What are some /Operator/core games?
What are some /Operator/core games?
some what?
you can feel pretty operator in squad if a complex plan goes really well. it can also suck if it doesn't.
Alpha Protocol
>that movie's ending
Hitman feels really fluid when you just headshot everything.
I thought the shooting in that game sucked?
rainbow6 seige?
also the old rainbow6s
It does, but I think it captures the feeling of a secret agent doing shit in international operations that matter
go ahead and finish your meal.
Codename Outbreak
Max Payne 3
Is this some sort of anti-trump wall movie, because I'm looking at the tagline and it's encouraging governmental dissent and violation of immigration laws
it's the opposite lol
this movie came out over 2 years ago you silly memnester
Not everything is attacking you politically
consider suicide
Why was Sicario so good, Sup Forums?
it was well directed and had style, thats why 2049 was so good too
that being said I did think that Arrival was very forgettable, but I can't put my finger on why I feel that way because I did enjoy it
It's so obviously a joke holy weed boys
What in the fuck movie is that?
Hitman Blood Money and TM as long as you don't savescum the latter
Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear
Splinter Cell 1 and Chaos Theory
Reload Target Down (Wii)
benicio del toro is cute
watching the dinner scene on youtube made me not want to watch the rest of the movie. i guess i've become soft over the years but it was just too much.
Swat 4
There are other even worse scenes.
Rainbow Six up until after Raven Shield
SOCOM US Navy Seals until the 4th game
Operation Flashpoint/ARMA
SWAT 3 and 4
>haha guise i wuz only pretendn to be retarded haha
That's like the very end of the movie.
The part on the bridge with Delta is the best.
JA2 obviously
Fuck you, I like it.
first Ghost Recon obviously
>tfw waiting for Siciario 2
>tfw no modern Delta game
>that shot when Delta are heading off to raid the tunnels and it it shows them being covered in the darkness
That's all natural lighting too, the filmmakers were got really lucky at the timing and weather.
yh i'm sure it was just a coincidence
Im not a /k/ fag, why hes shooting like that?
anyone seen the other movie called Sicario?
From the 90s and about a boy in latin America who is a hitman. Something like that, wondering if its worth a watch.
shoots fast but also looks sloppy as fuck. people wont think a pro hitman did it and some stupid idiot did
OP rate of fire since you basically finger fuck the trigger
It won't be as good because it's not Denis Villeneuve directing again.
Is Insurgency any good? Im looking for MP thats doesnt suck balls
dead as fuck. wait for the new one that is about to be released.
It’s pretty close to real, if a little sensationalized. It also presents the uncomfortable truth that one big cartel controlling 90% of all drug business would result in a far less violent Latin America.
Red Storm Interactive era Tom Clancy games and to a lesser extent Siege (even though it's just overwatch with kevlar now)
Swat 3/4
2-3k players still and goes on sale for $1 all the time, I'd say it's still worth it. Currently $1.50 at Nuuvem.
With the right immersion mods it can be great. Dont fall for the sound mod memes, most if not all of them suck and just plain out of place. Stick with the default ones.
>2k players playing anytime at minimum
>dead as fuck
shit game
Try going out more and doing other shit instead perpetually obstructing your view of the world through the filter of "my le pol".
Seriously user just.... do other shit for a while and also stop posting.
>expect Emily Blunt to be a qt ass kicker again
>is actually made the bitch of the male characters
Spec Ops: The Line maybe?
yeah she was weak af in sicario.
ah, that was fun, seeing how the media praised the movie for having a female main character which then just proceeded to kick her ass
>two pointless characters
>Mexican James Bond Mary Sue
>pointless characters
maybe you missed the point?
Holy shit. I was 9 when 1st Rainbow Six came out. I could barely understand English, setting up a game was painful as fuck. One of the best games ever. I remembe at the end of the campaign I had lost almost all of RAinbow Six members and I only had those masked recruits
>the point was to show they were pointless
What games let me be a CIA spook?
i love that after she shoots the federale the d-boy's first reaction is to fire 2 reactions shots at him just to put him down for sure.
You haven't heard of The Division user? It's the most anticipated game in the year 2016
Splinter Cell franchise
They should really remaster Blacklist
rainbow six siege
>remaster a game that came out in fucking 2013
what kind of nimrod are you
The woman was the character the audience was supposed to relate to. The only difference was, that we knew more than her, because we saw what Delta and the Assassin did when she wasn't around. Now imagine being in her position, all the shady shit they did.
Her character was pretty much the most realistic character.
rainbow six siege
I need more Villeneuve in my life. I've watched all of his English movies now and he hasn't made a bad one.
>Siege (even though it's just overwatch with kevlar now)
Was this never not the case?
She was pretty much designed to be the only human and relatable character. She was good in her own way, and in a sense, it was extremely realistic.
>operator core
the highway scene is pretty good in that regard
>The woman was the character the audience was supposed to relate to.
Hence Soycario.
>I'm unable to relate to another human being unless they have a particular set of reproductive organs
>just because it's a woman we're not supposed to relate to her
And who would you relate to? The super assassins? The CIA agent who barely said anything? The Soldiers who did nothing but nuke the shit out of wetbacks?
Are you telling me you would have kept your cool while a bunch of Shady Glow in the Dark CIA Niggers did some illegal shit?
You're a fucking idiot.
You're not supposed to relate to her sex. Her sex has nothing to do with it. It's the shit that's going on. She's a normal cop who deals with fucked up shit. She wants to do more, but finds out doing more leads to some fucked up shit itself.
It's the morality you're supposed to relate to. Nothing else.
You're beyond retarded if you can't understand that.
R6 is a good game but it's almost as if japan made an over the top operatorcore anime starring a large host of counter-terrorism units. i would watch the shit out of that
Man I'll always love the attention to detail this game has
t. passive little soys
Why does Max Payne 3 with John Wick music work so well?
Jagged Alliance 2
Enemy wasnt bad, but was it good though?
I was going to make one of those Sup Forums jokes but then I realized that almost half of America is this retarded.
Blacklist looks fine, how about a sequel?
Definitely. It's so atmospheric and weird. It has this intense feeling that all of his movies seem to have.
>The only difference was, that we knew more than her, because we saw what Delta and the Assassin did when she wasn't around.
Emily Blunt's character is a leader of an FBI SWAT team but she's portrayed as a complete newbie and completely out of her depth. She literally googles mexican cartel gore. How is that realistic?
Can't argue with your opinion but I didn't find it that good. And I'm a huge sucker for Gyllenhaal. Maybe I just didn't get it. Maybe I'll rewatch it
Metal Gear Soldado
Why is the sequel to Sicario about the villains from the first movie?
Don't get me wrong, I had no fucking idea what anything meant or what was happening. I kind of like that about his films. I can never quite tell what's going to happen next. Enemy took that to a different level though.
Look up some theories about the meaning of the movie. There's a bunch and they are pretty interesting.
Because it's a shitty cash grab not made by the original director.
You're an idiot if you think the drug cartels they were fighting were the actual antagonists.
Time Crisis
nice seeing you defending the actual drug trafficers Pablo
I'm not defending them, I just understand what the movie was trying to convey.
>its very realistic
Its like you fuckers just got out of a pretentious movie forum. Not every story has a "character to relate" or "a stand in for the audience".
She is more of a representation, rather than a character in herself. She is the personification of solid law in order in a place where a place where those were mere suggestions. In the end she is unable to cope with the reality where her ideals does not exist and in the end broke, much like what she represents.