It's not a bug, but a feature

What's the gaming equivalent of pic related?

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Why isn't there ever government proceedings for companies that flat out lie to customers?

Because governments exist to protect those entities' interests.

who do you think put in the shit in cpus in the first place? this is a textbook definition of a backdoor.

Technically its not a lie. It was designed this way, which would make it shit design or am i missing something? Would not a bug be unintentional?

Except what Intel is saying there is perfectly accurate. Do you people even know what a "bug" means?

Any modern AAA practice

Technically not a bug as it really does as designed but it IS a flaw in the design

Because the government requires electronic products like PCs to be exploitable so they can spy on you.

Oh dang, you are right, i kinda tunelvisioned on the bug part so i completely forgot they also called it "not a flaw".

Well what a bunch of cunts they are.

Redpill me on the whole intel drama.
Everyone says different thing.

To be completely honest, Intel really didn't do anything wrong here. The CPUs were designed to run faster in a way that no one could've possibly guessed would ever be used as an exploit. Read into the Rowhammer.js exploit and you'll see why this kind of thing is both unprecedented and couldn't have been predicted.

The shortest way I can put it;
Intel implements a hardware design that drastically speeds up virtualization, allowing VMs to perform with little to no performance hit for the same workloads. The hardware design is found to be exploited in an incredibly unique and inventive way within the past week or so, and the patch for it effectively reverts the speed improvements to virtualization/VM performance. Normal usage is unaffected.
That's all just for the Rowhammer issue though, Spectre is an entirely different beast

Intel CEO cashed out his stocks in the company after this CIA security exploit was discovered that causes a 1% - 30% dip in performance

so it's a lot worst than people know and Intel is about to go belly up and you're computer is likely fucked.

>1% - 30%
30% is the average, it can get up to 70%.

30% is the average
can get up to 70%

On windows it hasn't been more then 2% at the absolute most.

>the patch for it effectively reverts the speed improvements to virtualization/VM performance
I wonder if this will affect Assassin's Creed Origins. The DRM uses a virtual machine in addition to Denuvo doesn't it?

>you're computer is likely fucked
Good think I'm all AMD

Oh so you were already fucked.

>there's been virtually no performance hit for games on my 4790k
>including emulation as far as 7th gen consoles go

>owning an amd card
please go pajeet

I saw a benchmark someone did already and AssCreed lost like 5% of its framerate (~140 FPS to 130) or something, but it was by far the most effected out of all the games they benchmarked.

This isn't solely a VM issue, it affects all syscalls and general purpose computing to some degree. VMs just get brought up the most often because they're the most affected, snooping on data outside of the sandbox is a Bad Fucking Thing and the performance hit is most notable in those as well. Regular computing isn't as affected because if you're doing shit like disk access, increasing the syscall delay by a few times doesn't really matter when you're waiting 100+ times as long on the I/O itself to finish anyway.

By using the timing of how long things are returned from memory you can basically guess what is in the kernel's RAM.

You basically say "Hey! is this value here?" and the cpu will respond and tell you "you're not allowed to access memory here!", but it will respond much much faster if the value is there.

In other words all cloud servers that run vms in hypervisors are basically fucked until they are patched.

This only effects intel chips, not AMD, but there is a second attack which is similar (using branch prediction and timing it) which allows someone to read the full memory of a running application. This second attack hasn't been mitigated, and they already have a PoC for javascript.

the exploit they talk about is only in their mouth so far not even proven in a lab by hackers, which make it suspicious.
Personally I wouldn't patch because I guarantee you that the people who factually know their shit will find something fishy in said patch and the only exploit is the customers credulity.

>it really does as designed but it IS a flaw in the design
A lot of bugs are born like that.

>up to 70%
>implying all the amount of PC gamers on Youtube and Twitter wouldn't raise a gigantic stink over their shiny 7700k working as good as a fucking Celeron

Because the obama government pushed them to put it into them in the first place numbnuts.

t-they're all p-paid off

Nope, they have a working exploit:

>intel kills Denuvo
Wtf I love Intel now

currently up due to having to patch our fucking environment because of this shit. maintenance window isnt supposed to be for 2 more weeks. i fucking hate doing shit like this on No Change Friday

>13 year old exploit
>Obama administration
Try again, /pol. We all know there is only one answer.

I thought it was Bush that started it

So basically they're doing what Nvidia did with the 970. Really shady shit bros

except they've been knowingly doing it for 10+ years on all their CPUs.

I have an i7 7800k xddddzzzddd

The problem is, it's a monopoly.

If you are angry about this what other cpu are you going to buy?

It's like complaining about the new star wars film as a fanboy of the series, ultimately if the series is really important to you you're still gonna go see the next one because there is no alternative version of star wars.

Intel know that people will be mad, stock prices will fall but in a year or two they will go back up. This isn't really their fault, it's a blatant backdoor that was forced on them by the intelligence agencies.

970 was shady advertising
This Intel problem is "Oh fuck this shit we've been using in our CPUs for like 15 years actually had a massively exploitable flaw that someone only just figured out"

He's a republican that saved USA until the "black" socialist came and ruined everything until Trump came to save USA again. This is all obongo.

>make massive security flaw
>getting heat for it
>need to come up with some PR
>we did it on purpose lol

*Intel CEO laughs manically as he scoffs away with bags of money*

found the retard



>Intel CEO cashed out his stocks in the company after this CIA security exploit was discovered
I'm 99% sure this is illegal in some kind of way. AFAIK you aren't supposed to profit in the stock market from undisclosed information like this.

Some lawfag help me out here.

is Ryzen 7 so bad it doesn't even count as competition?

It’s called insider trading and the SEC will rape you for it

>it's illegal to sell your stock

>many different vendors' processors
I thought this only affected intel?

>Forced the Patriot Act which removed due process and several other legal freedoms
>Saved America
No. He created the paranoia which fuels this thread.

they've muddled it up enough that even dumb local news fags think all CPUs will get fucked

it is when youre selling all of it due to your companies fuck up

It's more of the fact that intel has had years cashing out and crushing the competitors with anti-competitive practives. They have so many long time customers and (fanboys) that it could be considered a monopoly.

>insider trading isn't a thing

>know about major security bug for months
>don't tell anyone
>knowingly release an entire line of processors with said bug
>sell a bunch of stock afterwords
Is there anything about this that's legal?

the government is working with them to spy on people

I sincerely doubt the law states that you need to go down with a sinking ship, and fuck they need to prove he had prior knowledge.

My local news said intel arm and amd. I guess they really got away with it. Fuck intel

Ryzen CPUs are completly fine and comparable to Intel.
The Bulldozer variants just were a little shitty, but completly worthwhile for their price.
Intel normally just puts out bigger and stronger stuff to crush their opponents, but against Ryzen they haven't done much yet but mostlikely are completly able to.
But now? Who knows.

you fucking dumbass. they've been aware since march when google mentioned it to them. they just didnt have a recourse and didnt release satement until now

Intel provides 106k jobs to Americans, think about this for a second.

>tfw pops just recently got a job with them
Fuck I hope he’s okay

Try using capital letters buddy.
So why isn't he under investigation right now?

>So why isn't he under investigation right now?
Who says he isn't?

Nothing on google. Sorry but I think I just took a big shit in all your mouths.

>So why isn't he under investigation right now?
Oh yeah, let me get right on that.
Was Trump under investigation immediately or did it take a few days?

>I sincerely doubt the law states that you need to go down with a sinking ship
It very literally does, and I'm talking about literal sinking ships here.

I do not want to be the devils avocado, but google is not an all knowing entity.

And you are? If there's absolutely 0 info avaliable whether he's under investigation or not the most safe bet that he's not, until proven otherwise.

isn't it though?

Bulldozer was never good outside of some niche uses. Piledriver was alright, but a bit too little a bit too late, and the following arch revisions never made it outside of laptops and APUs.
>As a result of his stock sale, Krzanich received more than $39 million. Intel stock, as of today, is trading at roughly the same price as Krzanich sold stock at, so he did not yield any significant gain from selling before the vulnerability was announced. But the sale may still bring scrutiny from the Securities and Exchange Commission for a number of reasons.
They don't just send ninjas after you the moment you cash out, they must have a reason to suspect you first and to go through the investigation, but this is definitely not going under the radar.

I tested it by googling what i had for lunch, and it had no idea.

Hell no i am not, but considering it managed to hit the news, it could be likely that an investigation launched.

This info only dropped 48 hours ago and the sec doesn’t usually announce that it’s investigating someone. He probably is.

I'm just talking about desktop pcs, in which the bulldozer variant was still completly viable, just overshadowed by Intel hard, but for their price they were excellent in budget pcs.
Especially for gaming. FX-6300 is still one of the strongest budget cpus for gaming around iirc

Obama traveled 15 years back in time to do this?

>This info only dropped 48 hours ago
It was already out there before the holidays.

intel's spin is fucking unreal
what a bunch of faggots

nevermind, the 6300 was piledriver

ARM really is affected, AMD no so much.
Funny thing is that Pentium 4 isn't affected but all Pentium 3 based CPUs are

Nintendo switch's handheld mode. It's okay to make a console with weak as fuck specs if it's portable.

Good think you're just another terrorist cuck we can ignore.

Spectre affects ARM, Intel and AMD
Meltdown affects Intel and so far hasn't affected AMD or ARM, though it's not out of the way.

It's not a bug, it's a character flaw.

Wrong and wrong
Spectre has only been shown to work on AMD with non-standard kernel on Linux and v2 of Spectre hasn't been demonstrated to be ran on AMD at all

Meltdown affects Coretex-A75 according to ARM itself.

Yeah, I fucked up the wording on that, I meant to say that the original Bulldozers (ie. FX-4100, 6100 et al) were never good. I agree on the Piledrivers being a solid budget choice, I recommended the FX-6300 to a couple friends and it turned out fine.

Just selling his stocks isn't enough to get him under suspicion (though I'm sure it did), especially because that was a scheduled transaction which is set in advance specifically to avoid being suspected of insider trading. The problem here is that now we know that he knew about the hardware bug before the scheduling which was at the end of October.

Watch him mysteriously dissapear before monday.

Wait, so are phones fucked?

Based. Russian hackers are gonna buttfuck the phoneposting pest.

CIA: Chinese Intelligence Agency

How much do you think these fuckers are getting paid off by China?


That has literally nothing to do with the statement or the discussion at hand you obsessed console warrior.

>How much do you think these fuckers are getting paid off by China?
Far less than they make from human trafficking and poisoning their own country with opiates.

>What's the gaming equivalent of pic related?

Failed reading comprehension did we? It follows the same line of though. Laziness or incompetence disguised as a feature.

Well yea. Everytime I build a budget pc for someone, the FX-6300 is the best choice for the price and competitiveness in todays CPU Market.

I don't think you realize what the fuck is being talked about in this thread. You should probably read up on it, it affects you phoneposting shitheads, too.

B-but muh i3...

My security has been compromised once again and there's nothing I can do about it so I may as well shitpost about Nintendo.

i3-8100 is extremely good, but still over double the price.
You can find FX-6300 (if second hand) for as low as 30-40 bux and they'll last long enough still

put down the phone before a teacher confiscates it