>-70% productivity
-30% was just an average estimate. Are you ready to turn your i7 into i3?
-70% productivity
Other urls found in this thread:
Intel is so fucking fucked, holy shit.
Well, this sucks.
what the fuck
i have a e6320 and 2600k, what does this mean for me?
Nah, this is bullshit. Nobody can fuck up this bad, not even Intel.
Not much if you just do everyday shit but datacenters are gonna get skullfucked, and so is Intel probably
Are i5s safe?
i just do everyday shit
eli5, what is the problem exactly?
Poorfag brainlet here. All of this pc posting I've seen the past couple days has me confused. Are people just memeing about Intel being dogshit or is it actually dogshit and you guys just wanna warn anons?
>mfw Meltdown can’t noticeably ruin my game performance because I use a Core 2 Duo
so nothing changes. cool
>performance actually increased post-patch
Uh huh. When you're doing damage control, you need to make things at least slightly believable.
All Intel's chips created from those past 13 years, with the exception of one or two very specifics one, have a huge security hole the size of Texas.
The only way to fix this huge security hole the size of Texas is to implement a very costly workaround inside the O.S, with a performance drop of 30%.
This was called Meltdown.
Intel marketing's team has found a second security hole (Spectre) which could potentially touch other CPUs maybe in some circumstance but not really, and is far less costly to repair and far less dangerous. Intel's marketing team is conflating the huge "Meltdown" with the tiny "Spectre" to say that every CPU has security holes, guys, we aren't alone.
When is this patch coming?
This Tuesday.
The path for W10 comes out today, the W7 one on Tuesday.
It will have almost zero affect on gaming. Your going to lose a a couple frames at worst if any. Almost all of the damage is going to be in server/datacenter use.
Error range user.
Framerate will be different unless the same thing both runs, like a benchmark.
W7 manual patch is out too.
why are people so hysterical about CPU backdoor when a simple javascript in a normal website will use your CPU to mining bitcoins?
>the absolute state of Intel
Anywhere have a good summary of the whole issue? Nothing better than reading about companies fucking up on a global scale
Why is this specifically an Intel problem when AMD and ARM have the same bug?
A few frames is within the margin of error and isn't that indicative of positive or negative change. All that chart is implying is that nothing's really changed. I wouldn't be surprised if the AC: Origins lost performance from the patch though becuase of the VMProtect DRM it uses.
What do you mean by manual patch? Do you mean that you can grab it off Microsoft's website but the Windows updater won't offer it yet?
So what videogame is he playing, retard?
something like that
but I wouldn't download anything. "Breaking news DOWNLOAD NOW" patches are spyware. They are asking mac, android and windows users to download a patch... it's strange
Don't trust in the ''breaking news update your pc now!" stuff
None, he's on Linux. Which is 90% of the people I see mentioning this at all, are Linux users.
The extent of yout performance hit will depend on the amount of tasks you do that involve invoking the kernel. Servers are on the end of that spectrum as they are doing read/write operations constantly. Desktop users will still suffer a slight performance hit but not as hard. This is all assuming that they don't fuck up the patch.
Both Meltdown and Spectre exploit something called speculative execution, which is where the processor guesses what it has to do next so it can have the results faster. The way they work are different, but both of them basically make the processor think the next instruction is to read from a protected part of RAM that normally would require admin privileges to access, which bypasses the processor's security checks.
Meltdown is the more severe one that only affects Intel processors, while Spectre is the more minor one that affects just about every PC and smartphone.
Tldr of it, exploit lets you read stuff you have no privileges for, such as passwords as you write them before being hashed.
Which is a big deal, affects Intel.
AMD is "Affected by it" but not the same way as intel and is not successful so they are "safe", VIA too.
That is " Meltdown" which affects x86 CPUs but is bad only for intel.
The solution was to add more overhead which is bad.
CPUs that have PCID wont be hit as hard.
Anything Pre-Sandybridge is getting fucked performance wise.
Then there is spectre which affects fucking everything.
x86, ARM, Power, etc.
But its only in theory for now.
Will itnaffect your games or average use?
Datacenters and serves? Enough to matter.
Are news and shill/shitposters making it sound bigger than it actually is?
There's two different bugs, Meltdown which only affects Intel, and Spectre which affects pretty much everything. Meltdown is what's being "fixed" with the patch and what the patch is doing to fix it is causing the performance hit in certain situations. Spectre can't really be fixed with a patch.
>Will itnaffect your games or average use? No.
>Datacenters and serves? Enough to matter.
So no online multiplayer games are hosted on servers running Intel CPUs?
What happens if I just don't apply the patch?
Your computer will make mustard gas
Old ones with reused Xeons? Quite surprising the answer is yes.
great now show us the datacenter performance chart
Considering how every Chink and Russian in the world is now aware of the gaping hole in your PC's security, take a fucking guess.
If you're running 7 you can get the update here
Do you run a server? A datacenter? A business with info that is being targeted?
No? Then nothing.
Even if you applied the patch you would see no difference unless your CPU lacks PCID(Anything older than Sandy bridge lacks it).
Nothing assuming you don't go to any skeevy websites that may run some simple exploitative javascript code in the background to read the data in your kernel and steal all of your passwords and personal information.
Skeevy websites like Sup Forums.
As far as I understand people have discovered how CPU-internal side effects of speculative (and later rejected) execution can be indirectly observed. The side effects occur before checking if the operations are allowed, in particular allowing a malicious program to infer the results of read operations from memory that it isn't allowed to access. So, while an attacker has to be able to run arbitrary code on a computer first, at that point he can read any address in physical memory regardless of privilege. Should be particularly bad news for data centers running VMs for different customers. The bug itself is in silicon and the only solution is workarounds in the OS that make system calls more expensive.
they are going to see me type "big butt sluts" into xhamster?
russians will bot all of your bitcoins
They are memeing because of course they are.
Why didn't you buy her CPUs?
I'm putting on my tinfoil right now. This happens right into the new year and right after all the Net Neutrality shit and Bitcoin getting much more mainstream attention.
After reading the paper, Meltdown is so kek worthy. The pure incompetence of intel. LMAO.
Fucking three steps to exploit:
* Read any value from the kernel memory.
* Use the value as an index to an user array.
(* handle the exception because you don't have the rights to access the kernel memory, duh)
* Check which element of the array was acceded and is found in the cache.
(* Empty the cache, repeat.)
Fucking kek. FUCKING KEK. The core of the exploit is fucking two lines of codes. You can write the entire thing with 15 lines of c. Kek.
Memeing for the sake of starring a fire and shitposting.
Fortunately I don't run a datacenter.
The team that discovered the bug was able to install a keylogger using only javascript on a webpage.
>the city of shitel
They can take control of your PC through JavaScript, which means they can take control of your PC simply because you've visited the wrong site. You don't even need to click anything on the site, your browser will run everything itself.
Unless you run datacenters (Protip: You don't) this bug does not affect you one bit.
But please let the AyyMD shills influence and trick you into buying Ryzen.
I don't want that
same here, bro
Can you imagine the shitstorm you intel fags would make if this was AMD?
How the fuck is some chink gonna do see my passwords I type or fuck with shit on my PC? My gaming PC is used strictly for games and browsing here and youtube and pornhub, I don't download random shit and have never gotten a virus in all my years using PC's.
where's Ryzen-isn't-gamingposter now? too busy having a nervous breakdown to go full-on damage control, I imagine.
You don't need to download anything, which is the real scary thing about this. Simply visiting some shitty site that exploits your PC's vulnerability through JavaScript is enough for you get fucked. You don't need to download anything, you don't need to click on anything on the site. You simply visit it and you're done.
Remember, kids: Sup Forums is always right.
Install uBlock Origin and uMatrix.
Check the shit that gets blocked in this site and pornhub.
Where do you think most of Intel's profits come from? I'll give you a hint: it's not from people like Timmy buying an 8700k to squeeze an extra 5 fps out of PUBG.
>his instances use fucking sandy bridge cpus
What if I don't have Java on my PC? Is there other means besides Java through which I can still get fucked for simply visiting a webpage? This seems surreal.
Emulation is going to be fucked you moron.
Potentially, the security breach affects every x86 CPU made since 1995. That includes AMD.
Realistically, serious testing of the breach has only been successful (so far) on intel chips from 2011 onward, which is why these OS patches have been dished out across Linux, Windows, and Mac.
Spectre couldn't just "potentially touch CPUs maybe in some other circumstances but not really", it impacts EVERY cpu. Not even just x86 like AMD and Intel, but ARM chips like in phones and tablets as well. But you're right that it's blown out of proportion; it's already be extremely rare for you to fall victim to Meltdown, and it would be even more rare to be victim to Spectre. If it wasn't paired with meltdown, it'd just be another one of those wide-sweeping bugs that nobody's ever heard about (though it wasn't Intel but Google responsible for putting the two side-by-side).
>tfw Nehalem
Don't most modern browsers have Java built-in like they do Flash?
I hope this shithead was arrested for insider trading
they're not the same thing
Hardly affects gaming. Heavy I/O workloads that involve SSD data transfer/high network loads (think 20Gbps bonds)/databases are fucked. Personally I don't care, but my work is going to be affected because our servers for virtualization are going to take a hit.
You cannot use the vast majority of modern sites without JavaScript properly.
You will get fucked by this. The sort of advertisements they allow will come packaged with some shit that will quietly read everything you have.
>What if I don't have Java on my PC?
Java is not the same as Javascript.
If you disable Javascript in your browser, then you sure as hell won't be using Pornhub or Youtube.
Ok but what does meltdown do? Why do I give a fuck about patching anything?
>Hardly affects gaming
>damage control to mention videogames on the videogames board
This is coming from someone who plays on an FX-6300, I have no horse in this race, I'm just telling it how it is.
What about NoScript and Ublock?
Can they block the sites from abusing the security hole?
There is no proof gaming won't be effected
CPU heavy games will DEFINITELY get effected
Pajeets BTFO
>buy VR headset
>"my i5 2500k can handle this if i overclock it"
>always danger-close to maxing out at any moment but plays VR comfortably
>>>>this patch hits
it bypasses ALL security solutions
Is that CPU utilisation y axis supposed to represent tens of %?
The only CPU intensive game I can think of is ARMA 3. Or emulators. Everything else is primarily GPU bound.
Doesn't affect game performance so i literally don't care.
>The only CPU intensive game I can think of is ARMA 3.
>what is PUBG
There are benchmarks already fuckwit
>Intel, which is rife with CIA and Mossad, purposefully leave backdoor for Deep State agencies to use
>after like 2 decades someone finally notices the theoretical security exploit
>tech industry pretends that only Intel has hardware backdoors physically built into electronics components
Wait, how is my performance going to be altered? Via a patch of some kind? I haven't installed a windows update in who knows how many years, I stopped updating my graphics drivers as well because we all fucking know they intentionally gimp the older models after they've been out a year or two.
If only AMD wasn't shit for emulation.
Are the patches out yet?