Thoughts on Fallout 4: New Vegas?
Thoughts on Fallout 4: New Vegas?
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Never getting finished, but would play.
finally a use for fallout 4
Never ever
If they're going to go through the effort of making fallout nv from the ground up why don't go the extra mile and use a different engine instead of gamebyro but slightly different
Significantly more work.
Both options are pointless timesinks that will never be finished
Why bother going half in if you could go all in
Fuck yes, if this ever comes out it will be my jam.
How Bethesda still won't let Obsidian make another Fallout is beyond me, they're clearly much better at storytelling and RPG elements, but I guess you gotta have that "press x to Shaun" instead.
because you would be porting assets you don't own to a new engine and bethesda would shut you down, just like the poeple who tried to put vtmb on a new engine were shut down.
>Reverting to the shitty old Skill system
So much for this shit. Guess I'll have 100 in all Skills by the time I'm Level 15 and not have to give a fuck about three of the SPECIAL attributes at all.
But will this game have a voiced main character? sorry, but I only play immersive games, if you want a silent protagonist go play half life lmao.
Where's the streamlining?
Who wants to look at a bunch of numbers? Bunch a nerds that's who, real players just want to shoot sum' niggas.
Untrue, new vegas port is significantly easier, many assets already exist and can be ported, its doable.
I wonder if agility is actually going to do what it's supposed to in this.
+ I hope they implement this system into the game
The only dump SPECIAL stat in New Vegas sass charisma, and you're completely exaggerating how many skill points you get. Also are you saying you prefer fallout 4's god awful system? Where they made SPECIAL stats not matter since you can raise them to ten and forced all the things that skills normally would do into perks?
Fuck off shill.
Fuck off Todd
>I'm Todd even though this mod being popular would only benefit Todd in normies and moralfags buying Fallout 4 to play it
Fuck off shill.
I refuse to believe just some dudes can turn rootin tootin point n shootin fallout (not an RPG) 4 into new Vegas. It'l be even more broken and buggy than new Vegas.
Shill is probably the worst meme to come out of this website. Absolutely baboon level intelligence.
>It's just a meme
Viral marketing is real, user
you can add in gameplay systems all you want but the game is still limited by the horrendous dialog system with no flavor or options at all. you can out in fnv mechanics but you're not gonna get the good quests back ever.
They already modded skills in fo4. More perks and dialogue options will follow
Sure except 90% of the time it's just the "word for anyone I don't like that is liking something" rather than having an actual logical base to call someone a viral marketer
>Makers of a niche mod have enough money to pay people to advertise on the internet
Boy you dumb, people are posting about this because like myself this is the first thing people thought of when Fallout 4 came out as the disappointment it was.
At least with this we could get some use out of it.
That is if it ever comes out.
What do you even mean?
Potentially neat, but they'd need to completely replace enemy spawns, weapon spawns and replace all the weapons before I'd actually be interested. Plus it won't support any of NV's mods.
Why? FO3's engine is a lot better suited for NV - this is basically putting a shitload of work into a shitty barebones engine to do the same thing it did many years ago. Except its prettier I guess?
Does it have climbable mountains though?
I think not, check mate Bethesda haters.
>Pay people to advertise
They are doing it themselves on their own time. Or people do it for free because they buy into the hype. You don't need to be paid to shill for something. It usually happens with unfinished/unreleased shit that people would otherwise have nothing to discuss about the game except for what they think it will be like and circlejerking to build hype. There is discussing something and then there is signal boosting or building awareness/hype for something. The latter is what I would call advertising.
I'd be fine with it even if it takes them 10 years to do it, just being able to play NV with those graphics is worth the wait
Oh no, how horrible, can't have people that are excited for something, what a disaster.
Why are you even in this thread?
Advertising is against the rules
>making people buy FO4 for the NV mod instead of making people buy NV
Jesus christ you're pathetic.
See if the mods agree with then.
Should discussing anything that hasn't come out yet, or speculating be illegal on Sup Forums then too?
Where do you draw the line?
>Implying that if it ever release you won't need NV for the audio assets
>implying it wouldn't worth it
I draw the line on advertising, retard. Tell me what the topic of this thread is. Do you believe the OP question "Thoughts on Fallout 4: New Vegas" is really a discussion when the mod is no where near done or even in a playable state. The thread itself coinciding with and featuring a new youtube video (that shows practically nothing) the devs put out to show off doesn't seem fishy to you? It's like a fucking eceleb thread with the words "What are you thoughts on X" with a video from that eceleb, and this thread is just as cancerous.
>discussing videogames is advertising
>what is piracy
By the time this is finished FO4 will be on sale for pennies.
Not the user you're talking to, but I don't care because I'm interested in the project and first found out about it in a thread on Sup Forums.
see you in 20 years (10 if we lucky).
Looks like shit honestly, gameplay and aesthetic is completely ruined. I’d rather play the base game.
It’s also never going to be released.
The thread is about discussing the possibilities of this, and what can come out of it.
Laughing my ass of thinking about how autistic you have to be to go into every thread you don't like to say to people that they should stop discussing things.
Trying to uphold an arbitrary standard on Sup Forums is the most pointless shit you can do.
Why would they need to do that?
>to do the same thing it did many years ago.
Fo4's version is NOT the same thing as Fo3's engine. Also did you forget the gunplay in fo4 compared to fo3?
Because even if you bring over NV's map and missions, you've still got a game that's fucked mechanically. Fallout 4's Borderlands-style grind mechanics need to go.
>gameplay ruined
In terms of actual shooty tooty action fallout 4 is superior to NV, how can you even tell given this one encounter with a random goodsprings settler
>aesthetic ruined
What aesthetic? The shirty desert aesthetic?
Waiting to see if they do something incredibly fucking stupid or just plain stop working on it just like those other forwardport mods.
>Discussing how excited you are for videogame that doesn't exist is the same as discussing videogame
Where's the discussion? This is a hype circlejerk advertising thread.
That's fine do what you want. I'll shitpost how I want, and the mods will do nothing anyway. I just think if we're going to have fucking nondescript threads about this mod everytime they post a bit of progress its going to get really fucking tiring. I'm going to call it advertising when I see it.
I don't go into every thread on this, only when I see it. And I wouldn't really post more than once if retards like you weren't seething and replying in triplicate.
>discussing the possibilities of this, and what can come out of it.
Not him, but let’s be honest it’s not going to be as good as FNV and it’s also not gonna be finished in the next millennium. This thread is functionally useless.
Do you not see they've already managed to remove Fallout 4's entire perk and special system in favor of NV's? Why do you think they won't remove the other shit mechanics from 4
I never said I don't think they will. Just that what's being shown is only half the battle.
If they recreating the nv map it would be logical to think all weapon and armor and enemy spawns would be redone? I don't even know what you mean
Obsidian makes Bethesda look bad. Bethesda is perfectly content setting the standard for the rest of the industry with their shitty open world "RPGs".
If another dev rolls around filling the same niche Bethesda does, they're in some deep shit. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.
pretty cool I hope at least a good amount gets finished
>I think I'm Sup Forums police even though I have zero authority so I'll just fling shit around and be an embarrassment to everyone
Wow good job, keep trying user, you'll get that janitor position in no time.
You’re an idiot for thinking Fallout 4 has decent shooting mechanics at all, it is functionally worse than New Vegas in every way. And yes, it ruins my “shitty desert” aesthetic, you fucking tool. All these remasters and conversions do is ruin the original game and never get released. They are a waste of both your time and the mod teams.
>You’re an idiot for thinking Fallout 4 has decent shooting mechanics at all, it is functionally worse than New Vegas in every way.
You're probably just hooking for bait, but New Vegas is literally Fallout 3, which is Oblivion-tier in movement and control. No momentum, no diagonal animations (without a brand new mod that just came out for NV to fix that problem), no real recoil besides minor screenshake, stiff animations, canned hit reactions..
About the only things FO4 improved were graphical presentation, and the gameplay flow/feeling. If you legitimately think New Vegas has better gunplay, either you need to play the two games again or you're braindead.
Where does Fair Use come into play?
>If I make fun of him for not eating shit I will win!
>Maybe if I shill my mod hard enough on Sup Forums we can get into the creation club and get bethesdabucks for it
I'm entitled to shitpost in your worthless thread just as much as you're entitled to start it. Go ahead and keep giving me those (you)s though buddy.
Not even my thread, but here have another (you) to bump it to page 0.
You seem angry.
>New Vegas is literally Fallout 3, which is Oblivion-tier in movement and control.
You may actually be retarded
>No momentum, no diagonal animations
You don’t need or want those in an FPS, at all
>no real recoil besides minor screenshake, stiff animations, canned hit reactions.
I’m sorry you’re literally blind.
>If you legitimately think New Vegas has better gunplay, either you need to play the two games again or you're braindead.
You got me buddy, because that is what I legitimately think.
>bump thread
>still on page 3 until
>Not even my thread
>You don’t need or want those in an FPS, at all
Diagonal animation means that there's less likelihood of that guy chucking spears at your face looking like he's fucking sliding on ice as he runs past a barricade your way. But that is subjective.
What isn't is the momentum. The best FPS games ever, like Doom and Quake, have momentum. You still stop and start tightly, but your actions have weight to them, and thus it actually feels good to control. FO3 / NV instantly stop and start on a dime in movement, your jumps can be stopped mid-movement with no difficulty at all, and you even awkwardly sink into the ground slightly on landing as if the collision boxes between jumps and ground movement don't match up. You feel stiff, like a fucking sluggish ass robot.
Besides, they're hardly any sort of good FPS when it boils down to AI standing around shooting at you like braindead retards. The only way to liven up unmodded gameplay is to either avoid combat, go stealthy, or go for specific setups like a drugged up madman bumrushing people with a sawn-off shotgun. FO3 and NV are buggy RPGs with shitty FPS gameplay slapped on top.
It's reusing most of the assets from FNV, unlike skywind.
non of these huge projects ever get finnished
That shotgun range and damage is abysmal holy shit. I know it's an alpha but surely they could've put some better stats on it.
might be worth if I could play it with vr
im not buying fo4 todd and i never will
While that's cool I don't really see the point.
I mean, what does it change? Slightly better graphics on the same engine? Slightly better gunplay that's still mediocre?
I guess if it also worked for Fallout 4 VR then that would be great since New Vegas in VR would be some great shit but otherwise I don't really see the point. New Vegas isn't old so why not remake Fallout 1 in Fallout 4 instead? That would be interesting to see in 3D.
i can see how you might think you could recreate fallout 1 and 2 in 3d if you've never played those games but literally ingame months pass while you're walking around in the desert with nothing happening
in real time that would be maybe the worst game ever made
Autism speaks. We must listen!
>he doesnt play Daggerfall traveling entirely on foot or horse
I hope they get far, at least with the weaponry. I want NV's arsenal back so I can choke out the shitty F4 guns.
Just ignore him user, baka desu senpai
I played those games and I see no problem with this.
You either just recreate the same travel system the original games had or make a fuckton of empty space and give the player some sort of a vehicle to travel through it.
Or you could just make a smaller world with every key location included, remake doesn't have to be exactly like the original.
honestly it's kind of fucked up for them to even post progress reports on something that will never be completed. you're just getting people's hopes up for nothing.
>that will never be completed.
Do any of you nigger noggers have a single fact to back this meme up?
This, I'll give it a shot when the inevitable "WIP BETA PLEASE BE NICE SUPPORT US ON PATREON :)))" version comes out, but jokes aside there's potential here and they seem to be making good progress.
I hope they do well and finish, but I'm not getting my hopes up. NV is quite a huge game after all.
how's skywind coming along?
This, its vaporware.
Yes. Literally every single remake that's ever been done.
There is a mod which allows unlimited dialog options, obviously does nothing for actually Fallout 4 content but allows mods to do whatever the hell they want dialog wise.
You can look it up
Also FNV is reusing assets you dummy, Skywind isn't as far as I know
>Thoughts on Fallout 4: New Vegas?
getting an ironclad C&D any day now
Bethesda has never had any problem with these kinds of projects, as long as the developers require you own the original game.
>that UI
Wow, it's amazing how little is needed to make Fallout games UI look like shit
Nah, other mods like this grab the assets directly from the other games folder, so you need to have the game to begin with.
Never got the hate for fo4's ui. What's wrong with minimalist ui?
It's almost like the older games had vehicles for this sort of thing. Or a fast travel system with random encounters.
Really activates my almonds
i would like to know if they can optimize the goddamn engine