How do we save them?
How do we save them?
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Dark Messiah 2
We buy their games.
I cant believe that we had short phase when HoMM brand ressurected with two good games (Homm 5 and Dark Messiah) only for it to turns into obscurity right after.
Most people dont even know that HoMM 7 was released.
I guess buy their games and stop waiting until everything is like £2.50 in a sale
Don't blame me. I bought Death of the Outsider on release and played the shit out of it. Great game.
you can't. they have a formula now. they are the new monolith and bethesda is their wb. they will forever be doomed to make dishonored reskins just as monolith is forever doomed to make bamham reskins.
I wish. If they kept making new Dishonored and Dishonored reskins, we'd be in heaven. The last few games sold like shit. Arkane is gonna be working on open world or multiplayer trash for the Bethesda brainlets who can't appreciate good games.
The worst thing is that Prey was a a really good game that for some reason was marketed around the dead IP that people had no interest in
free them from todd the toad
They aren't worth saving any more. They did some good games and that's it.
They stop wasting time on retarded shit and sell their games at budget process on a budget budget.
>Lol let's piss away millions of dollars on a semi reboot of a failed cult game that got mediocre reviews, pump tons of money into DA GWAPHICS and don't market our game at all
>Lol let's make a sequel to a cult game that's most popular among PC users and fuck up the PC version
Arkane is fucked because they don't think they make bargain bin games when they clearly do. And that's coming from someone who loves Arkane games
arx fatalis vr
no prey was marketed as some shitty dead space shooter game and then people bitched about not having a machine gun to kill the aliens. the marketing for this game couldn't have been any more abysmal.
>*dubstep starts playing*
this game failed because zenimax retards are completely out of touch.
Did you forget Clash of Heroes?
You don't need to, they're doing god's work.
dishonored 2 was actually fun (minus the wonky dual wielding bullshit controls)
and prey was god tier once you got passed the terrible name.
the problem is that both games flopped so they will be probably forced into making shitty open world dishonored with ubisoft towers
I don't even remember the game being marketed.
Pretty much this. They need to make the game about the gameplay again. They need to make either dark messiah 2 or remake and release the crossing.
You can't, The president was worried about the company becoming Bethesda's bitch to push out dumbed down console shit and he left the company a few months ago right after prey released
this is how they sold it
>founder and a bunch of other senior developers left after Prey
we can't