Its boring

I wanted to like it but
>boring as fuck
>no music
>cringe voice acting
>No real dungeons
>everything kills you in one hit
I bought a Switch for this and I'm pissed.

Other urls found in this thread:

keep in mind this is for the most part a first open world game for people that only play nintendo stuff.
If you played others and played lots of zelda/alundra/okami like games... then you could go away with the impression that this game is a average open world game and a bad example of a zelda game... which it is.

Congrats on having shit taste, op.

Exactly, its not a bad game, but its a terrible Zelda game. Kind of like MGS5 was a good game but a bad MGS game. This open world shit needs to stop.
Stay mad that my opinion differs from yours, faggot.

how much did you play of it? I remember when I started, the first 5 hours or so were really awesome, then it became really dull when it became apparent that the world had a lot of repetitive content. Then I just kept playing for a while, and had that first "wow" moment when I discovered something specific... not going to spoiler it. After that, I basically stopped caring about "reward" driven gameplay and just enjoyed purely running around in the world, beating up the odd monster and enjoying the scenery. And once in a while you're going to discover cool stuff.

you're boring

I played it non stop for a few days trying to see if it got better. I REALLY wanted to like this game because I love Zelda games. But, I just fucking hated it. Absolutely boring as fuck. Haven't been this mad since MGS5.

Is that what your mom said to your dad before she divorced him?

Yah but your opinion is also in the extreme minority. Most people say it’s goty.
You’re entitled to it, but it’s not objective, and you have to know most people disagree.

Same, am dissapoint, 7ish quality game, over all pretty and kinda fun, but empty and boring.

Next zelda will probably 4 years from now, heh.........

Why dodnt they make any cool dungeons or castles and just shrines and devine beasts?

I would argue the game is more Zelda than any of them since OoT (possibly a lot of the mobile console games as well, but I haven't played any of them). The series started as an open world game, ALttP is one of its highest rated entries and is open world + dungeons, OoT and MM obviously had many open world elements and WW too, obviously.

The game has its problems but the argument "this is not a zelda game" is fairly silly if you ask me.

no music? really? is the open world just wind and footsteps?

You sound like a fucking tool.


and most people, like yourself, are soulless bugmen. your point?

You sound like an extremely unpleasant person.

Hope they port link between new worlds cause i heard it is like alttp, but im not buying a 3ds or 2ds to try it, I was already conned by nintendo doing this with BotW and mario odyssey

>I bought a Switch for this and I'm pissed.
There's your problem. This game is a 10/10 if you only play nintendo games. For everyone else, it's very average.

Do you really think you’re better than most people in the world? That’s a little narcissistic if you ask me. What makes you so superior?

what is the appeal of mario? the characters/plot seem genuinely retarded and the gameplay seems pretty.. normal I guess. are people just starved for a 3d platformer?

It pushes for an ambient noise type of feel, so as you travel you might get a few stray strings playing, but for the most part it keeps it subdued until you're near a point of interest, in a town, fighting an enemy, or doing something like that.

been playing it for the first time since cemu multi-core update
world and systems design is masterful can't put it down
people that don't like it must have been looking for something completely different

There's an occasional gay piano music chord every once in a while. OP is right about the lack of an overworld theme. On top of that exploring is tedious and boring since most of the time you're just finding shrines and useless randon shit. Gotta be the most padded barebones Zelda game Ive ever played

>For everyone else, it's very average
This is your mind on Sup Forums.

Yeah, I was looking for a Zelda game, and this isn't that.

>my favorite review aggregate website says this game is good so it must be true
>I don't form and stand by my own opinions

It's like LttP but misses the point of what makes LttP so good since it's so much copy+paste from that. Also, it's way too easy and you can't unlock hard mode until you beat the game.

Not the worst Zelda I ever played, but I felt shortchanged buying it new.

The majority of the music that you'll hear throughout the game is the same handful of piano ditties. Basically ambience. The game does have some good tracks here and there but only for certain moments.

>world design is masterful can't put it down

Yeah, I fucking love shrines and korok seeds

I didn't grow up playing nintendo games. I can judge botw without numale bias.

hmm. I was expecting it to be like ocarina of time or majoras mask with the great soundtracks everywhere you go. well its not like I'm gonna buy a switch anyway

>bing bing wahoo

I wish it would have been 2d mario, i now am reminded that im not a fan of 3d mario, i played galaxy for a bit and it was fucking stupid. Odyssey is better from what ive played than galaxy, but still kinda meh. Some of the puzzle stuff is good.

Soy boys do and like what the media tells them to.

That’s not what I said though. I said that your opinion is in the minority, which is the objective truth. The majority opinion is still an opinion and not the truth, I don’t know why you think I’m implying it would be when I called it an opinion. I just wanted to say that most people would disagree, but, I’m not sure if you understand this, it is a subjective opinion.

Im an idort but right now id rather have my 500 dollars than my switch and 3 games.

>climb a volcano
>go to the sea
>find a cave
>explore hyrule castle
>do anything

Fucking hell, there is literally no variety in the exploration.

Says the faggot who needs a round of applause and a loot box for pressing start. I’m glad you didn’t like BotW - you’re a cunt and you not having a good time playing it just added a point to it’s score.

BotW is literally the greatest Zelda game since Ocarina Of Time, and thus one of the greatest games ever created in the history of video games.

It is not only a good game, it's also a great Zelda game, and fixes tons of typical open-world problems. It has a great soundtrack, and just moving in the world is engaging, exciting and fun as fuck.

>equating LoZ LttP and BotW as the same kind of "open world" design

The lack of nuance on display is baffling.

Here's a fun fact about LoZ: It would have been 100% possible for players to run straight to Ganon and fight him if not for one single old man. ONE old man blocks your way and demands that you collect all the triforce pieces. It would have been so easy to just not have him there. Obviously it would have given the player more "freedom". Now as a BotW fanboy, you have to ask yourself, why does that old man exist?

buddy who do u think ur talking to, I didnt come here for a rational debate I came here to insult you and make myself giggle a bit

It is not as interesting as the witcher 3 tbqh, also witcher looks 1000x times better.

People also forget that Zelda 1 was supposed to be played with a map, but NOA fucked up and the American versions didn't come with the map.

The problem is that exploration leads you to two things
>Korok Seeds
After doing both for a couple of hours it gets tiresome and turns exploration into a chore
>MFW Korok Seeds are literally over 70% of the completion percentage

looks bland

im sure he means the design on the landscape and locations

What you actually mean is you want and ever increasing reward everytime you do something.

BotW isn’t for you, I’m afraid. Just wait for the next Ubisoft exp-rewarding masterpiece. The thrill of just adventuring for the sake of it has gone for you and it’ll never come back.

Nes was my first system in 1986 when i was like 7 years old, it isnt a good zelda game.

It really is fucking copy paste after copy paste. How can soyboys play this padded as fuck game and pretend its an open world masterpiece? The side quests are shit and all there is to do in the game is gay faggotty shrines and finding a gajillion number of korok seeds. Oh and the voice actors are Toonami modern day cringe tier. Revali sounds so fucking gay and histrionic its painful

Whenever I stay up too late I always forget Sup Forums is for shitposting and try to rationally debate people.
Here’s the response you wanted.

Doing shitty repeptetive shrines is soooo much fun. 4 temples that were the same? I loved that. I also loved the shitty weapon system ooh and also loved how easily you could break the game with armour.


wasn't there a partial map in the manual?

to be fair you need a high IQ to understand Trap of the Wild

>buying games
You deserved it

It's literally a bad game. The actual gameplay is awful, it's tedious, repetitive, and empty.

What? Zelda 1 came with a map.
It also came with the most spoilerly manual ever, with sealed solutions to major puzzles.

>fixes tons of typical open-world problems
Do give some examples. Because I thought it had the same flaws that assassins creed does - a boring map with no purpose.

Needs to clearly be more like the other Zelda games
>climb a volcano
>go to the sea
>find a cave
>explore hyrule castle
>do anything


Congrats OP on finally growing up. It's time to buy a PC and join the Master Race.

>wahh I wanted another OOT clone
stuck in the past soychild spotted

japs can't even make aryan goddesses look cute

>I need rewards for every action I do

BotW is a litmus test to see if a person ever actually enjoyed what made games a unique medium or just use them as a box ticking exercise to keep them occupied as they get fat and die.

>post this whenever someone criticizes my soyboy game

>The problem is that exploration leads you to two things
what would you have them "reward" you with then?
why do you want the game to pat you on the back so badly?

>trying this hard to defend an average game
please calm down

Breath of the wild is such a confusing game to me. I guess it's because I lost interest in open world long ago.

You have such a fun battle system and tons of weapons and armor and a counter/ parry system, you you only have 5 boss battles and a joke boss, and only 4 minibosses.

You have tons of puzzle designs, but you make 120 small ass puzzles instead and separate them to justify the open world so instead of spending an hour doing several puzzles, you do a few small puzzles per hour.

You can make huge, sprawling dungeons but instead make dungeons so small they can be done in 10-15 minutes.

zelda is plenty cute and has a cute britbong accent you pleb

>playing nintendo games growing up makes you a nu-male.
Is this what its come to?

>Durr games shouldnt reward you for the objectives it makes you do
Absolute soyboy mentality. I bet you enjoy walking figurative mountains so that your Stacy pretend-gf can allow you to text her but its okay because it's all about muh experience and journey.

>finding shrines is a deep experience


You shrinefags are cancer.

>The thrill of just adventuring for the sake of it

I want to but there is nothing to adventure, everywhere you go it's the same thing copy/pasted on a different environment.

What’s there to debate? Chances are, the majority of the things you don’t like about BotW are the very elements others embrace. Just maturing in life tends to reveal this fact. You weren’t given what you wanted and you’re mad about it. It’s not really much more complicated.

I don’t think you know what literally means. And, as another user pointed out, you’re in the minority with your negative opinion.

No, but if you still think mintendo is hot shit because of their past achievements, you clearly have a problem.

You sound like a poster I saw in a prior thread who thought dungeons in the early Zelda games like 1 and 2 were badly designed since they had rooms and corridors that existed for no other reason than to be explored and take the player away from the main path.

eyes way too far apart, she kinda resembles a mongoloid. probably a girl (male)

exactly, all that talk about the lootbox and player rewards a while ago is very strange like people expect the game to suck their dick and tell them how great they are just for buying it and playing (but not too much playing)
just playing a fun game should be it's own reward

I just want content that isn't reliant on copy paste, all the effort put into Korok Seeds and Shrines could have gone into more interesting world design and maybe an extra dungeon

>Haha, the common consensus is that this game has a good overworld, so I'll just say it's bad and fuck off

Ocarina of Time shits on Breath of the Wild in every way except graphics.
How much are the Japs paying you, soyim?

haha, clearly so, chum

It's funny because recently I replayed Minish Cap and got

>find cave
>huge cave system that leads to another section of the game you shouldn't be able to go to yet
>sidequest creates a portal
>portal warps you to the sky kingdom where you shouldn't be able to go to yet
>you can do a sidequest to get a Master Sword-tier upgrade for your shield there

If it was BOTW the swamp cave would have a shrine and the sky kingdom would have a shrine.

>a barren, repetitive world is its own reward
do you have aspergers?

I was the one arguing the same thing as you. I was explaining that it’s an opinion. Read the comments before replying my man.

>>Nintendo puts out games with the same systems and rewards as always
>>"Fucking nostalgia whores!"

>>Nintendo changes things up a bit
>>"How dare they not do the same thing?!"

Stay classy, Sup Forums

This post should be obvious sarcasm but the sad thing is I know this faggot is serious.

>Ocarina of Time shits on Breath of the Wild

The common concensus is that assassins creed 1 is a 9/10 despite being a chore outside of story missions.


>used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true.
"I have received literally thousands of letters"

>shouldn't be able to do yet

Are you sure you were playing Minish Cap? Sounds like you accidently put in a better game.

It's not copy pasted nor is it barren

>Sup Forums still butthurt about BotW

That doesn't matter.

>Nintendo changes things up a bit

You mean "Nintendo removes content and puts in shallow padding in it's place"

Western open-world games at least have an actual campaign and not just being a collect-a-thon. BOTW has story sequences so short you can beat the game in an afternoon if you have shrines active at the city locations.

Hello Todd and no I'm not buying Shitrim again

The fuck you expect?

Guess what, that's content. You just don't like it.

You don't get to the Sky Kingdom until more than halfway through the game through a story sequence. When you get there, the sidequest disappears.

it can only be done early in the game if you can get there by other means, and if you don't you permanently lose the upgrade.

Ive heard some solid arguments on why BOTW is overrated and you captured none of them.

All your arguments are straight up lies.

Perfectly calm, squire. Calmly pointing out that the vast majority of the critics, players, and professional devs all see this game and far above average. But, don’t let facts penetrate your worldview. Sorry you didn’t like it, user. Perhaps the next assassin’s creed will be more your flavour. I.e. baby food with flashing lights, cinematic death scenes and lots of delicious loot boxes

At least you get the POINT, I suppose. Still, if it’s not for you, it’s not like there aren’t hundreds of alternatives out there to reward you for ever step you take like the big, powerful man you are.

And there we have it. “I want, I want, I want....”. Skyrim also got a switch release - go play that instead. More your sort of thing, I’d wager.