Okay, that was funny.
Okay, that was funny
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, surprisingly enough
I haven't laughed at PA since the Professor Layton comic.
Would be nice if this wasn't just a fluke.
i dont get it :(
What's to get?
the joke
Lurk moar
I guess you need to have played this Gone Home game to get it
Why does the black-haired one raise his hands like that. I cannot understand this.
He thought he was in youtube animation channel.
>Gone Home
HAH! Now THAT was funnier!
Because he's italian
C'mon, even in Sup Forums there can't be people this autistic
>excited african man.jpg
Have webcomics always been this shit? It's literally 2 guys talking in basically identical poses against a plain background. What's even the point of having them on screen?
he has to hide how freakishly long his arms are
You just describe stand up comedy, just change the number
>Have webcomics always been this shit
you familiar with newspaper comics? It's a pretty traditional format. Just variations of two talking heads, with the occasional departure.
Penny Arcade has made given me a faint smile three times in the last six months.
They're practically on fire by their standards
>Penny Arcade has made given me a faint smile three times in the last six months.
Yeah, Mom's looking into nursing homes.
Sounds like you need to read better webcomics
It's shameless the way we flirt.
Not the point I was making.
I'm saying it's a traditional style of comic, and there are a bunch of webcomics set up to emulate that style.
Isn't that the plot of The Loud House?
Why didnt she see the unicorn before she threw the stone
Too busy focusing on the skips.
The shield of boringness, user. God, have you even read the comic?
Haha why the fuck would I read some fucking chick comic? I only fap to the porn
There he his
You're missing out, user.
It's got some good reaction images too, but to be honest, I'm primarily reading it because I'd like to draw/write kid's comics like these myself one day.
She was being hidden by the fog.
Shouldn't there have been some kind of visual of that in the third panel rather than another identical panel of them talking over a gradient background?
Is pretty lazy when you look at it, all 3 panels are the same with only a slight variation to the face and hands.
Compare to chink webcomics, that have 20 pages in most cases no wonder most western webcomics are a joke.
>words words words words words words words words words words words
you expect me to read that shit?
Well, do you only look at the reaction image in Sup Forums threads?
Wait... this one? penny-arcade.com
I actually just realized a few months ago, that I still read PA, but PA hasn't been good in forever.
Given the state of wojak and pepe.... I wouldn't be surprised if at least 10% of this board couldn't read.
Fuck off and die horsefucker
Sure, it's as funny as CAD.
Have you guys ever heard of a webcomic called Homestuck? It's pretty good, I'm on Act 4 and I can only see it getting better from here.
You should check out Sinfest after that! I'm on strip 4044 right now and it's real good. I expect great things after this!
It's good up until the end of Ac 6,but after Game Over, it goes compeltly downhill. At this pooint,t he writer wanted to wrap things up and didn't care about the details anymore.
Totally, then check out Questionable Cont- pfffahahaha naaaaaaah that shit was never good
I'm guessing the next strip is going to be a public apology. It's the dick wolves all over again
Well semi apology I should say
>Have webcomics always been this shit?
No, gag-a-day newspaper comics have always been this shit, webcomics are just an extension of those two things, bottom-line this type of humor has been 5% hit 95% miss since the very beginning.
It wans't even an apology and was overall funny.
inb4 mad fags say they're offended on twitter and they apologize saying "it wasn't our intenshun"
Now you are just complaining about an issue that isn't eventhere.
Where is that image again, with the stick figures?
here you go
this was the beginning of the end. If i had that much bullshit to wade through I would stop putting effort into this too.
It wasn't, though.
I was thinking of that other one with the guy saying "I think... something something", but that work too.
post it
>an issue that isn't eventhere.
Well, it has happened before with CAD.
Was making the exact same thread. Almost spurted coffee at work.
based fat anime man
I was talking for OP's comic specifically. But i remember that 4 the one you are posting there. Even Sup Forums called it racist and made fun of buckley for it. Sup Forums will easily join the offended wagon if this can make someone they hate miserable.
That's why I only read good french and belgian bd.
Americuck will never understand. Way more adult than comcshit
>simplistic characters with beady eyes
>animation is still stiff
so these are the famous 'strips' frogs keep praising when they aren't run over by a truck
that actually is kinda funny
>last panel
He's got that mixed up with the Sup Forums Mansion, clearly.
The fags on Sup Forums don't seem like winners, though.
I was expecting that kind of comment from a burger simpleton
Asterix alone is a holy gift with gold tier writing ( too bad you can't understand french ) youtu.be
And XIII is a solid proof that we can completely mimic your style and still manage to keep a good story in the long run.
No matter who wins, we all lose.
ban this problematic filth
I never know, is it the Bournr books who inspired this series, or is it XIII who inspired the Bourns books.
wtf? It's really not funny at all you underage pieces of shit
damn i really like that 3rd song.
French from the 80-90 had a thing for great opening song
It's cool as fuck.
you're the one getting mad over nothing, I only brought the possibility of faggots complaining about it like it happened to several media over time. chill
oh shit that 2nd what is awesome
So what are some old PAs that are relevant again by mere coincidence?
I am 35.
And I forgot the absolute Chad
Do you always feign ignorance while poorly dissecting something? You sound attention deprived.
Have they gotten into problems with the SJW brigade yet?
>you're the one getting mad over nothing
I wans't being bad, though.
But I am mad now because i just noticed that I used 4 to say "for". WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH MY BRAIN? I don't even text.
What's the point of doing a webcomic if you're just going to draw the same panel of two guys talking three times with almost no changes?
fucking awesome synth work
man i can grove to this one. thanks for sharing, homie.
>I wans't being bad, though.
Jesus Christ, lad. Go take your meds.
Yet SVU is still airing
Gee, the point might be the dialogue itself, fuckwit.
I mean for the OP comic, if the tumblr/twitter harpies are making a ruckus about it.
then you may as well save yourself the trouble and not draw the image
if your webcomic can be feasibly replaced by a greentext with no loss, then it probably was a shit webcomic
That's my pleasure, I don't really have a lot of people to share this with
t. 19 year old on estrogen
>The heat is tremendous
>I believe it's fire related
God dammit, I hate when media is too... What's the term for this? Self aware doesn't feel quite right.