What are some good games for soyboys such as myself and probably most of you?
What are some good games for soyboys such as myself and probably most of you?
Other urls found in this thread:
stupid phone poster
things that never happened
>inb4 any switch game
don't worry lads i've granted this thread immunity from the so(n)yfags
What made the broscience bandwagon latch onto soy, and not sugar?
Hat in Time, Shovel Knight, and Cuphead are some of the most reddit games in existence
Breath of the Soy
Nintendo games and sony movie games.
How far is my tailbone supposed to stick out?
>implying skinnyfat manlets aren't the ones calling everyone soyboys
A Soy and his Blob
Resoylent Evil
Sugar just makes you fat.
Vampire: The Masquerade
Planescape: Torment
Gothic 2
Fallout New Vegas
Any Yoko Taro game
This. Also
Pre-Witcher III Witcher games
Persona series
Fire Memeblem
Player Unknown Battlegrounds
Soy actually does fuck up your T levels
If you really want to you could use it for tranny juice. Though it would probably be more expensive.
One Soytendo please
Remember when ‘cuck’ was Sup Forums’s go-to insult? Man, its weird how that seems almost sophiscated compared to this soy obsession.
Any FPS that is "funny"
I miss cuck please bring it back at least it wasn't pseudoscience bullshit
Okay the dude in your story was drinking 3 quarts of that shit daily
Most people do not drink that much, and most probably don't drink it at all. You people latch onto the stupidest shit.
I like Persona but it is indeed very soy.
>japanese friendship simulator
We reached a point where meme oversaturation happens in a matter of a month at the most. People here will invent something new the second reddit and Youtube start using "soy" regularly as well
Horizon Zero Testorerone
mad soyboy
breath of the wild
It's the stupidest meme in a long time. Even spouting cuck endlessly is less retarded.
What makes Bloodborne soycore
Are you implying that he is all people or...what was your end goal by posting that? Twitter screencap posters are brainlets.
any games with an*me """"artstyle""""
He was also 8 times higher estrogen than normal levels. He could drink much less and still have high estrogen.
Xenoblade 2
soyboys would find this icky and problematic. think more a long the lines of gone home ect.
I love how hard the term soyboy triggers Sup Forums.
You guys really are sissy soyboys.
how to gain weight
how to lucid dream
any recommendations on prostate massagers
just dumping my questions can't sleep and this looks like the goto offtopic thread
>be asked to explain a joke
>actually explaining it and not just goofing around until they stop asking
You truly are a soyboy
If by triggered you mean "making yourselves look like massive retards" then yes
I've been on Sup Forums since 2005 and I've been called way, way worse than a cuck or a "soyboy"
you need to go back
The best response to these situations will forever be "your mum". It's soaked in so much irony that people just have to accept it.
Any tranny will tell you foods can fuck up your test/estro levels. Go ask the tranny thread on LGBT if you don't believe me.
I kindly invite you and everyone else to call me and each other a nigger jewish fag, is a better insult unlike soy because that is a silly safe word.
Super Mario Odissoy
How to gain weight and lucid dream were my searches at 16.
Lucid dream is a meme, it seems real because everyone lies about having had one because they think everyone else's are real, it's just a circlejerk of made up lies that they all force themselves to believe.
You know that thing when you are awake but you can still sort of "dream" (as in your imagination is vivid as fuck), that's a lucid dream, everything else is just lies and exaggerations from autists on the internet.
What really makes you think is that both, cuck and soyboy started from reddit the donald.
Or just say "it's the new fotm word for pussy" and laugh.
I know OP is just baiting/shitposting but I'm inclined to believe most of Sup Forums would behave exactly like that in that situation.
He's probably another one of those pussies that refuses to say normalfag and opts for normie
>r/the_donald existed in 2014
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!! The things cucks will do to deflect.
The Victorian setting and general soy appeal of the dark soyls series.
No they didn't, newfag. Cuck picked up steam on Sup Forums after they found out moot's gawker GF was fucking someone else.
>calling people soyboy without looking macho
I bet it was some neckbeard overweight faggot
I want to be called a fucking faggot nigger cock mongrel aspie jewish lizar rat, is that too much to ask?
It also occured at the same time as these other two events
>Anthony Burch's wife leaves him and takes his Wii U
>AVGN movie comes out and has AVGN get cucked out of the girl by his lame sidekick
Didn't cuck start in Sup Forums along with Louis CK posting?
Yes soyboy normie cuck
t. Mad soyboy
any So(n)y Playstation™ exclusive
How about I call you a cutie?
Cuck kept being a misuse of the word, it was no better.
you can't say those words they're offensive :((((( just say soyboy
It got ruined just like soyboy by exactly the same people.
reddit won't use it because it's too retarded, only pol tier rednecks would think it's clever.
It loss use when people realized cuckolding is the thinking man's fetish.