Things you'd like to see in video games

>You are the cursed one instead of the chosen one
>Actually cursed, with gameplay consequences, as opposed to "cursed", which gives you cool super powers that are to the benefit of the player

>The chosen one that is blessed by the gods and seen as a hero of society is the villain

A game where the first level is an unbeatable boss fight and after you die you switch to the perspective of the boss and see his story

So...dark souls?

Isn't that Ico?

What consequences are there to your curse? It lets you revive infinitely. The consequences are purely story-related.

Sounds like it could be a survival mode

Shadow Hearts: Covenant?

does being alive count as cursed

In a meta-narrative sense the consequence is that you never die and that nothing ever ends no matter how much you die. In a funny way its kind of From Soft making a statement about how miserable players can be playing their games. They always liked putting their own gameplay in a despairing light in their stories.

The curse is that you can't die and are forced to continue living as a hollow undead husk in a world that's gone to shit.
Sucess in the game means changing the world in such a way that makes it possible for you to die.

internal organs, bones, ligaments, tendons, and a health system based on the damage done to them

i really loath this health bar bullshit

>The consequences are purely story-related.
I believe in demon's souls, dying multiple times not only made your max hp significantly reduced but also made the enemies stronger.

Being the "everyman" and NOT the chosen one.

Papers Please is interesting in this regard, to some extend even The Witcher because you're just trying to make ends meet and get home to your lady. Also Thief, cause you're just some robber asshole.

Bioshock would have been a lot more interesting if you were just some guy that happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It's gotten to the point where I refuse to play any game that forces me to be the super awesome special jesus-character. It's so claustrophobic.

Yeah, it's a nice feeling to just be able to explore the game without that nagging feeling like everyone is sitting around, waiting for you to fulfill the prophecy/save the world etc.

A game where you are transported to a fantasy world (ala Final Fantasy Tactics Advance) A game where you are acknowledged as a "world traveller" aka ISEKAI'D. You can do any job class you want even combination of 2.

there are alredy enough anime like that

is there any game that allows me to experience this?

I'd like a game where I can help or harm the chosen one in or against their quest to save the world. Something where I can be either a hired merc the heros party picked up initially to act as cannon fodder but lived long enough to be reasonably useful, or new goon for the big bad who somehow managed to survive enough encounters with the heroes to go up in the ranks.
The heroes and big villains should fight in a way thats completely bullshit compared to what you can do, at least at first, but with time you should be able to exploit gimmicks in the game and have your own 'niche' that lets you compete with them. Fighting a hero or a big bad should be complete bullshit hard mode, and always a challenge no matter how far you progress your character and level, though.


Life in japan must be really miserable, they are too good in escapism

So Planescape Torment?

ss13 sorta
each limb has a health bar which goes from 0 to about 50, over which I think it just fucking gibs off of you, which can take either brute damage, which is like getting hit or cut, or burn damage, which is like getting, well, burnt, either by lasers or fire
then there's organs, which can get damaged by various means, such as eyes with a screwdriver, liver with too much booze, heart with too much toxins, and so on
oh yeah, toxins, if you get poisoned your whole body has its own health bar for that too which goes up from 0 to 100. as it racks up, all your organs start taking damage, or have a chance of taking damage. and if you suffocate, that too is a type of damage that your body takes as a whole. but suffocation doesn't just come from lack of air, it also comes from lack of blood, so you end up dying from it if you bleed out too much even if you get the wounds patched.
you can also have internal bleeding from an injury that cut too deep. and then there's broken bones. honestly there's a lot in ss13, in terms of health and damage, you just gotta see it yourself.

That would be great, where while you get powerful, you don't get bullshit, take down dragons with one hit powerful

Post more please

other then story related things, your max HP gets reduced and you cant interact with summons for aid

the rest isn't that great because it basically is just a bunch of incest. The guy impregnates his mother and she gets obsessed and wants to start a family with him.

Or even entire areas are blocked off to you


>the rest isn't that great because it basically is just a bunch of incest. The guy impregnates his mother and she gets obsessed and wants to start a family with him.

You are not helping me by making me curious now.

it's on sadpanda

All eyes on you, super creepy.

looks like maimu-maimu

Hah, this actually sounds pretty great.

Yeah, so like OP said:
>as opposed to "cursed", which gives you cool super powers that are to the benefit of the player

I liked how Dragon's Dogma handled it, you're not THE chosen one, but you're A chosen one, and there have been plenty of chosen ones before you who failed at their duties and died horribly. Just simply being a chosen one doesn't guarantee you victory and glory, nor does it even demand of you that you actually fulfill your duties.

And it would feel like you've earned that power instead of being BLESSED with it from birth or some bullshit


the fag even marries her. I told you, it isn't that great.

So Berserk.


That's cute

sauce was already posted you double faggot

Don't post cropped Porn then, SauceNao can't find that.

They are too happy. There isn't even any rape. I am telling you, it's boring.

That's nice. I also love Neverwinter Nights 1.
A plague is killing everyone in town and your just one out of a thousand assholes who showed looking to get paid.
Then you end up working alongside the people leading the investigation and kind of befriending the crew and it feels like you're getting deeper invested in the world and the characters around you naturally.

ahahaha, look at that loser and his kids. And he gets married to that old hag. He'll be depressed when his mom hits the wall.

>bear seek seek lest
>infinite lives
>only one not going crazy
>becomes god of the new world

doesn't really sound like a curse to me

>Also Thief, cause you're just some robber asshole.
Thief MC has some pretty deep connections to a number of cosmic powers, either revealed to him or developed over the course of the game. He isn't exactly Chosen by any particular god but he definitely has a closer relationship to the supernatural than your average citizen.

>get to final boss
>you can choose to beat him and save the world
>or let him kill you and be free
>also it's a hard fight because you set it up that way so you would get killed easily so this is no cakewalk you have to struggle to save the friends you made along the way

Arcanum has a weird twist on that. You are the chosen one, the reincarnation of Jesus! Oh wait, no you're not. You're just some bloke.

That said, you're still more powerful than basically anything else.

A game where out character is actually as cool as the cut scenes portray. A game where you can be good or evil and the choice isn't just a slightly different ending. A game where the choices you make actually TRULY do matter. You can be hunted and captured/killed if you become too evil or too good. Being good doesn't mean everyone in the world magically loves you. The way you play has actual impact on the game. If you to a town and kill every living thing. The town becomes a ghost town. The building fall to disrepair. Nomads or travels can move in but they don't magically know what you did nor do they just assume the identity or role of a person who lived there before. It has a true 24 hour cycle. If it's dark where you live it's dark in game night brings natural cover. You can wait to raid a town in the thick of night. Not every town is full of ever vigilant guards. Some towns are. Some people are great champions. They can easily rival you in combat. You can choose to gather, kill or simply avoid people. You can be a drifter or a salesman or a bounty hunter or a gang leader or a cop or whatever you want. Skills and abilities take time to learn and refine. You can't be a perfect being. You can't be a master weapon smith and be an advanced engineer and be a master level martial artist. You simply wont have the time. Your character ages and will eventually die. You can have children or students. If they are young enough you can continue playing as them. They know what you taught them. They have their own inherent abilities and skills. You may teach them to become crack shot snipers.. but in their off time they became an amazing cook. They wont always agree with everything you do. They wont blindly follow you. Some will even betray you. It would be far too ambitious and big. No company will ever even try it.


Garret is connected (and was trained by the Keepers, right?), but end of the day he just wants to steal shit and get paid.
He quit the whole Keeper thing and just goes about his daily business, but then, pretty much against his will, gets caught in the middle of a larger plot.
(I played mostly Deadly Shadows)