich in the toolbag, but has anybody else noticed the huge as fuck spike in anti-nintendo/sony shitposting and thinly-veiled falseflagging over the past year that disparately pretends that microsoft has done the least damage to the industry by omission?

*bends over* *dabs*


Do you for one second think OP posted this thread hoping for insightful answers to his question?

Ever wonder why these threads get 500 replies so quickly? It's because people love these "say whatever you want" threads. This is what Sup Forums and all of Sup Forums should be.

Sounds like I really got to you

All things that aren't Sony

just a bit of harmless fun.

some people in these threads are actually impassioned, which is the most hilarious shit
and it's usually the nintendo femboys

Sorry faggot, this isn't neogaf

Everyboard always had rules
Even Sup Forums except the rules on that board is just don't post anything that's not legal
Every other board has always had actual rules

Mods only work for 1 hour every day.
You can do whatever you want outside that one hour window and be fine.

>past year
Try a couple of years and for good reason
Most PS and Nintendo owners are annoying.

That's not all. The sooner you call them out, the faster and more frequently they'll just fuck off and call it bait.

The point is that it's not for me to decide what someone else's intent was. If he wanted an answer then we should give him one if we know it and feel like providing it.

Assuming that this is /shitposting general/ is the only real sin here.

lol wow, they get mad at frogs and /bant/ memes
this'll be fun

Ive been banned here 3 times for shitting on Nintendo