So what vidya did you play today, Sup Forums?

So what vidya did you play today, Sup Forums?

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DotA 2

Tales Of Zestria and DOTA2 for when I wanted some multiplayer

TERA and some Recettear.

Half Life 2

I'm heterosexual but disgusted by vaginas, breasts, porn, rule 34, and even the thought of sex. What's wrong with me?

I also cleaned my apartment and then caught up on Shokugeki No Soma


A friend gifted me FEZ for Christmas.
When I tried to play it, my toaster overheated.

Gary Grigsby's War in the West.

Fire Emblem 7 on emulator and Horizon Zero Dawn.

Escape From Tarkov
Streamed Hearthstone
Also enjoyed the blizzard outside.

Vagante but only a little bit of it because I'm terrible at it.

elona+, senran kagura estival versus

Undead Assault 2 on Warcraft 3.

Traps are gay.


Probably going to play some tomorrow, though.

I played some Furi and it's pretty neat.

tfw this is like $80 on steam

Checking out custom games in sc2

Desert strike is really fun

my baby bro got a switch so we did Mario Kart and a bunch of demos

Is it just me or has it been fucking forever since we last had one of these threads?

Finally got every achievement today

Crash Bandicoot 2, fuck these time trials mang

Hows the custom games scene? I still play a lot on WC3 but I'm wondering if I can upgrade to something newer and get some more players.

Fucking hell i stayed up again

I need sleep dammit, bit it's so damn cold i have to keep moving to stay warm

You are the chosen one.
You are free...

Bloodborne. Fuck me I hate the Forbidden Woods, huge fuck off cunt of a joint.

Silent Hill and Medal of Honor Underground

The upside is that you find a ton of twin shards in that area of the game so you can finally get your weapon to +6

I played nothing at all. The only thing I did today was post on Sup Forums for 18 hours.

I'd like to play a game that has a meaningful crafting/tradeskill system.
Something along the lines of skyrim is too little, because it's optional and you can just find or buy anything that you would smith yourself. While something like Atelier is too much because the entire point is just to keep crafting until you break the game.

Jurassic Park Rampage Edition
Doom with an Aliens mod

Still on sale on Matrixgames (the publishers) website for $32 USD about. You get a steam copy + a copy from them.

Yeah true. Can't decide on what to upgrade, the saw or ludwig's.

Max Payne, TF2, and VRChat

If you plan to go through the game a couple times I wouldn't stress too much on it. Besides, if you really want to, get to Upper Cathedral Ward as fast as you can and just farm materials off the the wolf enemies. You'll mostly get regular shards and twin shards for easy +6'ing but they do have a chance to drop chunks too which are far more valuable. You can basically collect all 3 in 1 area.

Finished Yakuza 2 today
Currently on the shitter.

I'm playing FF7 on my vita in bed

Planet side 2

I remember that spot and cheesing the werewolves in the doorway. I played through the game before on my old PS4 but never got past Defiled Amygdala in the chalice dungeons trying to get that Platinum trophy. So I'm starting fresh and I'm going straight for that trophy, not sure what weapon to use...

Bought X-COM back in steam sale, its like building a pyramid with cards, only to see my entire squad tumbling down to death after a single mistake.

Wasteland 2

Binding of Isaac

Wolfenstein TNO

Just woke up and have all day to play games. But. Theres so many that I cant decide and end up playing nothing. Again.

learn to play elona +

Rimworld and Siege
That's basically all I am playing since Christmas

Max Payne is great, have been playing through it recently and it's very fun.

I just started xenoblade chronicles 2 and ended up playing for 11 hours straight
the switch is the best purchase I have made in a long time and it gives me hope that great video games are still made in the current year despite all the other horseshit

Just started playing MGR for the first time

What time trials? The two gems with time limits aren't even that bad. Learn to NSS if you want extra leeway

my girlfriend broke up with me and im sad

And our next ingredient, the nintendonion

Oh, put you down? Say no more F@M *clicks on blender*



sucks dude, it'll get less painful as time goes on. appreciate the memories made and times shared together.

I'm playing halo ce for the sixth time. I fucking love it.

I didn't really
I grinded saber wars in fgo
and I worked on modding skyrim
I wouldn't really call that playing anything

This is some next level shit

my bad, should've mentioned this was the N-Sane trilogy version


this piece of shit, i rage quit it last week and now I'm determined to beat it out of spite.

Played some UNIEL and EDF4.1

South Park Phone Destroyer

Nba playgrounds


I'm nervous anons. I have my first job interview at a movie theater in a few hours. I don't know what to expect.

>giant feet
Fucking gross.

I played XB2 for the past few days, scared of getting burned out.

I'm so sick of being depressed. Pills help me not want to kill myself, but being *happy* is impossible. I don't fit in anywhere, either, I've tried beeeing myself and being someone I'm definitely not just to have others, even online, talk to me and I'm so tired of it. My family hates me no matter what I do. I'm unattractive to others personality wise because I'm bitter, jaded and pessimistic as a result of everything that's happened over the years. Please help me.

>nintendonion still make soneyes cry

If I could meet you I would give you a hug.
Hang in there, making yourself happy is all that matters right now, if you're able to accomplish that, you can also be happy with others.
Stay strong, user.

find something you are good at and be at it day and night until you master it
also don't let any person affect you. people have no power on you unless you let them.
and really BE yourself no matter how ugly, sad or depraved you really are. embrace your weaknesses and they will become strengths

>giant feet
it is just the perspective of the pic mah man

Animal Crossing
>mfw Fin is going to end up with Huntress Wizard instead of Bubblegum or Marcy

Darkest Dungeon
100% Orange Juice
Heroes of The Storm
Warcraft III
Monster Rancher 2

thinking of if I want to play more WC3 or start Rabi-Ribi

I revisited Sonic Mania, played & Knuckles mode for the hell of it. Still love that game. Started up a file of Borderlands 2 with a friend since I pirated that game at launch and figured 8.50 for the DLC edition was relatively worth it, and man, the writing is still terrible save for like one line every ten minutes, but the gunplay is good at least.
I've been contemplating installing Skyrim because I have it in my library. How far can you push the magic to melee ratio? I want a medieval RPG where I can go full mage.

none. going through one my i just can't play anything right now. in the past i would've sold off some of my vidya stuff or given it away

Lots of Heroes of Might and Magic 3. HotA is great.

I think I got 95% in and lost interest hard.

i've lost control of my life

PB and marceline were always going to be a thing, they just couldn't really show it before.

Honestly I can't believe it's still going on, I remember dropping it after season 3 and thinking "how much more of this could there really be?".

Dark souls 3 pvp
>get invaded by aldritch faithful
>kill two of them, the third + the giants + two npcs do me in
>he still has the balls to do the thumbs down gesture after I successfully zone and aoe 5 humanoid player characters, a giant, and fireballs raining from the sky.
>with a fucking raw caestus.

Webm tangentially related, me in the same area of ds3 disbanding a fight club by killing the host. Rocking that sweet dark knight cosplay back in the day.

Here's your pudding, Angelica.